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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
So ever since my unwise idea that MH were going to discharge me as a pointless waste of space (delusional thinking can suck hairy balls sometimes) And my then unwiser decision to just say what i was thinking (I honestly thought it wouldn't matter as they were getting shot of me anyways & i thought my Cpn already knew so no bother hiding it) they have both been oddly interested in my well fair.

So i show up to see the shrink as requested on Thursday to have what seemed like a surreal discussion about wether to put me on Clomipramine or Amitriptaline, i mean seriously there i am depressed as fuck but quietly amused that she is even thinking of putting me on Amitrip, the great drug of death. Sadly end up with the other & politely declined a bed in the local loony bin. All good so i thought.

Till yesterday morning when someone from the crisis team turns up & decides she wants me assessed under the mental health act, oh crap thinks me, but it seems ok, like there is no rush so i relax a bit & they say they will be back the next day.
About 5pm there is a knock at the door & a quick check of the camera shows me the now oh so familiar image of 3 people (2 doctors & a Mh social worker), so after a brief discussion about what would happen if i didn't let them in as requested (it wasn't good) i let them in reluctantly. They again tried to persuade me to go into the hellhole, said no way but about the same time i get a text from a mate that see's the same Can as me. So when they go off to another room to discuss what to do i read the message from my mate.

It's happy days, said Cpn was just round visiting her when she had to take a call from the crisis team (And as she's a tad deaf you can always here the other side of the convo) The call was about me & how they wanted me in but they had no spare beds without sending me out of area.

So for now i am safe, unlikely anybody will be discharged, freeing up a bed till Monday at least, i have to deal with twice daily visits but that still leaves me plenty of time to what i need.

If you have read this far, thanks, & can you keep your fingers crossed my assumption of no bed till next week is true.
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Aug 21, 2019
That's crazy. What is it about the UK that it comes off as more of an Orwellian state than it's neighbors? The British used to be very individualistic.
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Aug 19, 2019
That's crazy. What is it about the UK that it comes off as more of an Orwellian state than it's neighbors? The British used to be very individualistic.

Britain has lost her spirit and pride.
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Its also a bit with overreaction with what is going on with the press here at the moment, On one side you have famous people handing out t-shirts for mental health and then the other side is where people have slipped through the cracks and cbt'd. All they are doing is covering their arse. They know there is no long term solution and that statistically a person is more likely to cbt after a sectioning (which is not at all advertised in the press), if someone does cbt, they can say "we tried"
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Thanks everyone for reading & your replies.

It is really crap here, they closed 3 out of the 5 wards within a 40 mile radius, my 'local' only has 10 female & 10 male beds to cover on area of literally hundreds of thousands of people.

And the crisis team only work with people for 2 weeks, so you can imagine the hurry up i am getting to 'recover'
At last nights visit i was given 'homework' i have to write down how i feel & what help i want from them. I mean seriously what am i supposed to write.
So far i have. I am done, tired of repeating the same cycle of depression & the destruction it causes. I give up.
How can they help? Spend their time helping people who need it, not wasting it on myself.

Hell at least with no beds being honest won't make any difference.
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Sep 7, 2019
It's the same here, the whole of north Devon as one ward. Birmingham was the best place I lived where MH services were good but that was over 20 years ago. Sadly we get lost and no one gives a fuck about us. And that's why more and more people are ending their life a lot sooner then they thought they would.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
It's the same here, the whole of north Devon as one ward. Birmingham was the best place I lived where MH services were good but that was over 20 years ago. Sadly we get lost and no one gives a fuck about us. And that's why more and more people are ending their life a lot sooner then they thought they would.

Having been around long enough to see the decline in care from the early 90's to now is in its own way rather depressing, they still have the same pathological instance that you must live, but without any of the support you could have got before & just a worse is there are no longer the community support organisations or charities that there were then.

After all that stress about the bloody homework, the two that turned up for 5 mins yesterday didn't bother asking me for it. I sense they will be out of my life soon thanks god.
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The Queen of Meme
Aug 11, 2019
So are you in home treatment? What did you say to them for them to want to section you? I only ask as I'm in a similar situation and I want to know what not to say! If that makes sense? They wanted me in home treatment but I declined, then they said it was full anyway.
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Oct 23, 2018
You wave red flags you are going to get an interventionist response. You are not really a human to them but a walking potential liability amidst dangerous caseloads. When you have waved those red flags they must be seen to be doing something. So it all becomes a tick box exercise all done on a shoestring cobbled together with passive aggression like you are not wanting to help yourself. I pity those who do want to help themselves but get treated this way when eight sessions of lazily delivered CBT does not magically undo chronic years of abuse. All of it reduced to a one size fits all approach that often tells you to have a nice hot bath and read a book… Or at worst simply warehouses you and bores you to the point suicide becomes an entertaining past time to ponder when drugs address none of your causes of pain outside a hospital environment. It is all so absurd and empty. Like a hospital on a Hollywood lot. The facade is there but nothing meaningful is inside. This is the current state of it all. So much so I don't even engage with it any more. Its ironically less painful to accept in my case there is no 'help.' The person is entirely lost while pursuing efficiency savings. Things that do work for people outside of a hospital have been cut into non existence or laughable skeletal joke.

