

Dec 15, 2021
I try to limit myself from going on this platform because the more I use it, the more awful I realize it is. I've been on Reddit for 2 years, and for the first few months, it really wasn't that bad. You could have full discussions due to its lengthy letter/character limit, and I barely came across any toxic users. I don't know what happened over the course of the months that flew by, but I kept finding more horrible users, mods, and subreddits. All whom spread god awful advice and project their experiences and insecurities on everyone they meet. All the vent subreddits I've been on are absolute garbage because if you were to vent on one of these subs, you'll have a bunch of morons telling you your emotions are invalid and make fun of you. It's ridiculous, I've seen this happen on so many subs when someone is clearly just looking for emotional validation. Its like your just looking at a bunch of bots saying stupid shit. Redditors think toxic positivity and therapy are the miracle cure for everything in life. I kid you not, you can create a thread and say those two things have not helped, their brains will literally stop, or they'll just say you're doing everything wrong.

A lot of the subs I've been to completely lost their purpose. r/rants ? Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion. r/cringetopia ? Barely anything on this sub is actually cringeworthy. Its just dumbfucks reposting shit people already posted and call it cringe to get karma. r/vent ? depends on what you're going to vent or the users will invalidate you or make fun of you. Might be just me, but I bet most redditors have little to no emotional intelligence.

The most mods on the Reddit are quite literally subhuman. I've been banned from a few subreddits for the most ridiculous reasons. The mods most likely checked out your post history and comments to see if you have a different belief from them. Or they program a bot on a certain sub to scout out anyone who has commented on certain subreddits. Besides the mods, did I mention that Redditors have an incel fetish ? Whenever its brought up on reddit, the users absolutely love talking about incels as if it's on their minds daily. No joke, you can go on some vent/offmychest normie subreddit and talk about how you identify as an incel and will no longer be one, you get like a hundreds of awards and everyone will can you a hero or something like that. Its so god damn hilarious because its usually a troll that most likely posted it to farm on Redditors hatred for incels.

One of the things I find hilarious about Reddit is the amount fake stories that dumb fucks but into. I enjoy it when trolls play on Redditiors because it shows how fucking dumb so much of the users are on Reddit.

Rant over.
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion
It gets far worse than this. r/BlackPeopleTwitter flat out discriminates based on race, requiring that people take pictures to show they aren't white. Most of Reddit is nutheads shoving political activist bullshit in unrelated subs
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Dec 15, 2021
It gets far worse than this. r/BlackPeopleTwitter flat out discriminates based on race, requiring that people take pictures to show they aren't white. Most of Reddit is nutheads shoving political activist bullshit in unrelated subs
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. I try my best to stay away from r/whitepeopletwitter and r/blackpeopletwitter because I think seperating the two is just dumb. I don't know why it's a thing.
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Sep 28, 2020
I also can't stand Reditt
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Kindness is so gangsta
Aug 17, 2021
it's okay, just don't like how everything is about seggs, and how everyone is gender obsessed.
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Jul 7, 2021
I made reddit account for shitposting but stayed for very niche subs. Big subreddits are all trash.

You cannot have opinion on reddit. It is all just hivemind. Incels are real, btw. It is a fact that some people just can't get laid.
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Red Scare

Red Scare

Mar 1, 2022
Reddit mods are the saddest, most pathetic, useless, bunch of sorry mother fuckers that ever existed. They act as if they have some real kind of power, because they are such losers in real life that to them having this little bit of power to decide who can and can't participate in a stupid ass sub is the most important thing in the universe, and some kind of god-tier ability in their minds, because they are just a bunch of disempowered idiots who cling to the one semblance of power and authority they will ever be given. They are narcissistic control freaks who need validation, and boy do they get it whenever they get to ban or censor someone. And they go about it with all the smugness and contempt of a teacher telling someone to go stand in the corner and think about what they've done, which is what makes it even more pathetic.

