

died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
Wow this is so cool, I've never heard of it. 3D printing isn't easy, you would still have to be pretty motivated to do this as of now. I am excited this is in discussion though, I am not surprised at the arrests. Hopefully they will become unfounded soon. Does anyone know if the device can be used more than once? If so, I would imagine this being used in suicide cults as an effective mass suicide method as well. A little different than how we think of mass suicide all at once but still mass amounts of ppl, maybe just suicide by appointment instead.
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Mar 4, 2024
This post from Exit is interesting, as it maps out the development of the project.

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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Looks like someone posted before I was going to post about this topic and anyways, here are my two cents. It is quite appalling how even in one of the most liberal jurisdictions when it comes to the right to die, assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia, this kind of travesty still happens. I believe that these prosecutors and such are quite 'trigger-happy' when it comes to prosecuting individuals and/or responsible parties for helping people die peacefully and with little mess. No surprise that things like this only set back people like us who would otherwise want to have a peaceful way out. Of course, if the gov't continues to ban these peaceful means and/or even prosecute those who just want to help people achieve a peaceful, dignified exit, sadly, it would just push those people who otherwise would have gone peacefully towards more violent, brutal and barbaric means to exit suffering, as we've seen in most other countries around the world.
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Sep 24, 2024
Is a major bummer but not terribly surprising they would want to make an example out of people by doing this. I hope the charges don't stick and that more progress can be made for this revolutionary project. The media is covering it a lot in hopes of drumming up support for those against this noble movement.

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