How are you holding up now they are gone?

That's crazy. What is it about the UK that it comes off as more of an Orwellian state than it's neighbors? The British used to be very individualistic.

The U.K has never got beyond classism, or religious underpinnings. We also have a return of Dickens era as if it mated with Brave New world, the works of Kafka and 1984. Where daily hate is standard and used as a smoke screen to erode our rights further. While simultaneously being told we are not serfs by the landed gentry. Who only care about something as a PR exercise and then go on to cut funding to the things people are reliant on. While awarding themselves pay rises and doing up their mansions and drinking booze at the taxpayers expense. Then push the striver shirker rhetoric as a cover so the mentally ill are probably just trying it on and need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. So less funding for imaginary problems. All they need is to work in Poundland as a curative. It is about as Orwellian as you can get. When voluntary means mandatory and help means being threatened. Mental health legislation was also recently made even more draconian than it was before! Further corrupted by a creep of a work sets you free ethos.

Hence why I often refer to the U.K as Airstrip One for a host of reasons. The NHS is intentionally being starved of funds for ideological and financial reasons. Mental health provision was always underfunded now it is the worst I have ever seen it. So if you do want help and are not threatening to set a politician on fire you likely won't get it. Ironically it wants to 'help' you after it has failed you repeatedly so you can only be hostile to it. However ignores those who are not at crisis point and do want some help and would work with its broken system. To go on more would just devolve into a rant.

Sick sad world we live in.
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Aug 19, 2019
together with passive aggression like you are not wanting to help yourself.

It's not just the 'professionals', whenever anybody has the cheek to even imply that I see red. Along with 'You are responsible for yourself. Nobody can do it for you.' Hello fucker, we ARE responsible to people we make contracts with, I am NOT responsible for myself in a vacuum. Who are you to think you know better than me about me? Who are you to blame me for a weakling or lazybones? I have made enough contribution to the world already than you! I'm not crying in a heap! How DARE you tell me my responsibilities? How DARE you? Suddenly I'm guilty and put in a position to explain myself simply because I've been fucked over? Well go tell THEM their responsibilities if you are so keen!

Disrespectful, arrogant, blind, daft losers, the lot of them.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
The mental health system in the UK is a crock of shit end of!!! they don't know their arse from their elbow!!! I hope I am never sectioned as the only one down were I am is mixed wards, fuck that! Men are my issue!!!
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
So ever since my unwise idea that MH were going to discharge me as a pointless waste of space (delusional thinking can suck hairy balls sometimes) And my then unwiser decision to just say what i was thinking (I honestly thought it wouldn't matter as they were getting shot of me anyways & i thought my Cpn already knew so no bother hiding it) they have both been oddly interested in my well fair.

So i show up to see the shrink as requested on Thursday to have what seemed like a surreal discussion about wether to put me on Clomipramine or Amitriptaline, i mean seriously there i am depressed as fuck but quietly amused that she is even thinking of putting me on Amitrip, the great drug of death. Sadly end up with the other & politely declined a bed in the local loony bin. All good so i thought.

Till yesterday morning when someone from the crisis team turns up & decides she wants me assessed under the mental health act, oh crap thinks me, but it seems ok, like there is no rush so i relax a bit & they say they will be back the next day.
About 5pm there is a knock at the door & a quick check of the camera shows me the now oh so familiar image of 3 people (2 doctors & a Mh social worker), so after a brief discussion about what would happen if i didn't let them in as requested (it wasn't good) i let them in reluctantly. They again tried to persuade me to go into the hellhole, said no way but about the same time i get a text from a mate that see's the same Can as me. So when they go off to another room to discuss what to do i read the message from my mate.

It's happy days, said Cpn was just round visiting her when she had to take a call from the crisis team (And as she's a tad deaf you can always here the other side of the convo) The call was about me & how they wanted me in but they had no spare beds without sending me out of area.

