stuck somewhere between hell and earth
- Mar 26, 2020
- 39
ran out of razor blades, knifes are never sharp enough for that kinda thing (did try to sharpen a few for a few days still not good enough) and now i resort to using my aggressive playful cat as a self harm machine. feels bad man. hes not evil or anything just not very affectionate but very loyal (would follow me around the house, wait for me till im done with whatever near the bathroom, comes when called etcetera) just seems like one of those cats whose instincts are very sensitive even if he didnt mean it (usually ran away/goes to hide real quick after mauling my hand & realize what hes done) and hes just uh quite aggressive in general when it comes to 'playfulness'. sorry cat, was getting a bit desperate. rip all the efforts i try in disclipining him though lol (not through abuse or anything, just from few tips i saw on the internet)