

Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
That's a great question and I think you speak for many people in the same boat.

As an aside, your comment about music startled me a bit. From late teens to late 20s, I absolutely loved writing music and had huge dreams of touching millions of lives. I had a psychic friend who initially suggested another arts project, which blew everyone away because it actually succeeded. One day, a friend of my father's whose son happened to be a well-known musician called for a favour, which could have been a huge turning point. But nothing happened and very slowly I lost interest in music, descending to working crappy jobs to survive and constantly feeling suicidal. I normally never talk about this to anyone.

Anyway, your guides will never leave you but if you 'fire' them, that might mean you turn your back on them. I would suggest formally 'rehiring' them and asking for a sign. This is definitely not too much to ask and will lead to you towards knowing that you are protected and unconditionally loved on your journey.

In the bigger picture, it sounds like you might be stuck in a no-man's-land between your previous sense of purpose and the light of your true nature. This situation is sometimes referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. Eckhart Tolle has more to say about that:

[Dark Night of the Soul] is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life…an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. ...Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning – and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is considered important ...collapses.
...Really what has collapsed then is the whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given it. So that results in a dark place. But people have gone into that, and then there is the possibility that you emerge out of that into a transformed state of consciousness.
...They awaken into something deeper, which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or anything conceptual any longer. It's a kind of re-birth. The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies is the egoic sense of self. Of course, death is always painful, but nothing real has actually died there – only an illusory identity.
[full article]

You mentioned having a bad experience with meditation. This is caused by a lack of guidance as repressed trauma and other powerful energies arise. It can lead to psychological mayhem including suicidal ideation, such as the tragic case in Pennsylvania. It might seem that spirituality itself was the problem, but your best bet would now to be to finish what you started - this time with help and support.

Life purpose after awakening is impossible to predict. Some people go on to become spiritual teachers, or find some other outlet in the arts or similar. Some people live seemingly ordinary lives with jobs and families, etc., even though their inner experience is free of all resistance, conflict or suffering. Some bliss out by themselves, which is still a genuine contribution to the energy field of the planet. Nobody in that state gets to choose, because the sense of being a chooser is gone.

Since we are talking about a truth-seeking mission, ruthless authenticity is key. In my own case, I found that my former grand ambitions were ultimately driven by a desire to experience love - something I'd never experienced coming from an abusive childhood. I wanted to experience real connections with others. I still do. But in order to truly get there, it's paradoxically necessary to forget about others. Don't worry about their life purposes, their achievements, how sheltered or brutal their lives have been compared to yours, or how they might judge you.

By abiding in the quiet inner place, totally alone, you open to a transformation in identity that will destroy all the troubles of your mind, its ambitions and its stories. You will find you are already connected to everything, and the life that unfolds spontaneously will be better than anything you previously imagined possible.

Right now, I am not seeing anyone in person, but am currently studying Angelo Dilullo, both videos and his book, who is directly focused on no-BS awakening. I am currently listening to this interview.
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Oct 12, 2022
i used to think like that "i probably did something soo bad in my past life that in this one im paying for it" and i still believe it
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
That's a great question and I think you speak for many people in the same boat.

As an aside, your comment about music startled me a bit. From late teens to late 20s, I absolutely loved writing music and had huge dreams of touching millions of lives. I had a psychic friend who initially suggested another arts project, which blew everyone away because it actually succeeded. One day, a friend of my father's whose son happened to be a well-known musician called for a favour, which could have been a huge turning point. But nothing happened and very slowly I lost interest in music, descending to working crappy jobs to survive and constantly feeling suicidal. I normally never talk about this to anyone.

Anyway, your guides will never leave you but if you 'fire' them, that might mean you turn your back on them. I would suggest formally 'rehiring' them and asking for a sign. This is definitely not too much to ask and will lead to you towards knowing that you are protected and unconditionally loved on your journey.

In the bigger picture, it sounds like you might be stuck in a no-man's-land between your previous sense of purpose and the light of your true nature. This situation is sometimes referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. Eckhart Tolle has more to say about that:

[Dark Night of the Soul] is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life…an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. ...Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning – and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is considered important ...collapses.
...Really what has collapsed then is the whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given it. So that results in a dark place. But people have gone into that, and then there is the possibility that you emerge out of that into a transformed state of consciousness.
...They awaken into something deeper, which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or anything conceptual any longer. It's a kind of re-birth. The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die. What dies is the egoic sense of self. Of course, death is always painful, but nothing real has actually died there – only an illusory identity.
[full article]

You mentioned having a bad experience with meditation. This is caused by a lack of guidance as repressed trauma and other powerful energies arise. It can lead to psychological mayhem including suicidal ideation, such as the tragic case in Pennsylvania. It might seem that spirituality itself was the problem, but your best bet would now to be to finish what you started - this time with help and support.

Life purpose after awakening is impossible to predict. Some people go on to become spiritual teachers, or find some other outlet in the arts or similar. Some people live seemingly ordinary lives with jobs and families, etc., even though their inner experience is free of all resistance, conflict or suffering. Some bliss out by themselves, which is still a genuine contribution to the energy field of the planet. Nobody in that state gets to choose, because the sense of being a chooser is gone.

