Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
Over the years, I've been saving the names, dates and locations of all the doctors I've seen, who have either diminished my levels of pain, or outright denied it, or my favorite...just do back exercises and take some Tylenol . I have 7 names, hopefully no more are added.
I plan on sending a letter to them, detailing what they told me and add basically a big "fuck you" note stating you were partly responsible for my death, making me feel worthless and shame, feeling like some drug addict because I asked for something to help me be able to just function, for saying "it's can't be that bad" when I describe my pain. I want them, at the very least, pull my records and realize their flippant attitude and crappy bedside manner. With any luck it will haunt them, and the next person who talks to them, they will actually listen with a sympathetic ear.

I would send the letters out just before I would cbt, so they couldn't "rescue" me. Hell, I may even send a letter to the DEA, for making people who suffer into criminals, just to find relief with narcotics or hallucinogens. Maybe even my insurance company, just because they're dicks about ANYTHING that requires authorization.
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Jun 1, 2019
I was told 10 yrs ago, "This is what you have wrong, theres fuck all we can do about it, get used to it".

I think I might send the guy who told me that a thank you note for being the only one to tell me the truth. The rest of them too numerous to mention, can meet me in the next life where I shall exact my revenge :wink:
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Dec 15, 2018
Doctors are like teflon toward criticism. Unfortunately your messages may not affect them; they will find ways to blame you. I say this from my personal experience and from having family members who are doctors. You could still do it if it will make you feel better though.

if you want to get back at them, maybe a better approach would be to find places online to post about how they have done you wrong. Like doctor review sites, or message boards for people with your specific health issues. This has the added benefit of perhaps saving the next patient from their crappy services.
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
Doctors are like teflon toward criticism. Unfortunately your messages may not affect them; they will find ways to blame you. I say this from my personal experience and from having family members who are doctors. You could still do it if it will make you feel better though.

if you want to get back at them, maybe a better approach would be to find places online to post about how they have done you wrong. Like doctor review sites, or message boards for people with your specific health issues. This has the added benefit of perhaps saving the next patient from their crappy services.

I'm going to do that now. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that before. Guess I was just so angry and in my head they would read the letters and see the errors of their ways. Or drugs....I get fuzzyheaded on my meds.
I'll still send letters, just to feel satisfaction, but yeah, online reviews are a much better approach.
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May 25, 2019
I don't think the idea of haunting someone for the rest of their lives would sit well with me. People make mistakes, and yes it's very horrible and shitty that you've been misdiagnosed so many times, but I think sending them something like that could possibly traumatise them for life. I personally would rather leave behind as little trauma for people as I can, even to the ones who did me wrong.
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Jan 15, 2019
Over the years, I've been saving the names, dates and locations of all the doctors I've seen, who have either diminished my levels of pain, or outright denied it, or my favorite...just do back exercises and take some Tylenol . I have 7 names, hopefully no more are added.
I plan on sending a letter to them, detailing what they told me and add basically a big "fuck you" note stating you were partly responsible for my death, making me feel worthless and shame, feeling like some drug addict because I asked for something to help me be able to just function, for saying "it's can't be that bad" when I describe my pain. I want them, at the very least, pull my records and realize their flippant attitude and crappy bedside manner. With any luck it will haunt them, and the next person who talks to them, they will actually listen with a sympathetic ear.

I would send the letters out just before I would cbt, so they couldn't "rescue" me. Hell, I may even send a letter to the DEA, for making people who suffer into criminals, just to find relief with narcotics or hallucinogens. Maybe even my insurance company, just because they're dicks about ANYTHING that requires authorization.

