Hey. Your body may make gasping noises or choking noises. The position effects this a lot. If you do the sitting or standing position, it puts a lot more pressure on the rope once you're unconscious which will block your windpipe a lot, hence choking noises. Your body will also convulse. Everyone is different. Some convulse violently. Others only slightly.
If you're found early, you will very likely have permanent Brain damage. If you do partial correctly, your brain should die within an average of 8-15 minutes. This is if the arteries are blocked correctly. I've read that brain cells start to die by the millions around minute 4. If you're found, say 6 minutes into it, you may be "alive" still, but possibly quadriplegic. That means fully paralyzed. There was a case of this in the UK. The guy was "saved" by his brother. He couldn't even blink. After around 2 years he could blink to communicate with an $8,000 usd computer. He is in HELL. Unless your family or power of attorney is merciful,you will suffer in agony. This is an extreme case. Some people just suffer memory issues.
Be safe. Ensure you're home for at least enough time to give an hour from when you pass out(to be safe).
The above is a warning because I don't want anyone to suffer the fate of the UK guy. Some people think being in hell is better than being dead I guess.
I do ask that you really think about this. Ensure you truly want to die. Please don't rush into it. Talk to your family or friends. A therapist even. There's help out there. I don't know you or what you've been through. But I tell you this out of genuine concern.
I wish you the best of luck. May you find peace and happiness.