
Aug 23, 2018
Ehh, I would consider myself a fairly religious person but I feel like all the prayers etc haven't helped me with my qualms. I love God and will serve him for as long as I'm alive but sometimes religion can't take away the pain that's natural and human for us all to have. I really hope He forgives me but honestly it gives me so much peace knowing I'm about to go soon.
I know much of the members on here as atheists/non-believers but I would love to hear from somebody with some sort of faith and how they come about thinking about all this stuff.
I love you all very much and hope everything's - stable.
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Aug 19, 2018
I have faith and I'm scared to kill myself and be punished for it. But I know one day I will. Regardless, God is loving and accepting so I hope he will understand.
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Aug 17, 2018
Ehh, I would consider myself a fairly religious person but I feel like all the prayers etc haven't helped me with my qualms. I love God and will serve him for as long as I'm alive but sometimes religion can't take away the pain that's natural and human for us all to have. I really hope He forgives me but honestly it gives me so much peace knowing I'm about to go soon.
I know much of the members on here as atheists/non-believers but I would love to hear from somebody with some sort of faith and how they come about thinking about all this stuff.
I love you all very much and hope everything's - stable.
I am Christian but I'm so lost within myself. I'm really also convinced on reincarnation.. I really dont think it's separate from Christianity. There are a couple scriptures that insinuate that. I just don't think it's important to know for certain about reincarnation for us to do what we're sent to do. My huge, HUGE hope is, that I will get to come back as me and fix some of the errors I made in this life. There is SO much about my life that I love, so I am really sad at the idea of parting with it, however I can't go on. If I do decide to then good for me I guess, but I feel like I've ruined myself too much
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Jun 20, 2018
Ehh, I would consider myself a fairly religious person but I feel like all the prayers etc haven't helped me with my qualms. I love God and will serve him for as long as I'm alive but sometimes religion can't take away the pain that's natural and human for us all to have. I really hope He forgives me but honestly it gives me so much peace knowing I'm about to go soon.
I know much of the members on here as atheists/non-believers but I would love to hear from somebody with some sort of faith and how they come about thinking about all this stuff.
I love you all very much and hope everything's - stable.
My thoughts on cosmology have always been very dualistic. I believe that all consciousness was somehow stolen from a higher realm and trapped in these bodies of flesh, and within metaphysical bodies of energy. And now we've gotta get back Home. I don't see how suicide would be a wrong in this thinking.
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Jun 20, 2018
You see a lot of self-proclaimed National Socialists throw this symbol around without knowing what it means. The Black Sun represents the gateway back to celestial Paradise, to the world as it was before the demiurge's abominable creations.


  • BlackSun.svg.png
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Jul 27, 2018
I suggest you read NDEs and other accounts of that sort that maybe show the true nature of God. It's very different than in Christianity and in my eyes God is much more benevolent and loving in those accounts than he ever was in Christianity (I hope I'm not saying anything bad about anyone's faith, I used to be a Christian myself).
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Jul 13, 2018
I have faith and I'm scared to kill myself and be punished for it. But I know one day I will. Regardless, God is loving and accepting so I hope he will understand.
Non-believer here who grew up going to church every Sunday morning and night, and sometimes Wednesdays. I haven't read the Bible in its entirety, obviously, but I don't think that it explicitly states anywhere that suicide = hell; that was something made up by the Church at some point in the history of the religion. Someone can point me to the verse if I'm wrong.

There are also plenty of people who believe in universal salvation.
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Jul 27, 2018
Non-believer here who grew up going to church every Sunday morning and night, and sometimes Wednesdays. I haven't read the Bible in its entirety, obviously, but I don't think that it explicitly states anywhere that suicide = hell; that was something made up by the Church at some point in the history of the religion. Someone can point me to the verse if I'm wrong.

There are also plenty of people who believe in universal salvation.

it doesn't
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Jun 19, 2018
I'm really mixed up about my beleifs. I can't seem to beleive or disbelieve. And it's not anything I have control over. If I could, I would have the largest faith, as I once had large faith and it was very nice to think that I was doing what God wanted me to do, ever since my faith diminished I've had more anxiety and depression.
I'm scared to kill myself but I'm in constant emotional and mental pain, sometimes it feels unbearable. I have been very close to killing myself.
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Jun 19, 2018
I am Christian but I'm so lost within myself. I'm really also convinced on reincarnation.. I really dont think it's separate from Christianity. There are a couple scriptures that insinuate that. I just don't think it's important to know for certain about reincarnation for us to do what we're sent to do. My huge, HUGE hope is, that I will get to come back as me and fix some of the errors I made in this life. There is SO much about my life that I love, so I am really sad at the idea of parting with it, however I can't go on. If I do decide to then good for me I guess, but I feel like I've ruined myself too much
I could relate to a lot of this post.
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Invisible idiot
Aug 22, 2018
Non-believer here who grew up going to church every Sunday morning and night, and sometimes Wednesdays. I haven't read the Bible in its entirety, obviously, but I don't think that it explicitly states anywhere that suicide = hell; that was something made up by the Church at some point in the history of the religion. Someone can point me to the verse if I'm wrong.
Exactly! It is however ingrained in the minds of religious people that the belief of committing suicide equates to going straight to hell. Dante even placed suicides in the seventh circle of Hell. I was raised Catholic and even though I've no longer practice I'm constantly plague by Catholic guilt.
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Jul 13, 2018
I was raised Catholic and even though I've no longer practice I'm constantly plague by Catholic guilt.