In reality they are nothing but glorified janitors, Internet janitors, who devote countless hours and free time to sweeping up and clearing out unwanted content so that the advertisers and data farmers can do their thing with optimal efficiency.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I think the root of the problem is humans. A lot of these platforms have very real potential for positive use. Its judt that us grimy humans ruin everything. The best examples of humanity are vastly outweighed by the worst examples and it really leaks out when there's little to no culpability when sitting behind a screen. The internet is a true mirror of what people once kept private and hidden from public view. I suppose in that sense its enlightening. Just unfortunately so.
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Feb 12, 2022
Reading your rant makes me feel less alone in these thoughts and feelings. But we're also manufactured to feel alone by design. If these people didn't screw around with who had a voice and who didn't things would feel a lot different.

For the sake of my mental well-being I avoid most social media sites, especially Reddit. They will literally try to push you to suicide on there if you don't share their views. You'll find some completely compassionless over-zealous nasties on here too, but ironically considering this site's reputation I think that's less likely to happen here.

i recommend avoiding the big platforms. I know I always regret it when I go back onto one of them. Don't let horrible people interfere with you trying to manage your feelings or mentally recover.
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There’s nothing there
Feb 20, 2022
I've used Reddit on and off for years and have actually been thinking of quitting Reddit permanently recently and this thread makes a lot of good points about why I dislike it. There is something really off about it and I can't quite put my finger on it.

The users seem so out of touch with reality and give off so much negativity. It seems like all they know is what they've picked up from the Reddit hive mind, not real life. And the negativity isn't like the "negativity" on this site. Here any negative sentiment is genuine, real, and understandable, as is the support others give to eachother. Reddit has so much negativity just for the sake of being negative and causing anger and/or demoralization. And on the flip side the positivity feels incredibly forced and fake. They think they're genuinely helping and making an impact repeating the same cliche lines and acting friendly. It reminds me of when the popular kids at school would act nice to you just to feel good about themselves and give off an image, but it was obvious they didn't actually care.

And the people on Reddit seem have a pretty narcissistic veiw of themselves, thinking they're always right and heroic for posting there or upvoting others posts. They think they are better than others simply because they use Reddit, and talk down on others who in reality aren't that much different than them. They think they are above others, but it's actually just the other side of the same coin. Im not a fan of it but at least 4chan is honest about themselves and how hateful and terrible they are.

I also just realized that on any popular subreddit such as r/askreddit, where there are new posts every second and tens of thousands of people comment on the top ones, the top comments on any post are people who are practically living on Reddit to be one of the first to comment. And the top comment on any post is what the majority agree with, but not necessarily the right or best answer. Are these the people we should be taking advice from? Compare that to here, where posts have time to be viewed and replied to, and no post or comment is regarded as better or worse than others. Here users are allowed to make their own interpretations and contribute in a fair manner. The fair and relatively hands off moderation, and genuine and supportive users help as well.

Also we have no idea how much bots influence Reddit. The anonymity, emphasis on short strings of text and upvotes/downvotes, as well as a massive number of users and posts/comments make patterns less recognizable and would make it incredibly easy for someone to influence it to a great extent through the use of bots.

I think the recent r/antiwork thing where the moderator went on Fox News shows what a lot of users on Reddit, specifically mods are like. They are people who are isolated from reality (which isn't an issue in itself), but think they understand it better and have the right to tell others how it really is because of their status on Reddit. If you're a moderator, or a user who gets more upvotes, your views and experiences are "more valuable" than others. On Reddit, much of the content and conversation it is people (who could be anyone) telling others what is right/wrong and how you should act. It's a power dynamic that is not supportive of quality, productive conversations.

