

Oct 24, 2021
i have too many regretable moments in my life that will always live with me and haunt me for the rest of my life. i try to forget them but they always pop up in moments of randomness, reminding me of how much of a failure i am.
nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved in my 26 years of living, so i ask myself why i should keep on going?
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Jun 3, 2021
Everybody makes mistakes. Can you look at the mistakes as learning experiences? You can try to learn mindfulness meditation which keeps you in the present if the mistakes aren't too monumental.
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taking it one day at a time
Feb 13, 2020
past mistakes are a difficult obstacle to overcome, but certainly not an impossible one
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Oct 23, 2020
i have too many regretable moments in my life that will always live with me and haunt me for the rest of my life. i try to forget them but they always pop up in moments of randomness, reminding me of how much of a failure i am.
nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved in my 26 years of living, so i ask myself why i should keep on going?
Why you should keep going? You're 26. Your best years are now and still ahead of you.
But i also get it. We live in the moment and that moment can make a future feel impossible.
Failure is fine. Yesterday is gone, you know. I don't mean to sound like that, I'm sorry, I'm not in your shoes.
I hope you can figure this out somehow.
If not, CTB will still be a certain option. Maybe knowing that gives you strength.
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Nov 23, 2020
I think instead of feeling like shit since you're not productive or unaccomplished relative to your peers, just find something you like doing or something you'd care about and focus on that. Then you'll eventually be accomplished and you'll be motivated too since it's something you care about right? That's what I think anyways, I can't find anything I feel passionate about unfortunately so maybe this isn't the case.
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Dec 31, 2019
Everyone makes mistakes, Some really big ones, sometimes, that have serious consequences. But I hate to think that my mistakes erase the good I can do over a lifetime. I'm aiming to be a plus for the planet, where the good I've done during my lifetime is more than the harm I've caused. But that's all I'm aiming for. 51%. Anything over that is a bonus. Maybe you could aim for only needing to be right 51% of the time?

To remind myself that it's okay to screw up, I actually sing a little song I learned from Sesame Street when I was a kid. The chorus goes like this:

Oh everyone makes mistakes.
Oh, yes they do
Your sister and your brother and your dad and mother too;
Big people, small people, matter of fact, all people!
Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't you?

It's even better if you can imagine hearing it in Big Bird's voice.

I have no great answers, but hopefully this made you smile. :happy:
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
I'm 43 and completely regret the last 4 yrs. I lost most everything with some very messed up decisions and big mistakes. I have kept going but it is hard.
You are 26, you can certainly make up for your past mistakes. You have so much time left to change and do it right.
Try and move forward if you can
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
i have too many regretable moments in my life that will always live with me and haunt me for the rest of my life. i try to forget them but they always pop up in moments of randomness, reminding me of how much of a failure i am.
nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved in my 26 years of living, so i ask myself why i should keep on going?
This is lodged self-loathing, I have that too. Is some pathological inner voice or "memory collector" that selectively stacks shameful events and failures so that it can show them to you when you have a bad moment. It's obviously a mental illness, but I don't know how to cure it.

Sometimes I am doing whatever during the day or night and a random reminder of something stupid I said or did assaults me, and I have to shake it off uttering some words like I have Tourette's. šŸ¤£
I think instead of feeling like shit since you're not productive or unaccomplished relative to your peers, just find something you like doing or something you'd care about and focus on that. Then you'll eventually be accomplished and you'll be motivated too since it's something yot care about right? That's what I think anyways, I can't find anything I feel passionate about unfortunately so maybe this isn't the case.
I had some success with programming, trying to do exactly what you suggested. I just kinda like it and what you can produce with it, couldn't care less about getting a job or my grades.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
We've got the same reason. That alone makes me want to die right now.
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
We make choices based on what we knew at that time. Its difficult to accept but we think we are making the right choice. Unfortunately, hindsight allows us to replay the past in our head but we know it cannot be changed. i ve been there so many times because choices have resulted in my early death through disease. I made medical decisions that have gone terribly wrong. But if i was able to rewind, i would do the same again and again. Im sure too that doctor's would have made different decisions if they knew the consequences but whk knows the future?
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Just a guy passing by
Dec 9, 2019
As a fellow 26 year old, who feels like an ultimate looser who continuously keeps ruining his life, I wish you nothing else but warmth and enough motivation to find clarity in life. The menories keep on hurting and it's easy to say: "get over it".

We keep on existing in a constant worry and lack of any self-respect, but there's always that tiny, tiny, Tiny voice of "maybe theres Hope". God damn human programming, SI be cursed.