So for now i am safe, unlikely anybody will be discharged, freeing up a bed till Monday at least, i have to deal with twice daily visits but that still leaves me plenty of time to what i need.

If you have read this far, thanks, & can you keep your fingers crossed my assumption of no bed till next week is true.
Good luck evading the looney-catchers if they ever come for you! <3
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
So are you in home treatment? What did you say to them for them to want to section you? I only ask as I'm in a similar situation and I want to know what not to say! If that makes sense? They wanted me in home treatment but I declined, then they said it was full anyway.

Yes sadly so, though to call it home treatment would be a stretch, more like 5 min home check up while they peer around your house like nosey buggers, yesterdays ones were good, there i am a shaking mess unable to say hardly anything, & one of them wants to look at volunteering opportunities for me when i recover FFS, they don't get it, there is no recovery anymore.

My advice would be don't say you have a plan when you think they already know that but don't give a toss lol, make positive's like saying yes you will try with their treatment, if they ask you can you keep yourself safe you say yes (something i have done)

Otherwise good luck, we are free but for the grace of a fucked up service that doesn't have the money, staff or beds to be anything but an illusion of help.
Good luck evading the looney-catchers if they ever come for you! <3

I kinda buggered really, being stuck in a wheelchair means the fuckers can just wheel me off, hate it when they do that. But thanks for you kind thoughts for out running the men in white coats (their coming to take you away ha)
Strange old song..
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Aug 23, 2019
Yes sadly so, though to call it home treatment would be a stretch, more like 5 min home check up while they peer around your house like nosey buggers, yesterdays ones were good, there i am a shaking mess unable to say hardly anything, & one of them wants to look at volunteering opportunities for me when i recover FFS, they don't get it, there is no recovery anymore.

My advice would be don't say you have a plan when you think they already know that but don't give a toss lol, make positive's like saying yes you will try with their treatment, if they ask you can you keep yourself safe you say yes (something i have done)

Otherwise good luck, we are free but for the grace of a fucked up service that doesn't have the money, staff or beds to be anything but an illusion of help.

I kinda buggered really, being stuck in a wheelchair means the fuckers can just wheel me off, hate it when they do that. But thanks for you kind thoughts for out running the men in white coats (their coming to take you away ha)
Strange old song..
Really sorry your in this position with them :-( can I ask what part of UK your in? I've been sent to the looney bin by HTT before. Where I am they're the 'gatekeepers' for beds so they are the only people who can get people admitted.
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Aug 30, 2019
The home treatment team really is a joke!! I have to go see them today at 1pm and I resent having the same conversation everytime. Ffs I've already told them they can't help me. It is our lives and our choices nobody has the right to take that from us who won't they see this:angry:
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Chronic people pleaser
Mar 13, 2019
In my experience alot of the people in the htt team, don't really seem to want to be there . I had one lady, she came round and spotted an empty energy drink can and started lecturing me on how that is what causes mental illnesses, and that is why im ill. The only times they have actually made time to sit and talk with me properly as been on my final day with them. So I always know when I'm being let go, when they actually seem to want to do something. My ex cpn was convinced I was putting it on to get benefits, yes because I just love being dependent on that. My doctors surgery keeps trying to get me to come in to discuss my m/h and continue my meds. Well surprise! I stopped taking them a week after sectioning, i need to keep my self unmedicated as poss. So I can escape all the people trying to kill me. They would love me to be sedated so I won't run away. They will get me eventually, so it's wait for them to kill me, or ctb my one bit of control. I feel i may have veered slightly off subject, I apologise to the op I have had a few beers 2nite. If I've offended, feel free to delete me.
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
Really sorry your in this position with them :-( can I ask what part of UK your in? I've been sent to the looney bin by HTT before. Where I am they're the 'gatekeepers' for beds so they are the only people who can get people admitted.

Yes they were given the 'Gatekeeper' job here about 10yrs ago, went straight to their heads & they have been judgmental ever since. Seems wrong in a way that your own consultant shrink no longer has the power & has to go through them. I am down on the south coast, how about you?

