Both really. I recognize that I have faults that I ought to have worked on harder. Like social anxiety and lack of confidence. Definitely, part of the problem is me. I have let certain things become debilitating for me.
I don't exactly hate myself for those faults though. I don't think it's entirely surprising I have them either, considering some of the elements of my childhood.
Yes, I should have been braver and put more energy into overcoming them. Still, I'm not sure who I'd need to turn into to do well in this world. I'm not sure I'd like them even!
A former boss once told me I needed to show my teeth now and again. Really though- I thought- I shouldn't need to. You shouldn't be employing people who you know don't do their job, slack off, take the piss and expect me to manage them! Why do we need to become angry to get things done?
Overall though, it's maybe that I feel mismatched to the era we're in. My skills were more in need 40-50 years ago. I may have done better in life if I had been born way back then.
I suppose I'm just not keen on the setup of life: consumerism, capitalism either. I just don't think life is worth the effort to sustain. Any option seems like too much work for too little reward- in my view. I suppose we could blame individuals for that- the people at the top that exploit us, while we exploit others. Really though- it's simply being born into a physical body that has endless needs. So, that one's on our parents really.