if there isnt anything intrisically wrong with you like neurological pain, paralysis, extreme disability etc and you all feel like this, and intellectually you know like you said your value should be intrinsic etc. then its these feelings and thoughts that are weighing you down because it became conditioned, ingrained, trained, absorbed and grew in you. they became a belief system. lts going to be a sacrifice of time and effort to win back your peace, because this isnt a theory youre trying break free from, its a belief system. a friend once told me that when life overwhelms you with inappropriate feelings, you should say this to yourself, it doesnt matter what i feel, what matters is what i believe. what you feel is real and can overshadow your life, if you allow it and wallow in it, its going to be difficult to fight back. its really up to you but if you want to get out of that, there are options available to you from self help, people who can help you coz they went thru the same belief system, medical aid like anti depressants that work to restore brain chemistry and not against it. im here for you also. yes i went thru the same because of severe physical and mental abuse as a child so im not a theory.