I wish you come to conclusion that are right for you and you alone.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It can be awful dealing with so much regret as we cannot forget the past and go back in time and change things. Our own thoughts can torture us and we have to live with ourselves. I believe that sometimes with mistakes we thought we were doing what we thought was right at the time and we often did not know any better. However I believe that despite this, it can still be very devastating having to live with our mistakes. I'm sorry you are going through this. I wish you the best.
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Mar 19, 2022
I, too, am going through a period of extreme regret and shame. And much like you, I can't live knowing that no matter what I do, that guilt will always be with me. Death is my only escape from it. I want peace.
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Slowly Dying Inside
Jan 18, 2022
My soul mate died and I want to be with him. Also I have depression and it makes me idealize suicide.
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Jan 7, 2024
i have too many regretable moments in my life that will always live with me and haunt me for the rest of my life. i try to forget them but they always pop up in moments of randomness, reminding me of how much of a failure i am.
nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved in my 26 years of living, so i ask myself why i should keep on going?
People telling you you're 26 and have time to outgrow your problems don't get it. I'm also 26 and though objectively "young" we have experienced things that people our age or even higher may never be able to relate to, because they are so traumatic or life-altering. You don't owe anyone an explanation just because you're deemed as "having your whole life ahead of you" to change and make something of yourself. Every day I wake up and immediately am hit with a tidal wave of regrets and I'm reminded of them constantly because those regrets have manifested into very real physical issues as well, not just mental. It's like carrying a hundred pounds plus of dead weight around and being expected to act like we're grateful for the opportunity to still walk amongst the living. I've tried the meds, the therapy, everything but the one thing I desperately want and need is some kind of time machine so I can get a do over. And since this is not possible, I traverse this world like a specter. Don't really feel like I'm here nor there and I'm just hoping by some miracle I'll fall asleep one day and not wake.
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May 19, 2018
Regret, blame, shame, guilt these things require a fuel to function long term, in the form of an idea. Without this specific idea, these things don't function. The idea I'm talking about is called "Free will".
First on these emotions and attitudes: Are they useless? No. Feeling shame when we do something wrong, is good to some degree. We need some system to say,

"Hey! That's wrong! Don't do that again. This feels bad!" Being totally free of shame, guilt, etc, is not the point here. To be clear we're talking about the pathological form of these emotions that continues to eat away at you well after whatever bad thing happened is over with.

That said, the only actual important question is: "Is it true that we have free will, or is it false?" And it will be clear why in the end.

First, imagine you made a robot who had a conscious experience.

Imagine you programmed this robot's behavior fully. You knew it would behave in certain ways, since after all, you built it from scratch. You knew that when you asked it certain questions, it would give certain answers. Everything was predictable and determined-- both the experience this robot perceived, and the external actions this robot made. You gave it the ability to feel sensations and emotions.

Do you agree that if this robot did something which someone disliked, that if they "punished" this robot to make it feel pain, this would be an insane behavior? Or if they guilt-tripped this robot about an action they did, and traumatized this robot, that this would just be pointless misery? Wouldn't it be just as insane as beating a dog because it went, "woof"?

But what if you gave this robot a potential to learn? What if you gave it a subjective feeling of making choices? Does this change anything? The robot goes near someone, it is operating using its own script, it analyzes the environment, and has multiple choices. Ultimately, its script, its nature, has it decide on one choice. This robot has a complex inner monologue where it talks to itself. Inside this robot's inner experience, you can hear it thinking:

"Should I... move left... or right? Hmm... I think I will move left. No... ri... actually okay, left. Left. I'm certain."

It finally chooses left, and rolls over someone's shoe. The robot is punished brutally and tortured. The robot is told it deserved it. The robot feels intense negative emotion for the rest of its existence, because it did the wrong thing. But should it? It's just a robot. It has a nature, a programming. The robot did not make itself. Would you punish the robot when it rolled over your shoe? Or would you understand that it's just a machine, which does what its nature ultimately expresses? Of course, if this robot is hurting you, you should move away. And if it continues to do this to you, we should isolate this robot. But should it be punished? Tortured? Should it drown in regret for the rest of its life?

How are we different from these robots? Look for an important difference, you won't find it. The idea of free will, freely made choices which you must now feel guilt and regret over, and blame and be blamed over, is just an idea. It's an idea society believes, that came from religions, so that society can punish and blame and reward. Nothing more. It does not mean the idea is true. And once you see this idea is untrue, the regret that haunts you will disappear, because again, regret cannot function once you understand that you could not have done otherwise. Haunting regret **assumes** that you must have been able to do differently. Full acceptance that you could not have done differently implies letting go of all regret completely. If you hope to learn from regrets, you still must try and put your best effort into the future or you will potentially repeat your mistakes. But blaming yourself forever is tragic, because 1) It's based on confused ideas, and 2) it is misery with no purpose, only harm.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Same here. 30 and regret so much, mostly what I didn't do like the old cliche says. The worst of it is that I don't feel like I can catch up. I look to the future and see a life that looks even more unbearable. When I go to bed, I hope I don't wake up. When I get in the car, I hope it will be my last drive.

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