Terry A. Davis

Terry A. Davis

Aug 28, 2023
It's driving me up the wall. At work, in my personal life, on the internet there seems to be an endless supply of the most self-centred egotistical people you have ever met in your life thinking the world revolves around them. Any opportunity to one-up another they will take it. Any opportunity to brag about items they bought or situations they will do it. Any opportunity to expand their ego they take it. It's all over the place. All over the real world all over the internet everyone is so fucking narcissistic its driving me crazy as fuck dude. I know that I am also a partial narc but I've tried my hardest to recognise theory of mind and be humble that I don't know everything I'm not the best man in the world.

But I cannot cope with listening to it anymore from others. If you call them out it hurts them so much as if they haven't even considered the idea of being called out for being a wanker. Crazy world we live in. Wasn't always like this, people were much more humble only 20 years ago. The internet has done it I think. All you need is a few bad apples posting a ot on the internet and lots of passive consumers and now you have a world of egomaniacs trying to greedily take everything they can for themselves not thinking of the future, not thinking of generations to come. Always on the hunt for instant dopamine and gratification. It's like we're regressing back to being animals when we were previously on track to letting go of all of these tendencies and moving foward to being more connected with eachother.

The world we live in now is utterly shallow and dead. Groups spend hours coming up with advertising to pull on peoples heart strings not to make them think about something profound but to make money and fulfill business interests. Everything is a business interest now there is no grander ideas of how things should be its all short term business transactions and greed and self absorption

What really pisses me off is how western countries have turned the topic of ecological preservation and saving the environment into political issues. Theres a lot of people who wouldnt be able to articulate themselves out of that and so they get stuck in this paradymn of being forced to accept unneccessary ecological destruction in the name of meaningless profits just because believing the opposite is 'left wing'. It's why I feel sorry for a lot of dumbfucks who can't understand this shit.
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Reactions: Darkover, Slow_Farewell and floralheaddress


Dec 19, 2023
Youre right. The internet, as wonderful as it is, unfortunately opened a Pandoras Box and people couldn't effectively cope with the speed and amount of data being thrown at them..
I think the everyone is a bit narcissistic, it's just that some were given the platforms (such as social media) to indulge in their tendencies and ended up being glorified. In the blink of an eye, narcissism became something to actually aspire to.

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