Since we are talking about a truth-seeking mission, ruthless authenticity is key. In my own case, I found that my former grand ambitions were ultimately driven by a desire to experience love - something I'd never experienced coming from an abusive childhood. I wanted to experience real connections with others. I still do. But in order to truly get there, it's paradoxically necessary to forget about others. Don't worry about their life purposes, their achievements, how sheltered or brutal their lives have been compared to yours, or how they might judge you.

By abiding in the quiet inner place, totally alone, you open to a transformation in identity that will destroy all the troubles of your mind, its ambitions and its stories. You will find you are already connected to everything, and the life that unfolds spontaneously will be better than anything you previously imagined possible.

Right now, I am not seeing anyone in person, but am currently studying Angelo Dilullo, both videos and his book, who is directly focused on no-BS awakening. I am currently listening to this interview.
when i was a teen i used to draw a lot, like 12 hours a day a lot...and i thought i'd eventually become a super famous illustrator, but i burned out, and now working a shitty job too. so i def feel you on this. i wish i did music instead of art, because as an adult it's kinda hard to get into the whole music theory thing tbh. do you play any instruments?

you know what, i probably don't have a good reason for disliking eastern spirituality, except for the fact that i went coockoo after doing basic meditation practices every day. me it just seems kinda...exclusionary? like the actual, practical knowledge on how to do things is being gatekept in a way by all those *gurus*. and i don't mean new age influencers, i mean actual gurus. they explain things in a very convoluted way, and there's no singular system for beginners, it's all just ~connect to your soul~ ~follow your bliss~ ~heal your inner child~ like okay?? tell me the steps though? and it's very interpretive, like you are free to interpret things however you want, or just ~use your intuition!~ but like for instance, i lost my intuition after i went through some really dark shit, and i'm not particularly in tune with my ~divine feminine~. so like, what about people like me? i wish it was more technical, i guess.

and idk how to say it, but i'm 99% sure that the voice i'm hearing is of my spirit guide, and they're pushing my buttons every day so I'm like...ought to do something. you said entities hate holy names, right? i was doing some energy work yesterday, and i forgot to include one mantra in my ritual. the voice i hear in my head ~helpfully~ suggested the name. like...i don't know what to do about this.
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
so i just wanted to pop in with an update on my life, i guess.

I had a shroom trip, which proved to me that I indeed have a purpose in this world, and even better, I started actually! actively communicating with my spirit guides. I was really happy about all those wonderful things for a while, but then reality hit me hard. after my shroom trip I was forcefully put into a psych ward, where they pumped me full of drugs and claimed that I have schizo (idk how to even spell that). I spent a month there, and thanks to my parents, I was let out.

then, when i got back home, i got slapped in the face by my living situation - my education is not very good, so i can't get a decent enough job; i kinda live with my parents; i also got really depressed after I saw all these magical things during my shroom trip and realized that the road to my purpose is not going to be easy for me. I'm also stuck with a narcissistic mom, and I have no idea how to un-enmesh this family dynamic. so eventually, all of this led me down the road of suicidal thoughts again.

this is a long ass rant, but i feel like this is a safe space for me to just vent tbh, and if you actually read this - thank you
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Sorry to hear it's been such a very turbulent time for you. I missed your earlier reply as I took a holiday from the forum.

Psychedelics, done safely, can bring real insights. Though as you say, to follow through in everyday life takes real effort over a long period. Sometimes when people are hospitalised and accused of having schizophrenia, it has actually been a kundalini experience or even a sudden spiritual awakening experience. Hard to say for sure.

It sounds like it would be a good idea to have some sort of guidance from a teacher. Even deep meditation can be dangerous without guidance because of the intense experiences and traumas that can come up. It's not a good idea to be alone.

To your earlier question, yes, it is very important that spirituality be accessible and down-to-Earth. Eastern approaches often include loads of confusing terminology and translations. However, because many people have gone through this process before, I can share some general tips. For many people, Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now is the gateway to the topic of spiritual awakening. He begins with describing his own awakening experience and goes on to explain spiritual principles and practices in plain language. It has brought many people onto this path.

Various other teachers like Adyashanti focus specifically on the awakening aspect, so are a next step. There are many pitfalls so these very reliable teachers are recommended as a starting point. Finding someone for one-on-one time can be helpful too. I don't recommend the New Age approach so much because the goal should be a permanent shift in identity (which you'd possibly get a taste of via psychedelics) not merely to pursue some healing for the mind. Though Byron Katie-style emotion work is important too, as it helps removes layers as I was recently describing elsewhere. Art/music may have a role if you feel that way inclined, but personally I'm not feeling it on my own path right now at all.

PS. There was recently a thread about troublesome entities which may be relevant if you still have any concerns along those lines. Hope this helps somewhat. Wishing you well always.
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Living in misery
Jan 23, 2022
lmao, my delusions were pretty bad too, all the embarassing shit i did while i was's part of the reason i want to ctb tbh
I feel this one so much... I did some stupid fucked up shit
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
Sorry to hear it's been such a very turbulent time for you. I missed your earlier reply as I took a holiday from the forum.

