
Mar 22, 2020
Is anybody out there interested or starting to consider for real the simulation theory?

In my case, I am and I'm practically sure that we live in a simulation. (Which also motivates me to CTB and see what the hell is outside of this world)

It all began when I heard about Nick Bostrom and the simulation argument which is based on three probable theories:

1) Civilizations sooner or later, destroy themselves and never get to simulate the universe.

2) Civilizations do have the intelligence to make simulations and simulate different eras but just won't because it's immoral.

3) We are probably living in a simulation

I strongly agree with number 3 because no matter how slow technology moves forward, as long as it does, games will feel so real that the virtual world will become indistinguishable from reality.

Even Elon Musk said that the possibility we are in base reality is like 1 in a billion simply because 50 years ago we only had PONG (the two bars and ball black and white game).

What's more, the well-known atheist Richard Dawkins considered this theory to be possible rather than a bearded guy up in the clouds taking care of us.

Last but not least, I want to add and know if you'ever felt like this:

Have you ever, in your life, been really happy but felt as if that happiness didn't feel real? For example, your first kiss: your hormones were going crazy and I bet you were happy but then, suddenly, it feels like empty and you have to kiss somebody again but the happiness last less and less every time, just like love.

I don't know if I'm making sense but that's why I think; our emotions, no matter how happy or sad, feel "limited" at least for me.

To conclude, I think we are living in a simulation but the big question is: what is outside of this programme?
Maybe I'm a super intelligent bear playing a videogame in which I'm a human? Lol Maybe we're robots? Or perhaps.. machines are the bossed, just like on Matrix.

Let me know your opinions and theories on this topic. I'm really interested in reading them.

See u!
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Mar 22, 2019
I believe the simulation is a valid theory. I'm interested in the concept and another thing to add is how things can go good but then go bad you can't have too many good things. I have noticed that whenever I'm having a bad week something ''good'' happens soon after.

I might just throw this out there because I believe in it but I think humans are multi-dimensional beings and are concussions is simulated into this world/ universe.
In assassins creed there is a thing called an ''animus''. It is a machine that allows you to go back in any time of history and re live the memories of ancestors what it would be like to live in that time. I think they could be onto something even though it's a game.

I do believe we will know for sure when we die.
Below I have attached an image so you can see what I mean. The image of the world is from the game ark. The image of the guy in the machine is the animus.


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Mar 22, 2020
I believe the simulation is a valid theory. I'm interested in the concept and another thing to add is how things can go good but then go bad you can't have too many good things. I have noticed that whenever I'm having a bad week something ''good'' happens soon after.

I might just throw this out there because I believe in it but I think humans are multi-dimensional beings and are concussions is simulated into this world/ universe.
In assassins creed there is a thing called an ''animus''. It is a machine that allows you to go back in any time of history and re live the memories of ancestors what it would be like to live in that time. I think they could be onto something even though it's a game.

I do believe we will know for sure when we die.
Below I have attached an image so you can see what I mean. The image of the world is from the game ark. The image of the guy in the machine is the animus.

Damn, that Assassin's creed system is certainly interesting.

I really like what you said about good and bad things never lasting long. It's so true!

For instance, I've been dealing with depression for two years now but good things still happen to me from time to time in spite of my constant negative thoughts.
However, when TOO MANY good stuff in a row happens to me, that's when I know something bad will occur.
What's more, I have a recent example. I was feeling better these days but my pc suddenly stopped working and it's kinda EVERYTHING for me because I spend all day there working, playing videogames, studying, etc. I was so mad and still am but... I'm trying to deal with it and find somebody who can fix it for me. (It's really hard to find a technician because of the pandemic and lockdown here in Argentina)

Well, I wrote a lot. Sorry for that lol.

To sum up, I agree with you and I think this quote from a Keane's song portrays it perfectly:

"Nobody is happy or sad for very long."
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Mar 22, 2019
Have you tried using google or youtube for help with your pc? chances are your problem has been solved already by someone who has had it.

But anyway it can't be coincidence that these things happening.
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Mar 22, 2020
Have you tried using google or youtube for help with your pc? chances are your problem has been solved already by someone who has had it.

But anyway it can't be coincidence that these things happening.

Yes, I've seen lots of threads and it seems I need a new motherboard. Hopefully, I'll solve it soon. Ty anyway!

And I agree again, too many coincidences to be "a coincidence"

I once read that all humans being are are actually different versions of one unique person living multi time and space experiences.

I just want to know what the hell happens when we die (or go beyond the simulation/this dimension) and we all will find it out when we die.
Still, if there's nothing, we won't mind because we won't realize.


Nov 25, 2023
Also want to add the double slit experiment

It's like evidence that our reality as we see it is loading like between the loading screen in game

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