I will say there are plenty of great smaller subreddits with great people, and that's what keeps me coming back. But it can be hard to keep that separate from the rest, especially when Reddit itself constantly suggests and pushes other content on you.
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Burned out

Sep 22, 2018
I only made it one month participating on Reddit. I quit after getting downvoted without explanation for offering a real solution for a problem that works.
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Mar 11, 2022
I try to limit myself from going on this platform because the more I use it, the more awful I realize it is. I've been on Reddit for 2 years, and for the first few months, it really wasn't that bad. You could have full discussions due to its lengthy letter/character limit, and I barely came across any toxic users. I don't know what happened over the course of the months that flew by, but I kept finding more horrible users, mods, and subreddits. All whom spread god awful advice and project their experiences and insecurities on everyone they meet. All the vent subreddits I've been on are absolute garbage because if you were to vent on one of these subs, you'll have a bunch of morons telling you your emotions are invalid and make fun of you. It's ridiculous, I've seen this happen on so many subs when someone is clearly just looking for emotional validation. Its like your just looking at a bunch of bots saying stupid shit. Redditors think toxic positivity and therapy are the miracle cure for everything in life. I kid you not, you can create a thread and say those two things have not helped, their brains will literally stop, or they'll just say you're doing everything wrong.

A lot of the subs I've been to completely lost their purpose. r/rants ? Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion. r/cringetopia ? Barely anything on this sub is actually cringeworthy. Its just dumbfucks reposting shit people already posted and call it cringe to get karma. r/vent ? depends on what you're going to vent or the users will invalidate you or make fun of you. Might be just me, but I bet most redditors have little to no emotional intelligence.

The most mods on the Reddit are quite literally subhuman. I've been banned from a few subreddits for the most ridiculous reasons. The mods most likely checked out your post history and comments to see if you have a different belief from them. Or they program a bot on a certain sub to scout out anyone who has commented on certain subreddits. Besides the mods, did I mention that Redditors have an incel fetish ? Whenever its brought up on reddit, the users absolutely love talking about incels as if it's on their minds daily. No joke, you can go on some vent/offmychest normie subreddit and talk about how you identify as an incel and will no longer be one, you get like a hundreds of awards and everyone will can you a hero or something like that. Its so god damn hilarious because its usually a troll that most likely posted it to farm on Redditors hatred for incels.

One of the things I find hilarious about Reddit is the amount fake stories that dumb fucks but into. I enjoy it when trolls play on Redditiors because it shows how fucking dumb so much of the users are on Reddit.

Rant over.
Reddit seemed to a more intellectual place prior to 5 years ago. Since then, it seems it's been overrun by teenagers and young people. I can't learn new things there anymore and every comment section is a joke. I prefer places like ResearchGate and PubMed now
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Burned out

Sep 22, 2018
Reddit seemed to a more intellectual place prior to 5 years ago. Since then, it seems it's been overrun by teenagers and young people. I can't learn new things there anymore and every comment section is a joke. I prefer places like ResearchGate and PubMed now
is a good one
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Jan 4, 2022
Ahh, Reddit.com, the wonderful cesspool of misogyny, psuedo intellectuals, and echochambers. Let's not forget the grating joke comment chains and references that somehow pop up on almost all threads. Gender wars. Depressed kids. Hugboxes or snakepits, depending on where you're at. Political absurdity. The hotspot to showcase disgusting creative writing for internet points.

I hate Reddit. This is a great thread.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I try to limit myself from going on this platform because the more I use it, the more awful I realize it is. I've been on Reddit for 2 years, and for the first few months, it really wasn't that bad. You could have full discussions due to its lengthy letter/character limit, and I barely came across any toxic users. I don't know what happened over the course of the months that flew by, but I kept finding more horrible users, mods, and subreddits. All whom spread god awful advice and project their experiences and insecurities on everyone they meet. All the vent subreddits I've been on are absolute garbage because if you were to vent on one of these subs, you'll have a bunch of morons telling you your emotions are invalid and make fun of you. It's ridiculous, I've seen this happen on so many subs when someone is clearly just looking for emotional validation. Its like your just looking at a bunch of bots saying stupid shit. Redditors think toxic positivity and therapy are the miracle cure for everything in life. I kid you not, you can create a thread and say those two things have not helped, their brains will literally stop, or they'll just say you're doing everything wrong.

A lot of the subs I've been to completely lost their purpose. r/rants ? Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion. r/cringetopia ? Barely anything on this sub is actually cringeworthy. Its just dumbfucks reposting shit people already posted and call it cringe to get karma. r/vent ? depends on what you're going to vent or the users will invalidate you or make fun of you. Might be just me, but I bet most redditors have little to no emotional intelligence.

