I cried to this song in class at school a lot
"can't live a day without thinking I'm insane
these walls are breathing all again I see these faces laugh in the end
at me and I think it's all pretend but deep down they know there alive inside me
breathing, changing, morphing me into something I hate
I can't take it anymore man I wanna say that I'm ok but I'm not
I'm breaking down on the daily, shaking everyday I feel like I've lost
its ok, its ok, I never mattered anyway, just a fucked up in high school
lost where I wanted to be, lost what I wanted to see cause of you
family petitions to get admission into mental hospitals I hate
cause they don't wanna see me anymore"
& here's another relatable Rivilin song
"you know I feel like a burden when im just around
I need reassurance every day I seem to always frown
overthinking on topics that don't make sense when they're out loud
I cant look at myself in the mirror its like you put me down
fighting on topics inside my head its like a warzone there
drag me out im still the skeleton that resides in your bed
maybe ill just starve myself again until im skin and bones
is it worth really living, I don't connect with anyone
a cigarette a day still keeps the hunger pains away
you love to make fun of my bones as they stick out from my clothes
I don't know how to socialize I just really want to be loved
cus these suicidal thoughts keep working overtime im breaking down it hurts
I hope your not the one who finds my body when it's hanging up yeah
who am I kidding you haven't messaged me in over a year"