

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This is my 2,000th post. I much preferred the magneta color. I'll miss it. And I'm feeling reflective about it.

@nitrogen posted a couple of months ago about influence on this site. She advised questioning if you're more heavily influenced by number of posts and react scores, and to question the motivations of members who post a lot and have high react scores. I commented on that thread about discomfort I had with how it was presented, but I don't deny it had a lot of value.

If you are at all aware of my character based on my consistent behaviors here, then you might have noticed I'm very much a proponent of thinking for yourself and questioning things. Even when being baited, I have responded honestly when questioned because I deeply value these tenets and actively honor them. Being loved is not important to me, but acting worthy of respect is, because what is ultimately important to me is liking and respecting myself. Love is interactive, and I don't always want such interaction, based on my personal boundaries and because my self- esteem and self-worth do not require it as it did when I was younger. Whether on the forum or irl, I don't function to make people feel better so much as to empower them, and that is not always sought or appreciated, and I think my react score reflects that. But I do value the reflection of being appreciated and respected, because I make the effort of acting in ways worthy of respect based on virtues that I value above all else. When that is recognized and validated, for me it is practical positive reinforcement that I can use.

I haven't seen such a question asked lately, but there have been times when a member has been questioned for still being active on the forum if not actively suicidal. Some excellent responses I have seen are that this is a pro-choice forum, not pro-death, and that this is a place where folks who consider suicide feel comfortable.

One may question why I've posted so damn much in just shy of three months. It's a valid question. I'm extroverted, gregarious and conversational by nature. I am isolated and value the interaction. Whether on a forum or irl, if there is a conversation, I may sit back and listen, I may move away from it if I receive no value and cannot contribute value, or I might jump in. I enjoy jumping in. I enjoy the exchange of giving and receiving value, I thoroughly enjoy laughing when appropriate, and I enjoy debating. I value when a debate changes my mind, and I value when my perpsective enhances that of another.

One may question why I'm here and considering suicide if I like myself so damn much. I don't talk about the external circumstances that have led me to this option because I don't need the support and have already accessed other resources, so I maintain a boundary around it. My circumstances are in no way a reflection of me. They are isolating, and SS has relieved that isolation. I'm grateful there are other conversations besides only methods and motivations to ctb or I would not find the community to be as edifying and would have already moved on. To finish addressing the question, I previously created a thread about the Stoic perspective about suicide, and the rational reasons for withdrawing from the party of life. When I am certain that it is the best choice for me to withdraw, those reasons give me the support I need to move forward with the least shitty option of all shitty available options.

On a side note, being a long-time student of human nature and of the perceptions that influence our behaviors, I find it interesting that many members think I'm male, based on my writing style, and perhaps my avatar. I chose the avatar because to me it's utterly non-triggering, and says the least possible. I am, as of recently, a 49-year-old woman. (My gender is not a recent development.)

So now that my user name is purple and I have such a high number of posts, I am cognizant that this stands out, and I am cognizant of the variety of ways of how others may perceive me. I'm not here to generate a personal fan club, I could do that on social media if I were so inclined. I'm extroverted and social, but I also strive to practice healthy interpersonal boundaries. I'm not some expert on suicide, I'm just a rational external thinker, and also happened to grow up around talk of death as my father was a death investigator, so it's not generally a triggering subject for me. I'm a proponent of doing one's own research and thoughtfully planning and preparing, and doing so as a social animal, with the input of others; I have done that quite openly here, such as the journal I did for planning an SN exit (in fact one member saw an experiment I was planning and saved me from a huge mistake), and the letter I wrote to my parents should they come here seeking answers. I have said many times that actively engaging with suicidal ideation rather than repressing it allows things to emerge that might have otherwise remained hidden behind the ideation, and my research, planning and preparation indeed revealed much every step of the way. I also believe that research, planning and preparation lead to confidence, and confidence leads to success being a more likely outcome when and if the time arrives for one to catch the bus. And last, I am a proponent of pro-choice in all aspects of life, provided one's choice is not harmful to others or at their expense.

