

Dec 26, 2020
based on effectiveness and painfulness (not too important if ill... die, but...) and whatever else you'd like to add, please?

1. getting "lost" in a forest.
2. drowning to death in a pool.
3. suicide by cop.
4. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally.
5. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven
6. falling from a (tall) building.
7. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire.
8. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants
9. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura.
10. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road.
11. hanging myself

sorry if any of this is stupid/obviously wont work and i dont know


Sep 7, 2020
I think those methods look quite painful, then again I'm the guy looking to order caffeine powder tonight so I can catch the bus before winter break ends.
(Note: I'm certain caffeine powder isn't the best method but it's the best I can think of cause I wanna order something to ctb tonight and I can make it look like an accident if I fail, I think I may not order anything tonight at this rate and just go research more poisons and stuff to consume)

ANYWAY here's how I rate your list:
10. getting "lost" in a forest. (What if dangerous animals don't find you or what if you get found after 2 days of wandering around, wouldn't be a fun experience also scary at night)
1. drowning to death in a pool. (This one is pretty great if you look into the method, even professionals can sometimes do this kinda thing on accident, large bodies of water are VERY LETHAL to us land lubbers)
8. suicide by cop. (What if you just end up getting arrested though)
7. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally. (I'd rather just stab my cartaroid artery)
6. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven (I'd love to have a knife through my cartaroid but haven't mustered the will power for it)
3. falling from a (tall) building. (Requires willpower, I tried this before and chickened our like 2 or maybe 3 times)
9. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire. (Yeah, ouch. If I was in a house fire already though I think I might stay in the building and burn if there's no place high to jump from. People die a lot from jumping from burning buildings cause the fear of burning alive is worse than the fear of hitting the ground really hard)
2. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants (That sounds like a decent method I think some form of poisoning is the way to go for me since I don't have the willpower to jump or stab but eating is a pretty calming thing. Proof of this can be seen in The video of that guy eating chips on the train in between people fighting)
2. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura. (I haven't researched this specific plant but seems like a good method though idk how easy it is to acquire compared to other poisons)
4. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road. (Sounds good, but what if your head doesn't get run over and you survive. Whatever person runs you over is gonna call ambulance immediately and maybe even sue you for denting their car.)
5. hanging myself (You need to know what you're doing to accomplish this, look into the cartaroid artery cutting off circulation to that is a good method, you can do it by hanging or just make a device to put enough pressure on the arteries to kill you. I heard hanging is better for heavier people where as choking yourself using a device might prove more effective for skinny folk)
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Apr 8, 2018
I think those methods look quite painful, then again I'm the guy looking to order caffeine powder tonight so I can catch the bus before winter break ends.
(Note: I'm certain caffeine powder isn't the best method but it's the best I can think of cause I wanna order something to ctb tonight and I can make it look like an accident if I fail, I think I may not order anything tonight at this rate and just go research more poisons and stuff to consume)

ANYWAY here's how I rate your list:
I disagree to my knowledge caffeine powder is a really solid method.
based on effectiveness and painfulness (not too important if ill... die, but...) and whatever else you'd like to add, please?

1. getting "lost" in a forest.
2. drowning to death in a pool.
3. suicide by cop.
4. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally.
5. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven
6. falling from a (tall) building.
7. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire.
8. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants
9. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura.
10. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road.
11. hanging myself

sorry if any of this is stupid/obviously wont work and i dont know
All suck besides 11 in which case you defiantly can't half ass it. You got to be sure you will succeed otherwise you might end up permanently severely disabled etc. This isn't a game. Choose to live or die-you can't be undecided it's going to cause you to half ass death or your life.
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Nov 11, 2020
All of them are terrible besides 11 and possibly 8 depending what's consumed.

Lost in Time

Sep 7, 2022
1. getting "lost" in a forest.

I have thought about this myself, but have not gone through it for various reasons. However, this method reminds me of a tale I once heard about the Buddha from the Abbot of a Buddhist temple. There are various renditions of this tale. The version I was told goes as follows. In one of Buddha's previous incarnations he stumbled upon a starving Lioness with her cubs. As an act of compassion, he chose to lay down, and cut himself so the lions would smell his blood, and allowed the lions to eat him so that he may save their lives.