Indoctrination seeps deep. Things you're taught as a child stick five times harder than anything you learn as an adult. I don't believe in any afterlife or God anymore but I'll probably still pray before I kill myself just to be safe, even though it's completely pointless.
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Jul 28, 2018
Just know that if there is a god, it definitely isn't one we thought of.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
There is physical suicide and then there is spiritual suicide.
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Aug 11, 2018
I believe in God, I always believed He exists. I don't think anyone is actually "religious", I would think that the people who are religious are the pious ones and people of the past.

If religious means "someone who believes in a religion" then yeah I am one but I don't like to call myself that because I don't think I am.

Man, am I gonna get punished for suicide. I'm gonna be in hell not just for this but for everything. I deserve all of it.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I believe in God, I always believed He exists. I don't think anyone is actually "religious", I would think that the people who are religious are the pious ones and people of the past.

If religious means "someone who believes in a religion" then yeah I am one but I don't like to call myself that because I don't think I am.

Man, am I gonna get punished for suicide. I'm gonna be in hell not just for this but for everything. I deserve all of it.
If people go to hell for physical suicide then everybody would go because there are 2 types of physical suicide. (Fast and Slow) Everybody is committing slow physical suicide by what they put or not put into their body and by just not taking proper overall care of their body.
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Aug 11, 2018
I'm not one to say who's going to hell, I can only speak for myself. I know the hell is my final abode.

I just hope that God has mercy on me and forgives me.
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Aug 5, 2018
If you are Christian/muslim i think its forbidden. God give you this pain for reason. Every human has a purpose in life. Life is a gift no matter what happen- bla bla some unoriginal rachet shit goes on, you get my point.
Also believing in heaven/hell should be motivate you to not suicide. I mean if i were believing those thing i would definitly not go for it.
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Invisible idiot
Aug 22, 2018
Also believing in heaven/hell should be motivate you to not suicide. I mean if i were believing those thing i would definitly not go for it.
I don't think the belief in heaven or hell is enough to demotivate you from carrying out suicide. There are religious people and/or people who believe in a higher power here who would still ctb despite their beliefs.
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Aug 5, 2018
I don't think the belief in heaven or hell is enough to demotivate you from carrying out suicide. There are religious people and/or people who believe in a higher power here who would still ctb despite their beliefs.
It cant demotivate every suicidal person but believing christianity/islam surely reduces suicide rates.
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Invisible idiot
Aug 22, 2018
It cant demotivate every suicidal person but believing christianity/islam surely reduces suicide rates.
Well there is truth to that statement as religion does affects suicide rates differently around the world. I read somewhere that there is low suicide rates in Latin America whereas in East Asia it its the complete opposite and it is all due to religious involvement; and how the relationship between religion and community are in each region of the world.
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Mecha Man

Jul 16, 2018
I've believed in God my whole life, and from a very young age I had doubts about the existence of a place like hell. The idea of it is totally ludicrous unless you believe in an evil God. God is supposed to be the greatest, most loving, merciful, and forgiving being in existence. That he would allow for people to be doomed to eternal torment for any reason would make him more than evil; he would be more evil than any human that ever lived.
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Aug 25, 2018
So this God bloke sent his son to die on a cross. If he's gonna fault you for suicide, that's kinda the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me, considering the concept of the trinity and all. That's my 2c
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Aug 25, 2018
Considering that, and asking Abraham to sacrifice his son, he doesn't really sound like the God type I'd prefer to hang out with anyway
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I'm not one to say who's going to hell, I can only speak for myself. I know the hell is my final abode.

I just hope that God has mercy on me and forgives me.
If you want God's mercy and forgiveness to save you from hell even if you commit physical suicide you can have it right now!
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Aug 19, 2018
I believe in God, I always believed He exists. I don't think anyone is actually "religious", I would think that the people who are religious are the pious ones and people of the past.

If religious means "someone who believes in a religion" then yeah I am one but I don't like to call myself that because I don't think I am.

Man, am I gonna get punished for suicide. I'm gonna be in hell not just for this but for everything. I deserve all of it.

It's never too late. From what I've learned and read and also believe, any sin can be forgiven except the unforgivable one. You don't deserve Hell, I don't think anyone does. We all have good inside of us but our upbringing and life circumstances can change us and we can make bad choices because of it.
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Aug 11, 2018
It's never too late. From what I've learned and read and also believe, any sin can be forgiven except the unforgivable one. You don't deserve Hell, I don't think anyone does. We all have good inside of us but our upbringing and life circumstances can change us and we can make bad choices because of it.

I've read and believed in that too, I just don't want to have false hope. Your post gives me hope, I mean God gave me my mental health issues and my problems and I have hope He will understand why I committed suicide. I honestly think I do. I put myself down a lot. Thank you for your post.
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