
Jun 13, 2018
Ugh another day I cannot edit...some days I can...some I can't. No idea why. For me it comes down to honesty. if something happens....there are usually many possible explanations...some silly....some sounding more logical...but until it's proven by repeated and standardized process then it's all just "choosing" what you prefer to believe the most. People of science often do this as much as religious people and everyone in between. It's frustrating to me. I know WHY....because it's comforting to feel you know....to feel in control in a way. I still cannot lie to myself and claim I KNOW something because of a feeling or wish or instinct. I can WANT it to be true...but if I don't admit it might not be I am being self deceptive and know that. Some people seem to be able to lie to themselves in this way and not face that...but I think most people know and that's why they get so defensive being challenged in their beliefs. They don't want to face the ambiguity.
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Deleted member 847

Ugh another day I cannot edit...some days I can...some I can't. No idea why. For me it comes down to honesty. if something happens....there are usually many possible explanations...some silly....some sounding more logical...but until it's proven by repeated and standardized process then it's all just "choosing" what you prefer to believe the most. People of science often do this as much as religious people and everyone in between. It's frustrating to me. I know WHY....because it's comforting to feel you know....to feel in control in a way. I still cannot lie to myself and claim I KNOW something because of a feeling or wish or instinct. I can WANT it to be true...but if I don't admit it might not be I am being self deceptive and know that. Some people seem to be able to lie to themselves in this way and not face that...but I think most people know and that's why they get so defensive being challenged in their beliefs. They don't want to face the ambiguity.
When I see a room while out of body and the next day I go to that place and it looks the same what do you want me to believe man? Of course It's only evidence for myself, and of course you might think I somehow got the information before having that experience and that's your opinion and I respect it.
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Jun 13, 2018
When I see a room while out of body and the next day I go to that place and it looks the same what do you want me to believe man? Of course It's only evidence for myself, and of course you might think I somehow got the information before having that experience and that's your opinion and I respect it.

I am not questioning your experience. I am saying that experience isn't proof of any particular theory being correct. I can explain your experience with more than one theory. Unless things can be independently verified using the same process and those results independently reviewed and reproduced then it's just opinion.
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May 23, 2018
If this was a simulation it must be using one hell of a graphics card.
This. I addressed this in another thread. Here you go food for thought.

"The main argument from non-believers of the simulation theory is that it would take a massive amount of computing power to simulate the entire universe. Making it nearly impossible. Which is true. I came up with the idea that only a partition of the universe would be needed to simulate this experience but was met with the universe is expanding. Which it is. Therefore i am inclined to believe that the simulation theory is unlikely."

Too expand on that, we wouldn't need the universe to expand if only a partition of it was needed to simulate reality. With the increasing size of the universe we'd need to keep upgrading this "super computer". Making it more and more powerful. Doesn't really make sense to simulate an expanding universe rather than a non-expanding one. Why make the universe expand then if this is in fact a simulation?

Maybe its just beyond our comprehension which is why it makes no sense.
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Deleted member 847

This. I addressed this in another thread. Here you go food for thought.

"The main argument from non-believers of the simulation theory is that it would take a massive amount of computing power to simulate the entire universe. Making it nearly impossible. Which is true. I came up with the idea that only a partition of the universe would be needed to simulate this experience but was met with the universe is expanding. Which it is. Therefore i am inclined to believe that the simulation theory is unlikely."

Too expand on that, we wouldn't need the universe to expand if only a partition of it was needed to simulate reality. With the increasing size of the universe we'd need to keep upgrading this "super computer". Making it more and more powerful. Doesn't really make sense to simulate an expanding universe rather than a non-expanding one. Why make the universe expand then if this is in fact a simulation?

Maybe its just beyond our comprehension which is why it makes no sense.
This might sound outrageous but maybe the universe is not really expanding, it just appears to be when we look at it.
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Jun 13, 2018
We know the universe is expanding thanks to redshift.


Doesn' mean "The Universe" is expanding as we don't even really now what that IS yet. It just means the mass we can see is expanding. We have no idea if there is one "container" with a border...multiple ones...an infinite space...something we cannot even comprehend as you previously said...that it's all a simulation with rules we don't get...or any other number of things.
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May 23, 2018
A super advanced alien civilization could use any trick we can't even imagine to make us think or see things that aren't really there.
Lol that is a possibility but why would they do that? What reason do they have to blind us or hide from us if they are far more advanced than us. We would be no threat to them and they could annihilate us easily. Besides i think aliens are way too far away to do anything too us anyway. We haven't found any other earth like planets in our galaxy yet. This may be the only planet that host life in our entire galaxy.


