Detatched Observer.
- Dec 8, 2019
- 79
Curious as to what are your sources for this information about what businesses and structures are being targeted.
If it's accurate, then there's tentatively an interesting correlation in that there are a lot Freemasons in law enforcement.
Your statement about RICO was unclear. Would you be willing to clarify?
When you say "people," I wonder what groups are behind these targeted attacks if they are happening? This would have to be organized. The average person would not come up with these targets or have any suspicion of, say, a connection between the Confederacy and freemasonry. It's very strategic. Most people would go after buildings that house or represent their perceived enemies, such as police headquarters, buildings where lawmakers sit or have offices, national monuments, businesses that serve LE and politicians, etc. In fact, part of the Lincoln Memorial was defaced, but that makes sense because of the message it sends, since he was at the forefront of the emancipation of the slaves.
I follow various news outlets. I wish I remembered them. There were people on the ground saying hit them in the pocketbook, right where it hurts. This sounds like sun tzu, a military strategist. Mixed with reports of attacking theae locations and black owned social media accounts stating how people can help.
Not pictured was a robinhood alert. Some of the goods in differwnt states were redistributed. Marxiat graffiti everywhere.
Kinda points to proletariat vs petite bourgeois and regular bourgeois.
Rico is like, "hey, I run a business but i cant get a contract or bids so i am going to go create work by causing a problem."
Like how firefighters have been known to start fires to put them out. Smash windows to get contracts. Slash tires.
It is basically an artifical demand to stimulate business.
Well, Lincoln didnt accomplish anything. We still have a slave society albeit worded differently. Africans and hispanics are targeted heavily if you adjust their total population and their overall precense in the system. Has to do with mass incarceration and the criticism of capitalism as an exploitative system.
I recommend checking out dan brown sherman williams facebook posts as well as disgeuntled bernie bro groups on fb. Can get primary sources for what they are thinking.