It wouldn't work. Pretty much all the doctors would put you down as hysterical and unbalanced and bin your letter without a further thought.
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Jan 25, 2019
I'd rather write to the ones who really supported, cared or understand you. Sure this is rare or may never happened to you but over all the years that I'm in treatment I've faced two or three "professionals" in dozens and dozens that really cared in my case and even fought for me against others for my point of view.
Don't let the hate against some destroy or ignore the good ones. And I know a lot of the bad ones.
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
I'm just bitter and angry, and lashing out. This shits been brewing in my mind for a couple of months, but I'm glad I had someplace to share it, and to put things in perspective. You're all right. They won't care. At least not enough to change how they treat people, which is what I would want, and I don't want to traumatizes anyone. I just want doctors to be better.
I'm having a bad day today, and rather than be a bitch to my poor husband, I guess I wanted to bitch here.

Thank you all for listening.
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Jan 25, 2019
It's alright, no problem.
As you said: they didn't care in the first place. Why would they care now?
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Doctors don't give a damn. If anything they would just gloat over how they killed you, miserable and in pain. Most people underestimate how much pleasure doctors get from hurting/killing people. They would read those letters aloud at their monthly board meetings for a good laugh.
Someone said doctors would be traumatized to know they caused a suicide, thanks, that's the first time I smiled all day. Causing suicides is one of the perks of their job. It's probably even itemized in their benefits packet at hiring. "Sadistic access to vulnerable people."
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Jun 28, 2019
Personally I disagree. Doctors can absolutely be assholes don't get me wrong. All people can be assholes and entitled doctors in their ivory tower, blinded by their money and their apparent sanity, make no exception. Making someone else suffer may alleviate your pain and your fear but definitely won't change anything in the world for the better. Even if they deserved to suffer, which may or may not be the case, their families don't deserve it by any means; when thinking about his dad being a murderer a child would unavoidably be traumatized : it may even be true but no child deserves to suffer because of other's actions.
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Jun 27, 2019
Personally I disagree. Doctors can absolutely be assholes don't get me wrong. All people can be assholes and entitled doctors in their ivory tower, blinded by their money and their apparent sanity, make no exception. Making someone else suffer may alleviate your pain and your fear but definitely won't change anything in the world for the better. Even if they deserved to suffer, which may or may not be the case, their families don't deserve it by any means; when thinking about his dad being a murderer a child would unavoidably be traumatized : it may even be true but no child deserves to suffer because of other's actions.
I'm sorry but by your logic, nobody with children should ever get punished for anything....or am I missing something?
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Jun 28, 2019
I'm sorry but by your logic, nobody with children should ever get punished for anything....or am I missing something?

I'm saying that increasing the misery in the world is pointless and if he doesn't care about the suffering of the doctor because he thinks he deserves it, at least he should think about the sufferings of those around him.
I'm not saying that people with children or with a family shouldn't be punished, of course they should. I meant it in the context of this thread: if OP wants to die and "punish" the doctors I think it's pointless and all it would end up doing is making suffer even people who don't deserve it. This, in my opinion, isn't a situation equal as a law punishment and shouldn't be treated as such, if it were the doctor should totally get the punishment he deserves no matter what. We are talking though of a much "moral" dilemma: the world is enough miserable as it is now, taking revenge on someone when you ctb certainly wouldn't make it better, especially if you could involve people who aren't directly responsible.


Jun 27, 2019
Well, I don't see how a letter to a doctor really damages him. Even less so, how it impacts his family. You're coming from a very good place, it seems that you do have a good heart. I applaud you for that. But believe or not, these people have much better lives than 90% of their patients. Most of them don't care, they entered this profession for prestige and money. I've met a lot of them, and very few did this profession because they really wanted to help. Most of our glorious doctors do this work because....they can play a God. Aside from money and prestige, that is....
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Mar 25, 2019
With any luck it will haunt them, and the next person who talks to them, they will actually listen with a sympathetic ear.
I don't think it'll haunt them. At most, it might make them feel uncomfortable for a few minutes, but then they'll just dismiss your letter as the ravings of "just another mentally ill person." And then, they'll go back into their little bubble of making money off of the pain and suffering of others trapped in the system.
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Jun 27, 2019
Btw, do your research and find out for yourself how many mentally disordered people work in "helping professions". You'd be amazed...
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Pilum Muralis

