The fact is, @threesummers, everyone already knows about the adverse effects of opiates, and the reason I don't lecture people with "warnings" about opiates is because they're not children and they already know - especially if they're active users, they know the risks and adverse effects better than anyone else! They're grown adults.
And no, I don't imagine I'll become a "counselor" who "leads" people anywhere, because unlike you, I don't imagine I'm a parent-figure or savior to anyone here.
Ok. Since you're too invested in misinformation to just look it up, I'll explain the basics. I mean I doubt it will reach through.
But, for any of our more reality-based readers here:
In The Realm Of The Hungry Ghosts is a collection of case studies and first-hand reports from opiate users in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside in the midst of the overdose epidemic. Dr. Mat'e writes about client's struggles with abuse, poverty, racism and other traumas that lie at the root of their drug dependencies.
(By definition, the physical harms stemming from opiates are symptoms, not root causes, that's literally what that means! Hello, this is obvious!)
He also looks at people's survival-need for drug decriminalization, harm reduction strategies like supervised injection sites / clean needle distros, as well as methadone maintenance such as that offered at the free clinic he himself works at.
PS - Sex workers don't sell their bodies, they sell their labor.