The most mods on the Reddit are quite literally subhuman. I've been banned from a few subreddits for the most ridiculous reasons. The mods most likely checked out your post history and comments to see if you have a different belief from them. Or they program a bot on a certain sub to scout out anyone who has commented on certain subreddits. Besides the mods, did I mention that Redditors have an incel fetish ? Whenever its brought up on reddit, the users absolutely love talking about incels as if it's on their minds daily. No joke, you can go on some vent/offmychest normie subreddit and talk about how you identify as an incel and will no longer be one, you get like a hundreds of awards and everyone will can you a hero or something like that. Its so god damn hilarious because its usually a troll that most likely posted it to farm on Redditors hatred for incels.

One of the things I find hilarious about Reddit is the amount fake stories that dumb fucks but into. I enjoy it when trolls play on Redditiors because it shows how fucking dumb so much of the users are on Reddit.

Rant over.
I liked your rant and I also SEETHE at reddit. It's normie smiley surface hides various shapes and species of awful.

It's worth noting that one of the guys that started Reddit was forced to kill himself or was suicided because of his idealistic mindset against big corpo and govt. Aaron Schwartz. I think the good people get filtered out and the monsters stay (in charge of the site), at least it happened in this case.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Reddit has been shit for a long time unfortunately. I've made posts complaining about them before. There's something uniquely horrible about reddit, maybe because it purports itself to be different than any other social media trash fire like Twitter or Instagram, although it has basically become a clone of them in most ways by now (I remember when there were no avatars or ability to "follow" people...) and has the upvote/downvote/karma system which always been known to contribute to the hivemind and toxicity problem.

I stopped going around there regularly in about 2015. The "default" subreddits have always been a cesspool, but there had been a few good or bearable subreddits that hadn't yet been overrun by political interests, power hungry mods, or the need to appeal to advertisers, but by now any subs like that have heavily dwindled in number to be almost nonexistent. I rarely go on reddit now, only visiting a few subreddits entirely devoted to specific video games.

Reddit sold out to become just another souless corporate enterprise and completely abandoned part of what was the core concept of reddit at its founding which was free speech if you can believe that. Now they cater only to certain political views and cultivate an environment whose only purpose is to enforce what a small group of people think should be the dominant cultural beliefs or interests. I could go on but you've covered most of the egregious bits, like getting banned for posting on subreddits that mods don't like (which many subreddits do have a bot set up for as pathetic as that is) or for having an unpopular but ultimately harmless opinion.

Reddit in two images:

IMG 20200809 095526

Tumblr 978b3c368dd9681d3b6e771166ddbe36 bd70c181 500
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Mar 14, 2022
It indeed is an awful site
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Feb 18, 2022
It's not exclusively Reddit, but all social media that I dislike. I split social media sites into two categories:
On one hand, there are sites that only have likes and no downvotes (e.g. Instagram and Twitter). Here, what gets attention is pretty straightforward. You say the most inflammatory things you can to garner internet points from people on your side. The problem is, the site becomes a toxic cesspit.
On the other hand, you have Reddit, where what you see is based on upvotes and downvotes. Here, joining in on circlejerks and having popular opinions is what gets you attention. It might be less toxic, but it's just as bad in terms of having actual discourse.

It seems like the best compromise is forums that show you what people posted most recently. For quality control, all you need is a bit of moderation and a culture that encourages people to think before they post.
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Sep 10, 2018
I'd like Reddit a lot more if people didn't use the "downvote" button as a "disagree button".

I still remember how someone made a good long post about why they didn't like game X, got downvoted a lot, another person some months later made a similar post, got upvoted a lot. Iirc it was Bloodborne so it wasn't like the game was even new by the time the first OP posted their critique. I had no idea why the other post got downvoted and the other upvoted when they were so similar.

I hate Pokemon subs for it too. One day you'll say "Legends is the second best game I've ever played" and get 50 downvotes for claiming it isn't the best game you have ever played, then the next time you visit the place you can say "Legends sucks, worst game ever" and get +50 upvotes. There's no rhyme or reason why some opinions get upvoted and some downvoted on the same fucking subreddit. Why would anyone ever dare to say what they like or dislike when it's up to roulette whether they get 60 downvotes, or 2 downvotes or 200 upvotes?

