

soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
Hi, so i would want to ctb with a method that i can just go lay down in my bed, i know i'm going to try it, but it's just a matter of how.

I guess that pretty much leaves me with the options of cutting, SN, or overdosing. I guess i could have some drugs to od on for backup, if i wake up after the initial attempt.

So for the SN, i don't really think that it's possible to get it in my country, also i don't find any websites that sell it, on amazon there's ''sodium sulfate'' but i'm guessing that's not it, also i think anything that i would order would get stuck at the border anyway. I guess it's a possibility to move to another country to do it and get it there, if that's what it really takes.

Then for the cutting, i know that it has a really low chance to work, but there's still people that have done it, it's not doomed to fail altough the risks are pretty big if you fail. So if you were to cut the arteries from the wrist that are easier accessible (radial artery), is it really still possible for them to just clot up after you pass out? Also what if you first cut elsewhere, and then when you start feeling lightheaded etc, you go for the arteries, giving them less time to clot up before passing out? I know this sounds pretty desperate but after failing once, i would really want the next time to be the last
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Jun 28, 2024
I don't know if you've read this thread but it was very informative on cutting :)
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023


soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
I know it's hard to cut the wrists, but i think i can do it if i know that after it i just get to pass out and not wake up again, i just want to be sure that cutting the artery from the wrists is enough


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I know it's hard to cut the wrists, but i think i can do it if i know that after it i just get to pass out and not wake up again, i just want to be sure that cutting the artery from the wrists is enough
That's what everyone says and most of those people are still around right now.

First off, you would need something sharp enough to cut that deep.

Secondly, you would need to get through the pain of it, which most people can't.

Thirdly, you would need to get past your own SI and any psychological barriers that may come your way while doing it, which most people cannot. The arteries in your arms are located under the muscle layer, so you would have to cut through several layers to get there (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis (fat), fascia, and muscle). During that process, you risk causing severe and permanent damage to your arm.

Fourthly, you'll also probably have to multiswipe, since you are unlikely to get there by cutting once into the skin.

Finally, then you need to successfully locate the arteries.

Your chances of failing are incredibly high. There is a reason why all of us are telling you that this is a bad idea. You are significantly more likely to come out of this with a new disability than you are to succeed. The process will also probably traumatize you a lot. A few months back, I accidentally cut myself deep enough to see my fat for the first time and it was terrifying. It took time for me to become desensitized to it. I've seen people online who have talked about cutting deep enough to see their styro (dermis layer) for the first time it terrified them and some of them even admitted to not SHing anymore because of it.
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soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
That's what everyone says and most of those people are still around right now.

First off, you would need something sharp enough to cut that deep.

Secondly, you would need to get through the pain of it, which most people can't.

Thirdly, you would need to get past your own SI and any psychological barriers that may come your way while doing it, which most people cannot. The arteries in your arms are located under the muscle layer, so you would have to cut through several layers to get there (epidermis, dermis, hypodermis (fat), fascia, and muscle). During that process, you risk causing severe and permanent damage to your arm.

Fourthly, you'll also probably have to multiswipe, since you are unlikely to get there by cutting once into the skin.
Fourthly, then you need to successfully locate the arteries.

Your chances of failing are incredibly high. There is a reason why all of us are telling you that this is a bad idea. You are significantly more likely to come out of this with a new disability than you are to succeed. The process will also probably traumatize you a lot. A few months back, I accidentally cut myself deep enough to see my fat for the first time and it was terrifying. It took time for me to become desensitized to it. I've seen people online who have talked about cutting deep enough to see their styro (dermis layer) for the first time it terrified them and some of them even admitted to not SHing anymore because of it.
I had a previous attempt but i was dumb and didn't realise how important it is to make sure you hit the arteries, i was going for the leg arteries but that was just dumb, i guess i thought it would be easier, so now i'm just trying to make sure that i wont fail if i try again. To salvage the situation i then tried to go for the wrists, and i cut deep enough to see those two long things that are in the middle of the wrist, but it didn't really scare me, i was more confused as why is there no blood coming. So i think the only thing keeping me from doing it is the uncertainty of it working, and whether i have it in me to cut deep enough, if i can't cut deep enough i guess then i'll just accept my defeat. I also didn't feel any pain really because of the drugs that i took.