Sometimes, when an individual feels suicidal, they want to be redeemed somehow. When I was thinking of doing something similar, I had the mindset, that at least the predators of the area would put my body to good use...if it isn't too toxic from exposure to environmental pollutants. However, if you are going to get lost in the woods with the intention of dying(or any other ecosystem) it will greatly facilitate the process by going to a region that have large predatorily animals (wolves, bears, etc.) or extremely poisonous life forms (various species of snakes, scorpions, jellyfish, frogs, etc). If you are far enough from civilization, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to intercede at the appropriate time. Also, extreme weather will help facilitate a faster death. However, if you manage to avoid poison and predators(self-preservation is difficult to overcome), starvation and exposure to the elements are long and drawn-out ways to go.

However, if you are attempting to make your death look like an accident, I could see this as a viable motive...Unfortunately, it is very indirect and may take much longer than expected(you'd be surprised at how adaptable we are as a species).

2. drowning to death in a pool.

Most pools are public, are they not? I would fear that someone would spot me before total death occurred. Instead, were I to choose to go by drowning, I would either jump from a bridge or capsize a boat while wearing weights. Lakes and rivers are much deeper than pools, and if you remain conscious and try to swim towards the surface(and your sense of direction is in tact while submerged), the weights will make it that much more difficult to enact self-preservation instincts. Also, the size of a lake or river is much larger than a pool, so it is more difficult to attempt rescue. Furthermore, if you go by boat and the boat is capsized, you can make it look like an accident, if that is what you prefer.

3. suicide by cop.

Unfortunately, you do not know how a police officer will react to whatever behavior you think will lead to him or her shooting you. Many jurisdictions are under fire for police brutality and the use of excessive force, so the police in your jurisdiction, may or may not be working on utilizing more "non-violent" ways to apprehend suspects. Furthermore, if this plan fails, not only do you have the repercussions of a failed suicide attempt to deal with, but significant jail time. Not an ideal way to go.

4. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally

The thing about cutting for suicide, is that unless you have experience slaughtering animals by bleeding them, it is unlikely that you will generate the pressure/depth require on your first attempt, due to survival impulses. Superficial attempts don't cause many long-term issues aside from scarring and stigma(that can be covered up by sleeves, if the site of injury was the arms or wrists, but severe attempts can go awry. Many survivors of this method have severed tendons, limiting the mobility of their hands, and making further attempts more difficult.

5. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven

A quick web search informs me that Yuri ddlc is an anime. Other than that, your reference as to the style of stabbing in comparison to an Anime that I have never heard of doesn't really tell me anything. Was it hari kari? If it was, there was a reason why warriors did it. It takes an element of will power stronger than that of the average civilian to go through with. If you do it right, death can be rather quick. If you do it wrong, your intestines will be pooling on the floor in front of you as you suffer in agony until you bleed out or worse(death by infection). Traditional hari kari was committed by two people. Basically, if you fucked up and did it wrong, your best friend was supposed to be there with you and chop your head off. Most modern suicides outside of Japan don't really involve a friend helping to make sure you do it right...

6. falling from a (tall) building.

Make sure it's tall enough to cause death and remember that there are always statistical anomalies. In 1971 a flight attendant survived a fail of 33,000 ft without a parachute, but again this is a statistical anomaly. My question is, how do you get to the top of said building unnoticed and unimpeded?

7. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire.

Self Immoliation has become increasingly common in Tibet as of recently. A number of young Buddhist monks tried it and survived. A web search will tell you their stories. Being set on fire is one of the more brutal ways to go, as you can feel your skin literally boiling before you loose consciousness. Don't do this, especially if you fear fire.

8. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants

Make sure you do your research and that your choice is final. Also, poisons are not necessarily painless. Some that make you sleep, are more desirable in lack of pain, but possibly less desirable with lethality. Also choose your poison wisely. Very few poisons kill instantaneously, like in the movies. Especially plant and mushroom poisons(non-isolated).

9. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura.

How old are you hun? Datura is easily to collect, provided that it grows in your region. Just need to learn to properly identify it. However, the datura plant must be treated with respect. If you are really interested in Datura, I would suggest looking into enthnobotanical sources of information. If you don't know what ethnobotany is, it simply means the study of human uses of plants. Searching the keywords "ethnobotany" and "datura" will bring up a great deal of information that will help you make a better decision.

10. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road.