Psychedelics, done safely, can bring real insights. Though as you say, to follow through in everyday life takes real effort over a long period. Sometimes when people are hospitalised and accused of having schizophrenia, it has actually been a kundalini experience or even a sudden spiritual awakening experience. Hard to say for sure.

It sounds like it would be a good idea to have some sort of guidance from a teacher. Even deep meditation can be dangerous without guidance because of the intense experiences and traumas that can come up. It's not a good idea to be alone.

To your earlier question, yes, it is very important that spirituality be accessible and down-to-Earth. Eastern approaches often include loads of confusing terminology and translations. However, because many people have gone through this process before, I can share some general tips. For many people, Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now is the gateway to the topic of spiritual awakening. He begins with describing his own awakening experience and goes on to explain spiritual principles and practices in plain language. It has brought many people onto this path.

Various other teachers like Adyashanti focus specifically on the awakening aspect, so are a next step. There are many pitfalls so these very reliable teachers are recommended as a starting point. Finding someone for one-on-one time can be helpful too. I don't recommend the New Age approach so much because the goal should be a permanent shift in identity (which you'd possibly get a taste of via psychedelics) not merely to pursue some healing for the mind. Though Byron Katie-style emotion work is important too, as it helps removes layers as I was recently describing elsewhere. Art/music may have a role if you feel that way inclined, but personally I'm not feeling it on my own path right now at all.

PS. There was recently a thread about troublesome entities which may be relevant if you still have any concerns along those lines. Hope this helps somewhat. Wishing you well always.
as i've mentioned, i had experience being psychotic, and I still felt like that was kundalini awakening tbh, i heard these two are connected. when i did shrooms, they showed me a taste of what kundalini feels like, and it felt so damn good - i dunno how it works, but it was this energy coming up all the way to my crown, it was very gentle. but it wasn't an actual kundalini, but like just a bit of it, i guess? i know that actual kundalini experience is super intense.

i had unfortunate experience with a teacher, she just drove me insane for some reason, and it felt like it was some karmic issue between us or something. i would love for someone to answer my 10000 questions about my shroom experience, my spirit guides, and etc, but it's just not working out for me right now :aw:

I downloaded the book after the insights I received during my shroom trip, but I actually find it hard to read? maybe i'm not at the level of consciousness to comprehend it yet. i understand the general idea, but when it comes to terminology and stuff, i'm just not there. i hardly read, so I guess that's why, lol.

i'm going to be honest, the conversations we were having and my shroom experience greatly reduced my desire to ctb. it's silly, but i would love to be the pure me without all the conditioning from my childhood (the onion layers), because maybe it's the exact thing that makes me wanna ctb rather than me driving myself nuts everyday with overthinking and depression. oh, and everyone else thinking i'm schizo, of course.

art/music is super important to me, and i picked up a small midi controller recently to try and slowly get into music. i used to be an artist, but my creativity was sucked out of me, and it's hard for me to get back into it. so i definitely feel you on this.

had an entity in my sacral, got it removed, so it's all good now😉
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
hi everyone, I'm back on the forum for a bit. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a bit wary of posting here in fear of someone finding out my identity, but here we go I guess.
I was forced into a psych ward two times this year, and I'm now obliged to see a very shitty psychiatrist every month. everyone is convinced I'm schizo and surprised why meds don't work on me.
good news is that I'm finally in contact with my spirit guides. the only times I'm happy is when I talk to them.
today I was thinking about my life being a literal cage, and ctb thoughts came rushing back. if I had the courage to ctb, I would probably go for heroin, or some other form of opioid.
i just want to save up enough money, change my apartment, start a small business, and be free from my family's/psychiatrist's control.
I don't have a job right now, and I desperately need to get one. I'm looking for a remote one, because I hate dealing with normies.
that was my little update on my life. probs gonna try to be a bit more active on the forum, but my life is a shitshow atm, and everything's just so hard.
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drama queen
Oct 5, 2022
hi guys! i'm back with another life update.

i haven't been working for months now because i was forcefully put into a psych ward twice this year and i needed time to adapt back into society, lol. i need money, but i honestly despise working. i can't imagine having to work some shitty job just to survive until i get old and die. my parents help me out with rent and groceries, but they don't really support me financially. i should probably feel embarrassed because I'm going into my 30s soon and everyone has a proper career at that point in their life. i feel like i'm supposed to do creative things, like writing books or music. i love creating stuff, and i hope that i can reach some sort of fulfillment with my creative endeavors someday in my life.

bought some shrooms and ended up having a weird ass lackluster trip. it was a waste of money, and i regret buying those.

read a couple of books by michael newton, he was a hypnotherapist who did research into past lives/afterlife. i was afraid that if i decided to ctb, i'd end up in some scary astral plane full of demons and dark entities. apparently, it's not true!!! all the souls go up, and there's no divine punishment that traditional religions love to threaten us with so much.

anyway i hope y'all are doing fine! peace out<3
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