Perhaps in the future I will find forums that speak to other interests and taper off from interacting here. Again, humans are social animals and need support; it is easier to move on from one community when there is another to replace it, and as yet I haven't encountered one. Realistically, as much as I enjoy the effort of making a positive difference for others and experiencing mutually beneficial interactions, there are only so many times I can find personal edification from engaging in the same conversations that are the natural foundation of this site. I recognize it is easy to slip into crankiness and misanthropy, and to forget the innate worthiness, value and vulnerability of each member who posts. If suicide is no longer remotely an immediate possibility for me, then others' sense of immediacy won't reach me, but if I leave the site for that reason, it is no big loss because there will always be others ready, able and willing to fulfill others' very real and worthy needs. In my experience, I am inherently unique wherever I am, but I am not special, and this forum will go on quite well without me, just as it did before I arrived.

@fightingsioux made a thread that is still going, ten posts we'll likely see in the future, which is a hilarious lampoon of the site, but to me also cautions against getting burned out, cranky and misanthropic. It can be tempting to use that thread to passive-aggressively vent frustrations about current posts. And I admit - hopefully not to my own detriment - that sometimes I see a post to which I react with such frustration, rather than with patience and understanding, and want to comment with this meme:

Images 5

I don't want to devalue anyone or make them feel stupid.

I don't want to turn into this:


I want to give others valuable support, such as tools to empower them and figure shit out for themselves. Some folks don't want that (edit: seek for themselves to receive that), which I have to accept or unnecessarily suffer. I am not the boss of them. Really all I want is to be the boss of me. And if I'm honest, sometimes to let off the pressure valve and still say, PEW PEW PEW!
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I respect it but it seems long winded. The general consensus is that quality is better than quantity.

I turned purp myself months back and have become the number one active poster since. I still don't see myself as above even the guy or gal who has 1 post.

Be humble my fellow humans. You do you and I'll do me, may we all meet in between!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Fortunately, I'm not swayed by the general consensus.
If you're so moved then why are you doing what you claim to be against? Delete and start at blue.

You've started a purposely divisive thread. On an issue that has been discussed many times over. I don't know what you plan to accomplish here.


Schrödinger's cat
Nov 5, 2019
Perhaps in the future I will find forums that speak to other interests and taper off from interacting here.
I hope you won't so you'll be stuck on this forum WITH MEEEE. The bright side, not ONLY me. :blarg:
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
If you're so moved then why are you doing what you claim to be against? Delete and start at blue.

You've started a purposely divisive thread. On an issue that has been discussed many times over. I don't know what you plan to accomplish here.

Okay, whoa. I did not intentionally start a purposely divisive thread. As I said, I was being reflective. These are things I think about.

Did you not just say you respected it? I'm confused.

Please be so kind as to explain how it's divisive, and what specific issue. If I am persuaded, I will gladly delete.
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Okay, whoa. I did not intentionally start a purposely divisive thread. As I said, I was being reflective. These are things I think about.

Please be so kind as to explain how it's divisive, and what specific issue. If I am persuaded, I will gladly delete.
Your thread title is divisive in nature. But I'm one for free speech and I'm not criticizing it.

I just wish we could all be a family like this forum once was. People seem to think that there are clicks or groups and foster paranoia where there is none.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
It doesn't matter though as this seems to be the new norm of SS. A constant power struggle. i just want my own corner and I won't bother you guys. But i just hate this member vs member shit.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
You always seemed a person with much skepticism and critical thinking.
People who know me in real life say I am nihilist and skeptic and I had to argue a lot though I did not want to.
Guess you may have experienced something like that too.
This is not good and this is not bad, that is just how I approach the facts.
But this is hard for me at the same time.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
"Facts" just like the numerous other threads on this matter. You guys bitch about the search bar but never use it :pfff:


Schrödinger's cat
Nov 5, 2019
I find it weird that I'm attempting to break up a debate instead of directly participating in one. :ahhha: Anyhow, here're some chill pills raining down on ya'll.