That is just the way that i think i would want to go. I tried to hang myself in another attempt after that, but it just didn't feel right or something that i would want to do.

Cutting is the only thing that seems good to me (i know it's an awful way in general, but i would just love it so much to go that way), i know the risks of it, i think i will try it on the left hand first, if i would fail and get my left hand fucked, i don't think i would care that much honestly, i had like 20 wounds stitched after the first attempt, obviously the damage would be a lot worse on the wrist, but idk


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I had a previous attempt but i was dumb and didn't realise how important it is to make sure you hit the arteries, i was going for the leg arteries but that was just dumb, i guess i thought it would be easier, so now i'm just trying to make sure that i wont fail if i try again. To salvage the situation i then tried to go for the wrists, and i cut deep enough to see those two long things that are in the middle of the wrist, but it didn't really scare me, i was more confused as why is there no blood coming. So i think the only thing keeping me from doing it is the uncertainty of it working, and whether i have it in me to cut deep enough, if i can't cut deep enough i guess then i'll just accept my defeat. I also didn't feel any pain really because of the drugs that i took.

That is just the way that i think i would want to go. I tried to hang myself in another attempt after that, but it just didn't feel right or something that i would want to do.

Cutting is the only thing that seems good to me (i know it's an awful way in general, but i would just love it so much to go that way), i know the risks of it, i think i will try it on the left hand first, if i would fail and get my left hand fucked, i don't think i would care that much honestly, i had like 20 wounds stitched after the first attempt, obviously the damage would be a lot worse on the wrist, but idk
Don't say we didn't warn you. 🙄


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
In another thread I have compiled some information I have gathered about the method. Cutting the wrists can be a viable method, though as others have pointed out it has a low success rate (I had about 6% in mind). I believe this comes from the high susceptibility to errors meaning you can do many things wrong and because the body is rather efficient in clotting wounds shut. But if done right you can pass out within minutes. Here is what I know about this method. Please note that I am no expert and I might be wrong on some points:

  • Do NOT cut your wrists like they show it in the movies (parallel to hand). You will survive this. If you go through with this method then cut in the direction away from your hand (parallel to the bones).

  • Look where on the wrist you can feel your pulse, that is the radial artery (picture) You want to cut through that and upwards. Note how it does not go through the middle of the arm but rather the side. I've seen a reddit post some time ago where someone survived with a massive slit (he attached a photo) because he cut the middle of the arm and missed both, the radial artery and the ulnar vein.

  • The sharper the tool, the better. Razor blades or even scalpels should work best. Though, Avicii also managed to kill himself using glass shards. But I guess you must really be determined to go through with it.

  • Aspirin can be bought in any pharmacy. It is a blood thinner and makes your blood flow more easily through your body. This could cause a heavier bleeding.

  • Getting your heart rate up after cutting by jogging on the spot etc. increases the bleeding and time to faint.

  • Movies display people cutting their wrists in the bathtub. There might be some truth to it, the bathtub has 4 benefits:
    - warm / hot water increases your blood flow so you bleed out faster.
    - warm / hot water makes your blood clot slower (or so I have read somewhere).
    - while bleeding out you might feel cold so warm water is more comfortable.
    - no mess to clean up.
    But of course, cutting can be performed anywhere.

  • Downsides:
    - It could be that cutting is extremely painful. Perhaps you could numb the pain a bit using ice packs beforehand?
    - You can accidentally cut your tendons in your arm that control your fingers so if you happen to survive, it could be that your hands won't be fully functional anymore.
    - If you do just one thing wrong you are much more likely to survive. Cutting is not as easy and safe as jumping from a building for example.
    - Death is not immediate and may take a while after you fell unconscious, depending on how heavy you bleed so make sure nobody will find you within the next hour or two.


soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
In another thread I have compiled some information I have gathered about the method. Cutting the wrists can be a viable method, though as others have pointed out it has a low success rate (I had about 6% in mind). I believe this comes from the high susceptibility to errors meaning you can do many things wrong and because the body is rather efficient in clotting wounds shut. But if done right you can pass out within minutes. Here is what I know about this method. Please note that I am no expert and I might be wrong on some points:

  • Do NOT cut your wrists like they show it in the movies (parallel to hand). You will survive this. If you go through with this method then cut in the direction away from your hand (parallel to the bones).