Jul 9, 2018
Lol that is a possibility but why would they do that? What reason do they have to blind us or hide from us if they are far more advanced than us. We would be no threat to them and they could annihilate us easily. Besides i think aliens are way too far away to do anything too us anyway. We haven't found any other earth like planets in our galaxy yet. This may be the only planet that host life in our entire galaxy.

Could be an advanced Risk (war) or Monopoly, arcade game, for aliens, it was popular once but has since been replaced with better games. No annihilation necessary, it's sitting in a recycling bin.
Except for the planets in our own solar system (game pieces) the closest planets are light years away.


Jun 26, 2018
When I see a room while out of body and the next day I go to that place and it looks the same what do you want me to believe man? Of course It's only evidence for myself, and of course you might think I somehow got the information before having that experience and that's your opinion and I respect it.
I have also had out of body experiences using nitrous and certain techniques to leave my body. The one thing I noticed is the room is the same but some things are slightly altered or missing from it. I use to use my experiences as proof to myself of metaphysical phenomenon but anymore I honestly believe its just a natural occurring dream state that is produced from certain stimulus just like how hallucinogenic drugs can make you see things I think its just a dream state I use to believe I was actually going to another realm of existance but not anymore.
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Jul 29, 2018
I honestly think when we die we reincarnate, I still remember being unborn in my mothers stomach I was fully conscience and I had thoughts. I also remmeber going in and out of my body as a baby as if switching from 1st person to 3rd.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Life is kind of a simulation regardless of universe and its processing isn't like the computers we know.

If someone looks at the whole image, it'll look like a simulation no matter what. Life will always has rules and variables and has space/time coordination.

Its a big state machine, the units interact with each other and produce a result. Its not necessary to have another bigger part as a processor.

But anyway, anyone who will look at it as a whole (God?) will view it as a simulation. We approximately can get this idea but we can't get the full details.

I think the game of life is a good example to show the concept in terms of computation. However, if you mean the universe/life itself simulates another part then no. What enforces the processing is something we can't comprehend. (God?, another dimension?,..etc)
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Jun 13, 2018
I honestly think when we die we reincarnate, I still remember being unborn in my mothers stomach I was fully conscience and I had thoughts. I also remmeber going in and out of my body as a baby as if switching from 1st person to 3rd.

Pardon the phrase but "I hope the fuck not!". Incarnation is one of the worst outcomes I can imagine. I don't want to go through this or possible even worse again even once.
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May 23, 2018
Doesn' mean "The Universe" is expanding as we don't even really now what that IS yet. It just means the mass we can see is expanding. We have no idea if there is one "container" with a border...multiple ones...an infinite space...something we cannot even comprehend as you previously said...that it's all a simulation with rules we don't get...or any other number of things.
I agree. Would still require a monumental amount of computing power however.

Deleted member 847

I have also had out of body experiences using nitrous and certain techniques to leave my body. The one thing I noticed is the room is the same but some things are slightly altered or missing from it. I use to use my experiences as proof to myself of metaphysical phenomenon but anymore I honestly believe its just a natural occurring dream state that is produced from certain stimulus just like how hallucinogenic drugs can make you see things I think its just a dream state I use to believe I was actually going to another realm of existance but not anymore.
Fluctuations happen because the oobe environment is thought responsive. What I suggest you is when you have a lucid dream or oobe is to check things of which you have no expectation and try to be mindful. You should find something after a few attempts.


May 9, 2018
I do believe we live in the matrix. I also believe in an after life thanks to my oobes. Think about it, the universe can't exist without a mind to measure it. If there is no mind to experience the universe you don't have a universe you have infinite possibilities that can't emerge into objective reality because reality is what is experienced. Without a mind to perceive time and space every possible thing has already happened and repeated itself for infinite times which is the same thing as nothing has happened because nothing was measured.
Lanza the physicist has written a book about what you are describing here. He agrees and he discovered a lot of the stem cell science so he's pretty smart.


