

Aug 5, 2018
That's a refreshing article to see.

Recently the NY Times had an article on the "debate" about rational suicide. Naturally the article is against pro-choice.

I read the article the day it came out and it had >300 comments with all (except two) by people all being pro-choice.

The cowards at the NYTs took the comments down. (Obviously they don't want people to have a choice or even voice their opinions).

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Aug 23, 2018
Thank you for sharing this!
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Aug 31, 2018
It's refreshing to see that. I hope one day we as a society will get more towards that view point.
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Aug 23, 2018
Sensible article!
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Sep 1, 2018
Great article.
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Apr 30, 2018
That's a refreshing article to see.

Recently the NY Times had an article on the "debate" about rational suicide. Naturally the article is against pro-choice.

I read the article the day it came out and it had >300 comments with all (except two) by people all being pro-choice.

The cowards at the NYTs took the comments down. (Obviously they don't want people to have a choice or even voice their opinions).


Fuck the times at this point. I stopped subscribing a couple years ago for various reasons, including their "couch series" (laughable—basically a forum for therapists to ply their warped trade), and the general snobbishness/tone.

Anyway thanks for this.
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Aug 5, 2018
Fuck the times at this point. I stopped subscribing a couple years ago for various reasons, including their "couch series" (laughable—basically a forum for therapists to ply their warped trade), and the general snobbishness/tone.

Anyway thanks for this.

I'm not a subscriber (for the same reasons you're not) and don't usually read the NYT. I just found the article when googling "rational suicide", skimmed the shitty article and went straight to the "comments". They were so great! Until taken down by the NYT assholes.........
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Aug 27, 2018
I keep wondering why it's illegal. If someone doesn't want to be on earth anymore why should they continue to suffer? Apparently according to that article the government, and church restricts that decision. But they don't help you anyway? They don't care about people suffering, they just make rules, and you are forced to follow them.

We all can't afford to fly out to Switzerland. They'd rather people die in pain, than allowing them to have a peaceful death. I'm not crazy, I know what I want. What those government/church people need to know is, if someone wants to die, nothing will change that. You can lock people up, and claim they are mentally ill, but it won't change how they feel on the inside.

I keep saying to myself, keep strong, go forward, KEEP MOVING... and then suddenly it all goes downhill and I can't go on. I'm not happy, and never will be. If I weren't here anymore, I think it'd all go away. I'm serious...

I don't know what I am doing anymore. Everything around me is upsetting, I learned I'll NEVER learn from my mistakes. I'll always be that envious outcast in the background. Envy runs in my blood, always has, always will.

I think I'm also starting to suffer from paranoia. Due to certain circumstances, can't people let others REST, specially in their own homes. Too much antisocial behavior as of 2017. And no, it's not just ONE person, it's more than one. Even if you go out, someone's bound to make your day crappy. Then someone brightened up my day, but NEVER truly understood what I'm going through.

She was like KEEP STRONG, KEEP GOING FORWARD, STAY STRONG. Her words had an affect on me, then later brushed off, because I realized, said person doesn't understand what I am going through. It doesn't matter where I go, or where I am in time, it's always the same. I'll never change as a person, I've tried, it doesn't work. I've tried to settle down but no... it seems nothing about me will ever settle and I'm living a LIE. I hate living a lie. I'll never be that bright shining star, I dreamed of being. And I'll continue to be scum on the bottom of someone's shoe. Everyone has thrown me in the garbage pail, and I don't blame them.

I know what I want, but it's so hard to obtain. I've wanted this "on and off" for years. But as of late 2017, I made up my mind, but it's really hard to achieve. So in order to get what I want... I've got to "maim" myself?
I'm not a subscriber (for the same reasons you're not) and don't usually read the NYT. I just found the article when googling "rational suicide", skimmed the shitty article and went straight to the "comments". They were so great! Until taken down by the NYT assholes.........
NYT what's that?
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Jun 30, 2018
Good article. A much more interesting topic than the euthanasia one which amazes me that it is still debated. How we not progressed past that as a society yet amazes me.
Seriously disappointed at the pro choice comments being censoured out on the other article. I really hope they were politely written so there was no good reason for them to be removed.
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Aug 7, 2018
That was a nice article to read. Many people don't get how hard mental health problems, such as chronic major depression can be. I could relate a lot to that. It was very similar to my own story. We all deserve a choice.


Jul 9, 2018
Excellent article. I remember reading this, thanks for sharing it with us.

Wouldn't it be great if we could go to Belgium, have a party with Chanpagne, a nice meal with chocolate afterwards and then go?


That would be a dream come true. I wish our country were as evolved when it comes to euthanasia. I'll never understand how we can put our pets to sleep so they don't have to suffer, yet we can't do that for ourselves.

This might sound mean, but, for the people who are against assisted suicide, I hope one day they feel so much suffering that they wish they had been for euthanasia. I bet that would get them to change their minds real quick.
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Aug 7, 2018
Here's another article about euthanasia. I want to go to Belgium!

Wow, that was really powerful. I think it shows the stark contrasts between those who can understand the suffering of many of us and those that really can't. I think Tom was most upset that he wasn't part of the decision but maybe he also felt extremely guilty as well. It's easy to say things could have gotten better but what if they didn't. What if they got better and then collapsed again? Speculation is easy but we all have a point where we can't take any more.
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Jul 9, 2018
Wow, that was really powerful. I think it shows the stark contrasts between those who can understand the suffering of many of us and those that really can't. I think Tom was most upset that he wasn't part of the decision but maybe he also felt extremely guilty as well. It's easy to say things could have gotten better but what if they didn't. What if they got better and then collapsed again? Speculation is easy but we all have a point where we can't take any more.

I think Tom should be ashamed of himself. He probably does feel guilty and is using the doctor as a scapegoat.

The people who are against euthanasia haven't really ever suffered. How are they going to feel when one day they do suffer? It doesn't matter to them until it hits home.
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Aug 7, 2018
I think Tom should be ashamed of himself. He probably does feel guilty and is using the doctor as a scapegoat.

The people who are against euthanasia haven't really ever suffered. How are they going to feel when one day they do suffer? It doesn't matter to them until it hits home.
Could not agree more.
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Apr 30, 2018
I think Tom should be ashamed of himself. He probably does feel guilty and is using the doctor as a scapegoat.

The people who are against euthanasia haven't really ever suffered. How are they going to feel when one day they do suffer? It doesn't matter to them until it hits home.

Spot on.
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