Similar problem here, I would constantly be looking for ways to satiate the need, as cutting or beating myself up nearly became an initial response to everything. I honestly don't know how to go completely clean as I'll stray off the path a few times here and there but immediately go back to it if something happens. I've been using cigarettes as a way to form that in a habit instead of cutting, which is still bad so I would not recommend that, but here are some ways I stayed clean back then:
1. Literally running until your body wants to give up. I'm serious. Something bad happens? Go for a run immediately and run however fast or however far. Washes out that need to cut immediately. (Any type of workout that puts stress on your body will work, will also get you fit lol)
2. Snack on something. I always used to keep little bags of chips or just any small snacks, food was a comfort for me, I don't know how it is for you.
3. Sleep. Go to sleep when you feel like shit, wake up and you'll feel disoriented and hungry, won't even think about self-harming. (I would use sleeping pills for this back then in order for me to pass out quickly lol please do not use sleeping pills)
4. Pinching. Super easy, pinch as hard as you want, will heal a lot quicker and less visible harm.
There was a lot of other ways I used to cope, they were not healthy and did put physical damage, and the ones I've listed work well for me if I had the energy to.
Best of wishes :)
edit: back then as in when I was a teenager and had limited resources.