Good way to get injured, but not die. If using traffic as a method of suicide, I would use the freeway jumping off of an overpass above the freeway into oncoming traffic. Now I have falling, in addition to high speed collision as a cause of death, which makes the prospect of death more secure. But there is still a chance you may survive. And in the process, you've probably hurt a lot of other people who didn't want to die or get hurt, so there's that, and that's not very cool.

11. hanging myself

Affordable and can be done virtually anywhere, provided you have some support on which to hang. Doesn't seem exactly easy, but way more peaceful than self immoliation or death by cop. Also less likely to harm other people than jumping into traffic. Hanging is a historically tried and true method. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but it works the majority of the time.


In conclusion, if you're looking for an indirect death were you wanted to conceal the fact that it was a suicide, I would say a good bet is joining the military and deliberately dying on the battle field. Depending on the context, you may end up a hero. Even if you don't you still get your wish.

As to more direct methods, do your research first. This forum has a lot of information on these subjects, that you can cross-reference.
1. getting "lost" in a forest.

I have thought about this myself, but have not gone through it for various reasons. However, this method reminds me of a tale I once heard about the Buddha from the Abbot of a Buddhist temple. There are various renditions of this tale. The version I was told goes as follows. In one of Buddha's previous incarnations he stumbled upon a starving Lioness with her cubs. As an act of compassion, he chose to lay down, and cut himself so the lions would smell his blood, and allowed the lions to eat him so that he may save their lives. (The version on wikipedia says he jumped from a cliff to feed the starving lions at the bottom of the cliff).

Sometimes, when an individual feels suicidal, they want to be redeemed somehow. When I was thinking of doing something similar, I had the mindset, that at least the predators of the area would put my body to good use...if it isn't too toxic from exposure to environmental pollutants. However, if you are going to get lost in the woods with the intention of dying(or any other ecosystem) it will greatly facilitate the process by going to a region that have large predatorily animals (wolves, bears, etc.) or extremely poisonous life forms (various species of snakes, scorpions, jellyfish, frogs, etc). If you are far enough from civilization, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to intercede at the appropriate time. Also, extreme weather will help facilitate a faster death. However, if you manage to avoid poison and predators(self-preservation is difficult to overcome), starvation and exposure to the elements are long and drawn-out ways to go.

However, if you are attempting to make your death look like an accident, I could see this as a viable motive...Unfortunately, it is very indirect and may take much longer than expected(you'd be surprised at how adaptable we are as a species).

2. drowning to death in a pool.

Most pools are public, are they not? I would fear that someone would spot me before total death occurred. Instead, were I to choose to go by drowning, I would either jump from a bridge or capsize a boat while wearing weights. Lakes and rivers are much deeper than pools, and if you remain conscious and try to swim towards the surface(and your sense of direction is in tact while submerged), the weights will make it that much more difficult to enact self-preservation instincts. Also, the size of a lake or river is much larger than a pool, so it is more difficult to attempt rescue. Furthermore, if you go by boat and the boat is capsized, you can make it look like an accident, if that is what you prefer.

3. suicide by cop.

Unfortunately, you do not know how a police officer will react to whatever behavior you think will lead to him or her shooting you. Many jurisdictions are under fire for police brutality and the use of excessive force, so the police in your jurisdiction, may or may not be working on utilizing more "non-violent" ways to apprehend suspects. Furthermore, if this plan fails, not only do you have the repercussions of a failed suicide attempt to deal with, but significant jail time. Not an ideal way to go.

4. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally

The thing about cutting for suicide, is that unless you have experience slaughtering animals by bleeding them, it is unlikely that you will generate the pressure/depth require on your first attempt, due to survival impulses. Superficial attempts don't cause many long-term issues aside from scarring and stigma(that can be covered up by sleeves, if the site of injury was the arms or wrists, but severe attempts can go awry. Many survivors of this method have severed tendons, limiting the mobility of their hands, and making further attempts more difficult.

5. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven

A quick web search informs me that Yuri ddlc is an anime. Other than that, your reference as to the style of stabbing in comparison to an Anime that I have never heard of doesn't really tell me anything. Was it hari kari? If it was, there was a reason why warriors did it. It takes an element of will power stronger than that of the average civilian to go through with. If you do it right, death can be rather quick. If you do it wrong, your intestines will be pooling on the floor in front of you as you suffer in agony until you bleed out or worse(death by infection). Traditional hari kari was committed by two people. Basically, if you fucked up and did it wrong, your best friend was supposed to be there with you and chop your head off. Most modern suicides outside of Japan don't really involve a friend helping to make sure you do it right...