Careful not to choke on them or get a concussion. Grab a glass of water and a helmet. Most importantly, scatter and seek shelter. :ohhhh:
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It doesn't matter though as this seems to be the new norm of SS. A constant power struggle. i just want my own corner and I won't bother you guys. But i just hate this member vs member shit.

It's unfortunate to me that this is how you're perceiving my post, but I get that different people will perceive what one writes in different ways.

Folks are naturally influenced by certain things. I was already highly aware of and interested in that before joining SS. I've also posted about manipulation tactics, which has benefitted members who have experienced it irl, some who were driven here by it. That thread was no more about a power play on SS than this one.

My point was that I'm just me. I'm not the number of posts or the color of my username or the number of reacts, but I'm conscious of such perceptions, and struggle with them because it's far more important to me to just be me rather than influential.

I accept that you are not perceiving my post as intended. If it's irreconcilable, I'm okay with that. If I notice that it becomes a big deal and the mods don't lock or delete, I'll delete it myself. I may not have necessarily enjoyed how it was presented, but I appreciate your input and have taken note of it.


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I find it weird that I'm attempting to break up a debate instead of directly participating in one. :ahhha: Anyhow, here're some chill pills raining down on ya'll.

View attachment 30954
View attachment 30953

Careful not to choke on them or get a concussion. Grab a glass of water and a helmet. Most importantly, scatter and seek shelter. :ohhhh:
Is that a coincidence that the pill is red or am I paranoid again? :D
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I find it weird that I'm attempting to break up a debate instead of directly participating in one. :ahhha:

That is weird!

(Not complaining... :wink: )
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
It's unfortunate to me that this is how you're perceiving my post, but I get that different people will perceive what one writes in different ways.

Folks are naturally influenced by certain things. I was already highly aware of and interested in that before joining SS. I've also posted about manipulation tactics, which has benefitted members who have experienced it irl, some who were driven here by it. That thread was no more about a power play on SS than this one.

My point was that I'm just me. I'm not the number of posts or the color of my username or the number of reacts, but I'm conscious of such perceptions, and struggle with them because it's far more important to me to just be me rather than influential.

I accept that you are not perceiving my post as intended. If it's irreconcilable, I'm okay with that. If I notice that it becomes a big deal and the mods don't lock or delete, I'll delete it myself. I may not have necessarily enjoyed how it was presented, but I appreciate your input and have taken note of it.
You know what, I see that you took alot of time in that and that you mean what you're saying. You're reiterating what has been said before and it's never been about post count or whatever.

I never meant any strife but you have to understand this one FACT. Posters of our caliber are held to a higher standard. As we should be. It's also normal human instinct to form cliques.

But I've never blocked people out. I'm no more or no less dedicated to this community then you or anyone else.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I find it weird that I'm attempting to break up a debate instead of directly participating in one. :ahhha: Anyhow, here're some chill pills raining down on ya'll.

View attachment 30954
View attachment 30953

Careful not to choke on them or get a concussion. Grab a glass of water and a helmet. Most importantly, scatter and seek shelter. :ohhhh:
Where is the real @nitrogen - what have you done with her? :heart:
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Schrödinger's cat
Nov 5, 2019
Where is the real @nitrogen - what have you done with her?
I'm right behind you, my dear. :love::kiss::happy:


Relax relax, if you can't shit out sprinkles like the gingerbread man please hold your poo-poo.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
You know what, I see that you took alot of time in that and that you mean what you're saying.

Thank you. I really appreciate that you saw this and that you said so.

you have to understand this one FACT. Posters of our caliber are held to a higher standard. As we should be.

THIS. This is exactly what weighed on me and made me reflective. It was exactly this that made me try to say, "This is my motivation, this is where I'm coming from, this is why I post, and pay attention to my behavior as to whether or not I am worthy of respect or listening to -- not colors or numbers."
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
I think the number thing is bull crap, high numbers dont mean quality posts. Hell i could sit and play all the game posts for the next 2 days straight, dont mean my posts will be any less talking outta my ass, ill just be talkinh out my ass with a high number count..

