It's curious. After being alone for so long, and having been traumatized deeply by past relationships, even though I'm in a relationship with the love of my life (if it's not her, there's no one else, she's perfect in everything), I still feel that. Even moments that should make me happy and satisfied just make me be afraid it'll end sooner than I can say "soon". I feel like subconsciously I prepare myself for the worse and that stops me from feeling what I should be feeling in those moments.
L., if you're reading this after my head goes to shit in those train tracks, know that you're the most important little thing I ever had, and the best thing to ever happen to my miserable life. I love you more than I love myself and the world. I'd kill and die for you. No conditions. If there's a hell, I'll be loving you from there. You're not to blame for ANYTHING. ANYTHING at all. I'm just a failure and I'm so sorry for that. Please don't have the same fate as me. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Sorry for the rant, I'm drunk.