

local stupid
Jun 7, 2023
I think the tittle explains very well, I can't find this kind of info anywhere else and I just cant seem to make myself vomit no matter how nauseous I am even if I drink a bunch of water or try shoving stuff up my throat to induce a reaction- it just doesn't work. I just want it to be all gone I had all of my pills that cause nausea and vomit taken away alongside my knifes, I juts need to vomit and I need Tips on how if anyone could offer some advice
Dying Knight

Dying Knight

Sep 17, 2023
and I just cant seem to make myself vomit no matter how nauseous I am even if I drink a bunch of water or try shoving stuff up my throat to induce a reaction- it just doesn't work.
Usually, drinking 1 - 2 litres of water and making pressure on the root of the tongue by 1 - 3 fingers of a hand afterwards works. Depending on the sensitivity, the strength of the pressure should be either soft or medium and you may need to make several short-timed pushes in succession to induce vomiting. When vomiting stops, it may be resumed by additional pushes till you throw up the largest part of the liquid from your stomach. You probably would need to drink additional portions of water and repeat the procedure to clear your stomach from undesirable substances.
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