May 9, 2018
I do believe we live in the matrix. I also believe in an after life thanks to my oobes. Think about it, the universe can't exist without a mind to measure it. If there is no mind to experience the universe you don't have a universe you have infinite possibilities that can't emerge into objective reality because reality is what is experienced. Without a mind to perceive time and space every possible thing has already happened and repeated itself for infinite times which is the same thing as nothing has happened because nothing was measured.
Can you share some obe experiences?

Deleted member 847

Can you share some obe experiences?
Well I just had one last night where I was at the gates of "hell" in a desert, and some entity told me not to go there. I walked there for two minutes (in the desert) to see how vivid the environment was, then I looked at my hands and I woke up. My english is kinda bad so I can't go into details.
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May 9, 2018
Well I just had one last night where I was at the gates of "hell" in a desert, and some entity told me not to go there. I walked there for two minutes (in the desert) to see how vivid the environment was, then I looked at my hands and I woke up. My english is kinda bad so I can't go into details.
Thanks for sharing that
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Jul 29, 2018
Pardon the phrase but "I hope the fuck not!". Incarnation is one of the worst outcomes I can imagine. I don't want to go through this or possible even worse again even once.
I feel the same way, but I'm also hopeful that maybe I would get a fun fullfilling life in my next one.
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Deleted member 847

I feel the same way, but I'm also hopeful that maybe I would get a fun fullfilling life in my next one.
Oh god no. Not here.
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Jul 29, 2018
Oh god no. Not here.
I've heard mix things on reincarnation, that you choose the life path you take to learn a lesson or you can refused to go back to earth but will eventually need to in order to gain spiritual enlightenment. I'm not too into these sorts of topics that's about all I know. I however do have a near death experience I can share with you, whether near death experiences are real or not.

When I died briefly I was next to my body that was laying down on my bed, a little black spirit the size of my knee was there staring at me and I got down onto my knees and begged for my life back. I was then teleported into a completely pitch black void area, I couldn't see or hear anything and I tried to wave my hands in front of my face and touch my face but I couldn't feel it. Not long soon after white text appeared in front of me and it was a list of things of what not to do if I was to come back and I accepted these terms. I have broken almost all of them to this day XD
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Deleted member 847

I've heard mix things on reincarnation, that you choose the life path you take to learn a lesson or you can refused to go back to earth but will eventually need to in order to gain spiritual enlightenment. I'm not too into these sorts of topics that's about all I know. I however do have a near death experience I can share with you, whether near death experiences are real or not.

When I died briefly I was next to my body that was laying down on my bed, a little black spirit the size of my knee was there staring at me and I got down onto my knees and begged for my life back. I was then teleported into a completely pitch black void area, I couldn't see or hear anything and I tried to wave my hands in front of my face and touch my face but I couldn't feel it. Not long soon after white text appeared in front of me and it was a list of things of what not to do if I was to come back and I accepted these terms. I have broken almost all of them to this day XD
White text? I've read communication there is nonverbal, like telepathy. Anyway I'm not coming back to this prison.


Jul 9, 2018
I've heard mix things on reincarnation, that you choose the life path you take to learn a lesson or you can refused to go back to earth but will eventually need to in order to gain spiritual enlightenment. I'm not too into these sorts of topics that's about all I know. I however do have a near death experience I can share with you, whether near death experiences are real or not.

When I died briefly I was next to my body that was laying down on my bed, a little black spirit the size of my knee was there staring at me and I got down onto my knees and begged for my life back. I was then teleported into a completely pitch black void area, I couldn't see or hear anything and I tried to wave my hands in front of my face and touch my face but I couldn't feel it. Not long soon after white text appeared in front of me and it was a list of things of what not to do if I was to come back and I accepted these terms. I have broken almost all of them to this day XD

What were the terms?

Deleted member 847

I'm interested in that too, do you remember some of them?


Subhuman Creature
Apr 30, 2018
I think the answer to why we're here is something that we humans with our brains can't even imagine.

Deleted member 847

I think the answer to why we're here is something that we humans with our brains can't even imagine.
I remember saying in a thread that the truth of the universe might be so weird and complex that we will never be able to understand it through our brains.
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Jul 29, 2018
What were the terms?
It was pretty similar to the 10 commandments. Just a bunch of bad things I shouldn't do. No drinking, smoking, gambling, swearing, adultery, murdering, being hurtful to others and judging etc. I'm not religious, I still sort of don't believe in the after life even after experiencing that. Though listening to children talk about past lives and my own experiences makes me think there is a chance that it is real.

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