6. falling from a (tall) building.

Make sure it's tall enough to cause death and remember that there are always statistical anomalies. In 1971 a flight attendant survived a fail of 33,000 ft without a parachute, but again this is a statistical anomaly. My question is, how do you get to the top of said building unnoticed and unimpeded?

7. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire.

Self Immoliation has become increasingly common in Tibet as of recently. A number of young Buddhist monks tried it and survived. A web search will tell you their stories. Being set on fire is one of the more brutal ways to go, as you can feel your skin literally boiling before you loose consciousness. Don't do this, especially if you fear fire.

8. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants

Make sure you do your research and that your choice is final. Also, poisons are not necessarily painless. Some that make you sleep, are more desirable in lack of pain, but possibly less desirable with lethality. Also choose your poison wisely. Very few poisons kill instantaneously, like in the movies. Especially plant and mushroom poisons(non-isolated).

9. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura.

How old are you hun? Datura is easily to collect, provided that it grows in your region. Just need to learn to properly identify it. However, the datura plant must be treated with respect. If you are really interested in Datura, I would suggest looking into enthnobotanical sources of information. If you don't know what ethnobotany is, it simply means the study of human uses of plants. Searching the keywords "ethnobotany" and "datura" will bring up a great deal of information that will help you make a better decision.

10. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road.

Good way to get injured, but not die. If using traffic as a method of suicide, I would use the freeway jumping off of an overpass above the freeway into oncoming traffic. Now I have falling, in addition to high speed collision as a cause of death, which makes the prospect of death more secure. But there is still a chance you may survive. And in the process, you've probably hurt a lot of other people who didn't want to die or get hurt, so there's that, and that's not very cool.

11. hanging myself

Affordable and can be done virtually anywhere, provided you have some support on which to hang. Doesn't seem exactly easy, but way more peaceful than self immoliation or death by cop. Also less likely to harm other people than jumping into traffic. Hanging is a historically tried and true method. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but it works the majority of the time.


In conclusion, if you're looking for an indirect death were you wanted to conceal the fact that it was a suicide, I would say a good bet is joining the military and deliberately dying on the battle field. Depending on the context, you may end up a hero. Even if you don't you still get your wish.

As to more direct methods, do your research first. This forum has a lot of information on these subjects, that you can cross-reference. And yes, being absolute convicted in what you are doing is important. I say this as a survivor of failed attempts.
1. getting "lost" in a forest.

I have thought about this myself, but have not gone through it for various reasons. However, this method reminds me of a tale I once heard about the Buddha from the Abbot of a Buddhist temple. There are various renditions of this tale. The version I was told goes as follows. In one of Buddha's previous incarnations he stumbled upon a starving Lioness with her cubs. As an act of compassion, he chose to lay down, and cut himself so the lions would smell his blood, and allowed the lions to eat him so that he may save their lives.

Sometimes, when an individual feels suicidal, they want to be redeemed somehow. When I was thinking of doing something similar, I had the mindset, that at least the predators of the area would put my body to good use...if it isn't too toxic from exposure to environmental pollutants. However, if you are going to get lost in the woods with the intention of dying(or any other ecosystem) it will greatly facilitate the process by going to a region that have large predatorily animals (wolves, bears, etc.) or extremely poisonous life forms (various species of snakes, scorpions, jellyfish, frogs, etc). If you are far enough from civilization, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to intercede at the appropriate time. Also, extreme weather will help facilitate a faster death. However, if you manage to avoid poison and predators(self-preservation is difficult to overcome), starvation and exposure to the elements are long and drawn-out ways to go.

However, if you are attempting to make your death look like an accident, I could see this as a viable motive...Unfortunately, it is very indirect and may take much longer than expected(you'd be surprised at how adaptable we are as a species).

2. drowning to death in a pool.

Most pools are public, are they not? I would fear that someone would spot me before total death occurred. Instead, were I to choose to go by drowning, I would either jump from a bridge or capsize a boat while wearing weights. Lakes and rivers are much deeper than pools, and if you remain conscious and try to swim towards the surface(and your sense of direction is in tact while submerged), the weights will make it that much more difficult to enact self-preservation instincts. Also, the size of a lake or river is much larger than a pool, so it is more difficult to attempt rescue. Furthermore, if you go by boat and the boat is capsized, you can make it look like an accident, if that is what you prefer.

