I wasn't just weak when I let them abuse me. I was even weaker when I grew up and became someone who abused others... that's the weakest kind of person there is. Strong people protect what is important to them and don't feel the need to abuse anyone, and I was too weak to protect what was truly important to me and I got carried away by my ego.
I re read my comment and I'm sure you understand it's a very complex issue that cannot be addressed in a message. I can see my grammar is shite as per, but hope you understand im trying to convey, that guilt and negating yourself, it doesn't have to be an issue, unless we make it one.
We're no different to the vast majority of other functioning human beings.
And I mentioned making amends which if it's going to just create pain for people you've wronged and you don't feel fully equipped or in a position to deal with it, you aren't under any obligation to go there. Hopefully it does come through what I mean is all we can do is act now and try to do as little damage as possible to our environment and others.
But it sucks to be human we aren't equipped to understand alone we are a collective and that's why we've done things we regret because it's nature.
Having empathy, feeling a red flush from something I did half my life ago makes no sense because all that is, is memory.
I meant to say, well done for your honesty, but I wouldn't recommend doing that out in the physical world as people love to be judgemental and if they sniff your sense of empathy they will see you as shooting target to make themselves look better. Not all people there are still some alright ones but most of us are car crashing through this life and im seeing more people like me so damaged they don't know their head from their arsehole. Best wishes.