That said, I like some subs. The Pokemon cospiracies sub for example and some funny subs like churchofcurrentthing. I don't post in them however, I don't want to spend time and energy writing posts only for A: to get no replies or upvotes, B: get downvoted or hateful messages, C: get good replies that I'm obliged to reply to even though I don't want to.

Hahaha, always the problem with forums. If one gets no reply, that might be sad, but if one gets a reply, one might hate it because who wants to spend time and energy writing replies to replies lol. At least this forum has the emojis, so I can communicate "I saw your message, and this is what I think about it" instead of spending time and energy writing replies. Like if someone is helpful or I help someone, I don't have to spend time and energy writing "You're welcome!" or "Thank you", I can just press a button twice and it's ten times faster than writing "your welcom" and then spending eight hours fixing it. Why is writing a three page essay faster than fixing one typo?
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Apr 26, 2022
I avoid the larger subs and have looked into and quickly clicked out of a few niche subs, but I've found a few that have been interesting and helpful, like a bicycle repair help sub, some niche jazz music groups, and book related subs.

But there were a few subs that started out helpful and interesting, got attention from all or featured, then the trolls and toxicity showed up, ate all the nachos, made a mess of the rug, got drunk and ruined the sofa. Metaphorically speaking.

Oh, I was banned from literature. I subbed and forgot about it, then saw a post asking for a recommendation for a book addressing a subject. As I had recently read one, I answered, forgetting it was that sub (I saw it on my main feed) as it had a no book recommendation rule, so I was banned. Ah well, I'll never be tempted to share my papers on Saul Bellow nor Virginia Woolf with them.

I did have fun participating in a couple secret Santas and was an elf, but those have been shut down.

Anyway, my point, I suppose. If you have a specific enough interest that's mostly shared by reasonably interesting people you may be able to find a sub that doesn't blow walruses.


Apr 19, 2022
True. Reddit is an echo chamber. In the depression sub reddit when i vented about my issues, a mod told me to stop posting because i kept shutting down advice even though i never asked for advice..........
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Feb 23, 2022
I try to limit myself from going on this platform because the more I use it, the more awful I realize it is. I've been on Reddit for 2 years, and for the first few months, it really wasn't that bad. You could have full discussions due to its lengthy letter/character limit, and I barely came across any toxic users. I don't know what happened over the course of the months that flew by, but I kept finding more horrible users, mods, and subreddits. All whom spread god awful advice and project their experiences and insecurities on everyone they meet. All the vent subreddits I've been on are absolute garbage because if you were to vent on one of these subs, you'll have a bunch of morons telling you your emotions are invalid and make fun of you. It's ridiculous, I've seen this happen on so many subs when someone is clearly just looking for emotional validation. Its like your just looking at a bunch of bots saying stupid shit. Redditors think toxic positivity and therapy are the miracle cure for everything in life. I kid you not, you can create a thread and say those two things have not helped, their brains will literally stop, or they'll just say you're doing everything wrong.

A lot of the subs I've been to completely lost their purpose. r/rants ? Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion. r/cringetopia ? Barely anything on this sub is actually cringeworthy. Its just dumbfucks reposting shit people already posted and call it cringe to get karma. r/vent ? depends on what you're going to vent or the users will invalidate you or make fun of you. Might be just me, but I bet most redditors have little to no emotional intelligence.

The most mods on the Reddit are quite literally subhuman. I've been banned from a few subreddits for the most ridiculous reasons. The mods most likely checked out your post history and comments to see if you have a different belief from them. Or they program a bot on a certain sub to scout out anyone who has commented on certain subreddits. Besides the mods, did I mention that Redditors have an incel fetish ? Whenever its brought up on reddit, the users absolutely love talking about incels as if it's on their minds daily. No joke, you can go on some vent/offmychest normie subreddit and talk about how you identify as an incel and will no longer be one, you get like a hundreds of awards and everyone will can you a hero or something like that. Its so god damn hilarious because its usually a troll that most likely posted it to farm on Redditors hatred for incels.

