想死不能 - 想活不能
- Nov 23, 2020
- 1,777
I'm glad medication helped you with OCD, out of curiosity, what was the drug you took? Was it an atypical AD? I heard some people have great success with Mirtazapine, but it made me exhausted and sleepy.My doctor told me the medicine works for my condition as well as most others they don't know how or why it just does and I was cured of OCD anyway. I know we are all different and it doesn't work for everyone. I was also told there are billions of neurons in the human body and once medical science learns how to control them they will make mental illness a history.
PTSD is not controlled by medications but by counseling but the patient has to be willing to work together to get better and overcome it.
I once saw an episode on TV where one lady said her life before the traumatic event was still waters of a lake than someone threw a rock in it and caused ripples. The other lady said with time the ripples become still waters again. To this she replied but the rock is still there.
Sadly 10+ years of counseling hasn't done shit for me, I tried very hard to improve with my flashbacks and fear but therapy was pretty much useless in my case. I need medication to quell the fight or flight response, and they just kept giving me SSRI after SSRI and SNRI, hoping it would stick.
My sexual urges are also permanently damaged due to ptsd, no amount of exposure therapy, CBT, mindfulness, breathing exercises hypnosis, focusing on bodily sensations, etc helped in my situation. I have pretty much thrown in the towel when it comes to trying to get help for ptsd because I will just spend a ton of money on more talking therapies that don't get rid the symapthetic nervous system responses going on in my brain. I tried psychedelics too and that was a bust.
I really need a medication or physical treatment to help because I have had ptsd since I was 6 years old. I have heard of the stellate ganglion block but it's too expensive for me to pursue. I chose my degree because I would like to research treatments for ptsd and come up with something tangible since I have known many others who were failed by therapists and psychiatrists who blamed them for "not trying hard enough."
I have physical health problems like you though, and I agree it makes my mental state worse. Cannot accomplish anything I want because of IBS and chronic pain. When I am not constantly in pain, my mood is better.