The home treatment team really is a joke!! I have to go see them today at 1pm and I resent having the same conversation everytime. Ffs I've already told them they can't help me. It is our lives and our choices nobody has the right to take that from us who won't they see this:angry:

Im sorry you are going through the same stupid crap, they will get bored soon & discharge you back to peace (((Hugs)))

In my experience alot of the people in the htt team, don't really seem to want to be there . I had one lady, she came round and spotted an empty energy drink can and started lecturing me on how that is what causes mental illnesses, and that is why im ill. The only times they have actually made time to sit and talk with me properly as been on my final day with them. So I always know when I'm being let go, when they actually seem to want to do something. My ex cpn was convinced I was putting it on to get benefits, yes because I just love being dependent on that. My doctors surgery keeps trying to get me to come in to discuss my m/h and continue my meds. Well surprise! I stopped taking them a week after sectioning, i need to keep my self unmedicated as poss. So I can escape all the people trying to kill me. They would love me to be sedated so I won't run away. They will get me eventually, so it's wait for them to kill me, or ctb my one bit of control. I feel i may have veered slightly off subject, I apologise to the op I have had a few beers 2nite. If I've offended, feel free to delete me.

You could never offend me, so no need to apologise for wandering off a bit, i do it all the time & if it helps you to get it out there then all good.
It is uncanny that they only bother to take the time when they already know their out the door. Sometimes round here it seems as f they have to piss you off before they depart, i guess to try to put you 'pretending' to be in 'crisis' (Oh how i hate that word) again.

Yesterdays visit was a wind up, they wanted me to drive (when i have the concentration of a dementia suffering goldfish) to go to some bullshit emotional coping skills type group, hello i'm clinically depressed, not having a drama, left me with cheaply printed leaflets about 'Grounding techniques' & another one about 'Unhelpful thinking habits" Am i making a mountain outta a molehill? Catastrophising? Mind reading & the best one The vicious cycle of depression that looks like it was written for child.

And i quote...One way of breaking the cycle is medication. Another way is to Simply increase your activity level, especially in pleasurable activities & tackling your list of tasks & responsibilities. Here's a list of possible fun things to do,
Going on a day trip
Going to see a comedy at the movies
Going to the beach
Having a barbecue at the park

FFS you c you next tuesdays, i'm 48, far from stupid & to me that stuff is just patronising & an insult to my intelligence, fortunately they are getting fed up with my lack of engagement with them so today just a phone call & they will be gone & out of my head in a few days.
How anybody can find this stuff helpful is beyond me.


Aug 30, 2019
I told them point blank yesterday I don't want their "help" I just want to be left alone. A nurse asked me if the for me the end to all this would be death and I told her yes it's the only way I will get peace, their answer was here's some quetiapine and we think you need talking therapy which could be some months away. Even asked me if I thought I was depressed :pfff:
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018

Wow thats some serious bull, thats not even going all pro life on you, that's just awe well, here have some anti psycho's, and go sit in queue. Sorry you too have been numptied :pfff:
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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
How are you doing now with the numpty's? I hope they haven't pissed you off even more.

After telling my lot that their 'talking therapy' was useless to me if all it was about was the few sheets of crap they had given me that i felt were patronising they came back the next time having decided there was nothing else they could offer me (as it appears they have a very narrow remit of getting people into hospital, beds allowing, or their group therapy or 1 to 1 stuff like they tried on me) This is all fine with me, hate having people i don't know in my house asking very personal questions.
But then they get a bit queasy about my 'risk' as I'm no less depressed than when they turned up, so have to agree to 'support' visits till my Cpn is back off holiday middle of next week.

The main pain in the arse from my point of view is that a friend that i hadn't seen for a year or more decided to 'help' by coming round every day so that they would have less reason to lock me up, it worked a treat, they were very happy to see i had some support so all good, but now i need shot of this person (in a nice way) so i can get back to sorting what i need to & buggering off at last.
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Sep 7, 2019
I'm on a bipolar support page and the amount of folks waiting for beds is unreal. Some have even CTB as there is no help for them. Last time I OD there was no bed, I was sent home after charcoal treatment and told that Crisis would see me, it took 4 days.
Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I'm on a bipolar support page and the amount of folks waiting for beds is unreal. Some have even CTB as there is no help for them. Last time I OD there was no bed, I was sent home after charcoal treatment and told that Crisis would see me, it took 4 days.

It's wrong, we may not want the beds but plenty of good folk need them & time and again they get let down, we really do just have an illusion of a MH service now. Both my shrink & care-co wanted me in hospital, crisis team wanted me in hospital, even the two shrinks & the social worker that came round to section me wanted me in hospital, but there were zero beds to section me into so they didn't.
Now i don't mind cause I've been doing this section shuffle for 27yrs and have got to the point that there is no further point to it all, but it breaks my heart for all the people that do need & want help only to be turned away at the worst possible moment. The sad thing is i don't see a way that any government here is ever going to invest in more beds, better care, more staff, more units, i just don't see it ever happening & boy is that depressing.

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