3. suicide by cop.

Unfortunately, you do not know how a police officer will react to whatever behavior you think will lead to him or her shooting you. Many jurisdictions are under fire for police brutality and the use of excessive force, so the police in your jurisdiction, may or may not be working on utilizing more "non-violent" ways to apprehend suspects. Furthermore, if this plan fails, not only do you have the repercussions of a failed suicide attempt to deal with, but significant jail time. Not an ideal way to go.

4. bleeding to death. with a sharp object. internally or externally

The thing about cutting for suicide, is that unless you have experience slaughtering animals by bleeding them, it is unlikely that you will generate the pressure/depth require on your first attempt, due to survival impulses. Superficial attempts don't cause many long-term issues aside from scarring and stigma(that can be covered up by sleeves, if the site of injury was the arms or wrists, but severe attempts can go awry. Many survivors of this method have severed tendons, limiting the mobility of their hands, and making further attempts more difficult.

5. stabbing myself, yuri ddlc style. if i do this i will get kinnie points in heaven

A quick web search informs me that Yuri ddlc is an anime. Other than that, your reference as to the style of stabbing in comparison to an Anime that I have never heard of doesn't really tell me anything. Was it hari kari? If it was, there was a reason why warriors did it. It takes an element of will power stronger than that of the average civilian to go through with. If you do it right, death can be rather quick. If you do it wrong, your intestines will be pooling on the floor in front of you as you suffer in agony until you bleed out or worse(death by infection). Traditional hari kari was committed by two people. Basically, if you fucked up and did it wrong, your best friend was supposed to be there with you and chop your head off. Most modern suicides outside of Japan don't really involve a friend helping to make sure you do it right...

6. falling from a (tall) building.

Make sure it's tall enough to cause death and remember that there are always statistical anomalies. In 1971 a flight attendant survived a fail of 33,000 ft without a parachute, but again this is a statistical anomaly. My question is, how do you get to the top of said building unnoticed and unimpeded?

7. setting my body on fire. i dont really want to do this. at all. im very afraid of fire.

Self Immoliation has become increasingly common in Tibet as of recently. A number of young Buddhist monks tried it and survived. A web search will tell you their stories. Being set on fire is one of the more brutal ways to go, as you can feel your skin literally boiling before you loose consciousness. Don't do this, especially if you fear fire.

8. consuming toxic/poisonous chemical products or plants

Make sure you do your research and that your choice is final. Also, poisons are not necessarily painless. Some that make you sleep, are more desirable in lack of pain, but possibly less desirable with lethality. Also choose your poison wisely. Very few poisons kill instantaneously, like in the movies. Especially plant and mushroom poisons(non-isolated).

9. if im able to acquire it without my mom knowing, datura.

How old are you hun? Datura is easily to collect, provided that it grows in your region. Just need to learn to properly identify it. However, the datura plant must be treated with respect. If you are really interested in Datura, I would suggest looking into enthnobotanical sources of information. If you don't know what ethnobotany is, it simply means the study of human uses of plants. Searching the keywords "ethnobotany" and "datura" will bring up a great deal of information that will help you make a better decision.

10. riding my bicycle in the middle of a busy road.

Good way to get injured, but not die. If using traffic as a method of suicide, I would use the freeway jumping off of an overpass above the freeway into oncoming traffic. Now I have falling, in addition to high speed collision as a cause of death, which makes the prospect of death more secure. But there is still a chance you may survive. And in the process, you've probably hurt a lot of other people who didn't want to die or get hurt, so there's that, and that's not very cool.

11. hanging myself

Affordable and can be done virtually anywhere, provided you have some support on which to hang. Doesn't seem exactly easy, but way more peaceful than self immoliation or death by cop. Also less likely to harm other people than jumping into traffic. Hanging is a historically tried and true method. It doesn't appeal to everyone, but it works the majority of the time.


In conclusion, if you're looking for an indirect death were you wanted to conceal the fact that it was a suicide, I would say a good bet is joining the military and deliberately dying on the battle field. Depending on the context, you may end up a hero. Even if you don't you still get your wish.

As to more direct methods, do your research first. This forum has a lot of information on these subjects, that you can cross-reference.
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