  • Look where on the wrist you can feel your pulse, that is the radial artery (picture) You want to cut through that and upwards. Note how it does not go through the middle of the arm but rather the side. I've seen a reddit post some time ago where someone survived with a massive slit (he attached a photo) because he cut the middle of the arm and missed both, the radial artery and the ulnar vein.

  • The sharper the tool, the better. Razor blades or even scalpels should work best. Though, Avicii also managed to kill himself using glass shards. But I guess you must really be determined to go through with it.

  • Aspirin can be bought in any pharmacy. It is a blood thinner and makes your blood flow more easily through your body. This could cause a heavier bleeding.

  • Getting your heart rate up after cutting by jogging on the spot etc. increases the bleeding and time to faint.

  • Movies display people cutting their wrists in the bathtub. There might be some truth to it, the bathtub has 4 benefits:
    - warm / hot water increases your blood flow so you bleed out faster.
    - warm / hot water makes your blood clot slower (or so I have read somewhere).
    - while bleeding out you might feel cold so warm water is more comfortable.
    - no mess to clean up.
    But of course, cutting can be performed anywhere.

  • Downsides:
    - It could be that cutting is extremely painful. Perhaps you could numb the pain a bit using ice packs beforehand?
    - You can accidentally cut your tendons in your arm that control your fingers so if you happen to survive, it could be that your hands won't be fully functional anymore.
    - If you do just one thing wrong you are much more likely to survive. Cutting is not as easy and safe as jumping from a building for example.
    - Death is not immediate and may take a while after you fell unconscious, depending on how heavy you bleed so make sure nobody will find you within the next hour or two.
Okay, sounds like the most important thing is to just hit the radial artery, i can feel the pulse pretty well. Also if i manage to pass out, i'm thinking of going outside to my balcony when it's like 10C or less, that should also give me hypothermia in a couple hours. i really don't know what else could go wrong than me not being able to cut the radial, or it clotting by itself. i have a really sharp razor blade so it's possible at least, it just comes down to if i do it right


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
i'm thinking of going outside to my balcony when it's like 10C or less
The cold rather preserves your body. I've heard of cases where people died somewhere in winter (child drowned in a river for example) that were saved a long time afterwards. Usually the brain starts dying after 10 minutes without oxygen, when your body cools down you can make it up to 45 minutes without major damage.


soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
The cold rather preserves your body. I've heard of cases where people died somewhere in winter (child drowned in a river for example) that were saved a long time afterwards. Usually the brain starts dying after 10 minutes without oxygen, when your body cools down you can make it up to 45 minutes without major damage.
Really? I thought hypothermia would make it so that there's no way you can survive, i'm sure no one would find me in like 12 hours at least if i pass out. I feel like there's a chance that i wouldn't lose enough blood to die, chatgpt and google are saying that you should get hypothermia in just a couple hours. If i lose blood how would the body be able to keep the heat up, i guess nothing is guaranteed


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
I mean, if nobody will find you for 12 hours then you are safe I guess and the plan doesn't sound too stupid to me. It could just be very unpleasant and trigger the SI if you are still conscious while freezing your ass off?
Probably could speed up the process by making your clothes wet. But again, that is extremely unpleasant, probably even more than bleeding.


soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
I mean, if nobody will find you for 12 hours then you are safe I guess and the plan doesn't sound too stupid to me. It could just be very unpleasant and trigger the SI if you are still conscious while freezing your ass off?
Probably could speed up the process by making your clothes wet. But again, that is extremely unpleasant, probably even more than bleeding.
Yeah if i just wake up after like 12-24 hours, or get my SI or something before passing out, then idk. Last time i was on drugs and i didn't even know what SI was, i was so ready to die, i guess we'll see. There's still time to do research before it's cold enough, i'm thinking of just being in shorts and a t-shirt, i just need to pass out and it should be fine


We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
Alright, sounds like a plan. Once you have gotten closer to pulling it off you can perhaps make another post with the plan details for a last discussion round.


soooo tired
Sep 8, 2024
Alright, sounds like a plan. Once you have gotten closer to pulling it off you can perhaps make another post with the plan details for a last discussion round.
Yeah i think that's what i could do, thank you for the replies
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
No problem. That's what this forum is here for :)

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