Pilum Muralis

“We'll never be as young as we are tonight.”
Jul 2, 2019
I was going to write about some of the doctors I worked with over the years, but I just don't want to get pissed off, and why do that to myself? All I can say is HIPPA means shit all to them, administrators kiss their asses and typically won't act on complaints, and request your medical records, because what they tell you, and what they chart are often entirely different.
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Jun 28, 2019
Well, I don't see how a letter to a doctor really damages him. Even less so, how it impacts his family. You're coming from a very good place, it seems that you do have a good heart. I applaud you for that. But believe or not, these people have much better lives than 90% of their patients. Most of them don't care, they entered this profession for prestige and money. I've met a lot of them, and very few did this profession because they really wanted to help. Most of our glorious doctors do this work because....they can play a God. Aside from money and prestige, that is....

I agree 100% with you with how doctors are, I had a lot of health issues and nobody ever gave a shit about me, all of the "I'm here just to save people's life" and the Hippocratic Oath is just bullshit to make them appear better than anyone else.
My issue is not with stating if doctors deserve suffering or not, my issue relies on the concept of revenge after you cbt.
I know this just comes down to personal morality and I may even be wrong about it, but I don't feel comfortable with taking my revenge on people, by the time my message has an effect on them, I'll not have any kind of way to witness the effects of it and, for me personally, I don't find relief in knowing they are getting what they deserve.
I can totally understand why someone would want to take revenge on doctors and other people for all that matters, they may even be right, I can understand where they are coming from, but personally I couldn't do it.
I don't want to dissuade anyone, I just want to point out what could be all the consequences. If you think those consequences don't really change anything, I'm fine with it, I'm not trying to necessarily change anyone's mind.


Jul 22, 2018
I have 7 names, hopefully no more are added.
I plan on sending a letter to them, detailing what they told me and add basically a big "fuck you" note stating you were partly responsible for my death, making me feel worthless and shame, feeling like some drug addict because I asked for something to help me be able to just function, for saying "it's can't be that bad" when I describe my pain. I want them, at the very least, pull my records and realize their flippant attitude and crappy bedside manner. With any luck it will haunt them, and the next person who talks to them, they will actually listen with a sympathetic ear.
As already said in the thread, I agree with the general opinion of I don't see this happening. Doctors are dehumanized towards the persons they see as patients. Basically another problem with the healthcare field. People have expectations that the service they're getting is coming from a normal person. Maybe that happens when the practitioner is right out of medical school. Over the years they see so many life get literally fucked by their colleagues, themselves, and just by fate in general. Nobody cares, whatever the outcome is and unless it comes with a large lawsuit or jeopardizes their license.
Furthermore, the complete system of the healthcare field is rigged for protecting error. The legal system basically bows to the will of a medical "expert opinion" and fellow "colleagues" in the medical field decide on if something was done (bad, good, standard). Unless you or your loved ones have a huge following of peers and lots of money to throw at a lawyer.. nothing will change.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I was going to write about some of the doctors I worked with over the years, but I just don't want to get pissed off, and why do that to myself? All I can say is HIPPA means shit all to them, administrators kiss their asses and typically won't act on complaints, and request your medical records, because what they tell you, and what they chart are often entirely different.
Yep. My psych and MDs have all been writing absolute gibberish in my chart for 20 years. For 19 years I cried and agonized and blamed myself for not being able to make them understand.
Researched my healthcare provider and it turns out I'm not alone, it's been well-documented by many investigative journalists. Finally decided before ctb, I would at least avail myself of the fact that they've made me look disabled on paper, I should've done it years ago. Giving up the struggle and accepting benefits was no victory though; all it's done is made me dependent, a withered husk subsisting only on spite and fear. Spite at these predatory assholes, and cowardly animal fear of death.

Goddamn I really need to find a benevolent heroin dealer.
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