Why do people feel the need to justify themselves? Or explain the reasons behind whom they are?

Can't we just take people as they are with no great reaaoning behind it?
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Why do people feel the need to justify themselves? Or explain the reasons behind whom they are?

Can't we just take people as they are with no great reasoning behind it?
This, exactly. But no, it's a big pissing match because some of us do play the games :pfff:
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
I simply have no come back to that...
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
This, exactly. But no, it's a big pissing match because some of us do play the games :pfff:
But at the same time we cannot agree with everything we see, this is normal for people to disagree. That's the way we learn. All the science was based on that :)
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I simply have no come back to that...
Well it should never come to that. But it can be a good laugh between drunken friends.
But at the same time we cannot agree with everything we see, this is normal for people to disagree. That's the way we learn. All the science was based on that :)
Science based on number and word games. How far we have come as a sentient, self aware race.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Why do people feel the need to justify themselves? Or explain the reasons behind whom they are?

I didn't feel a need to, but I felt motivated to. If it bothers you that I did so, respectfully, that is a reflection of your internal self and a not a reflection of mine. If you're rejecting my post, then to me that just means you weren't my intended audience, and I'm okay with that.

(EDIT: Folks do this all the time on the forum with regard to justifying their suicidality or sharing who they are. I shared who I am. If that doesn't resonate with you, okay. Not everyone resonates with everyone else.)

Can't we just take people as they are with no great reaaoning behind it?

For me, no. I can no more believe in Santa Claus or God, or take MLK or Gandhi or my own parents as they are, without questioning or engaging my critical thinking skills. Not everyone has good intentions, not everyone respects others' boundaries or is safe. Doesn't mean I expect everyone explain themselves, but I certainly feel more comfortable when I have a better sense of those around me.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
Well it should never come to that. But it can be a good laugh between drunken friends.

Science based on number and word games. How far we have come as a sentient, self aware race.
I do not deny the science but there are always things that control science. The best example would be churches which fucked up everything in the Middle Age. Then Nikola Tesla was trying to create no-cable electricity, oil companies did not want that, they would lose profit. Henry Ford was treated as an idiot when he claimed he will build internal-combustion engine. Japanese guy built a car running on water, but he was told "Shut down the project or we will shut down you". This year (seems that late December 2019) Chinese guy was sentenced to 3 years because he created genetically modified kids HIV-proof. Let's make a distinction between science who is necessary for "powerful" and the science which makes the life better.
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Dead are useless if not to love the living more
Feb 13, 2020
I always found your contributions of a bonding nature cause they are refreshing from being brainy. You're indeed inviting people to think and there's some intellectual gourmandise to derive from your participation. I very much consider you like a pleasure generator to boot, behind sometimes austere appearances, or alternatively some panache, whose density has to be explored.
Since the very start, I quickly noticed that even if I was occasionally put off by your developments, scratching my head with a mix of circonspection, smile/laugh, endorsement, or not getting full nuances straight away, I could be confident that you're not acting for free and indeed are trying to guide towards self exploration. I understood that yes, I could trust you (most, you'd teach - I'm naturally critical) at all times, not meaning that I'd even have to agree with you, because you'd give the right not to, as long as I'm putting some honest efforts in to mitigate.
I feel strongly that you're somebody who services. There's a fake lead from your presence (noticeable writing skills and ability to express ideas) but it's really support, with an intent of manoeuvring respectfully. Around you, I feel the consideration, like a person being offered to take a hand to cross a bridge to discover a new horizon, or hinted to look behind corners. For that, you're the definition of what I'd consider a friendly soul...
The rest, the futur, is really about your own freedom to grant yourself.

Reread and corrected,
No fan boy (I refute the embarrassment ...and to not open hearts, given the context - meant it since earlier, now due)
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Dec 17, 2019
If you're turning purple, you might try loosening the noose :blarg: :hug:

( I am not mocking , merely throwing a meaningless pun for cheap entertainment )
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