One of the things I find hilarious about Reddit is the amount fake stories that dumb fucks but into. I enjoy it when trolls play on Redditiors because it shows how fucking dumb so much of the users are on Reddit.

Rant over.
I just want to add that I fucking hate so much that you can't ever express pain that you're in or the pain that exists around you without some fucking Reddit asshole piece of shit saying "r/im14andthisisdeep" fuck off! Jesus and I feel like even if I do kms assholes like that will only ever think that people like me are just "edgelords"
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Jun 22, 2020
It is not good. I used to use it a lot despite never really trusting it, but didn't see much other choice for a long time. The support forums are very judgey and can get a little cultist. The bragging and trolling on the personal finance forums is excessive. Mods are often inexperienced. There's quite a lot of scamming and marketing now. And what is up with those badges? If you need something useful, chances are you can get it elsewhere, quicker. Maybe others have found it helpful, but it has been a let down to me - it doesn't offer anything except a lot of noise, drama and wild goose chases if you want something specific.
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Aug 29, 2021
There are like 8 personality's on Reddit and the whole site just conforms to it. They say the same things and react in the same way just so they can get Reddit karma. Even though they have subreddits, if you stick around for long enough in a sub you'll find its the same damn personality's, just a different sub.

If you dare to have a personality or opinion that doesn't fit the narrative then you're downvoted.

I had to quit that site because if I saw another "I choose this guy's wife", I might've popped an eyeball out my socket.
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Dec 15, 2021
I try to limit myself from going on this platform because the more I use it, the more awful I realize it is. I've been on Reddit for 2 years, and for the first few months, it really wasn't that bad. You could have full discussions due to its lengthy letter/character limit, and I barely came across any toxic users. I don't know what happened over the course of the months that flew by, but I kept finding more horrible users, mods, and subreddits. All whom spread god awful advice and project their experiences and insecurities on everyone they meet. All the vent subreddits I've been on are absolute garbage because if you were to vent on one of these subs, you'll have a bunch of morons telling you your emotions are invalid and make fun of you. It's ridiculous, I've seen this happen on so many subs when someone is clearly just looking for emotional validation. Its like your just looking at a bunch of bots saying stupid shit. Redditors think toxic positivity and therapy are the miracle cure for everything in life. I kid you not, you can create a thread and say those two things have not helped, their brains will literally stop, or they'll just say you're doing everything wrong.

A lot of the subs I've been to completely lost their purpose. r/rants ? Can't join unless you have a certain political opinion. r/cringetopia ? Barely anything on this sub is actually cringeworthy. Its just dumbfucks reposting shit people already posted and call it cringe to get karma. r/vent ? depends on what you're going to vent or the users will invalidate you or make fun of you. Might be just me, but I bet most redditors have little to no emotional intelligence.

The most mods on the Reddit are quite literally subhuman. I've been banned from a few subreddits for the most ridiculous reasons. The mods most likely checked out your post history and comments to see if you have a different belief from them. Or they program a bot on a certain sub to scout out anyone who has commented on certain subreddits. Besides the mods, did I mention that Redditors have an incel fetish ? Whenever its brought up on reddit, the users absolutely love talking about incels as if it's on their minds daily. No joke, you can go on some vent/offmychest normie subreddit and talk about how you identify as an incel and will no longer be one, you get like a hundreds of awards and everyone will can you a hero or something like that. Its so god damn hilarious because its usually a troll that most likely posted it to farm on Redditors hatred for incels.

One of the things I find hilarious about Reddit is the amount fake stories that dumb fucks but into. I enjoy it when trolls play on Redditiors because it shows how fucking dumb so much of the users are on Reddit.

Rant over.

The Internet at large brought out something disturbing in human beings, which means that Reddit is just a symptom of that wickedness.
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Mar 26, 2022
The Internet at large brought out something disturbing in human beings, which means that Reddit is just a symptom of that wickedness.
It's not a symptom. It is a cause.