
Apr 12, 2021
I just recently remembered watching a clip on YouTube of that scene in Pixar's "The Incredibles" where Mr. Incredible gets sued for "saving" somebody who was attempting to CTB. I can't post the link to it here because of the rules but I'm sure if you look up "Incredibles Sued" on YouTube then it'll be a minute and 19 second long clip. In it, the plaintiff sued Mr. Incredible for his medical bills for his broken neck resulting from his being "saved". I just remembered the clip and got depressed because I was remembering some of the comments, which I thankfully can quote, from prolifers in the comment section.

"If he is suicidal, why bother suing? Why not go back home and finish it with a noose and chair? This is just a case of greed. Really makes him despicable."

I think this one has like 627 upvotes. But it's depressing because this is not the only comment on that video that expresses that type of sentiment. There are so many comments expressing the sentiment that people who would attempt to commit suicide would not be in their right minds and hence do not have the right to demand compensation for the suffering they endured at the hands of those who tore them from their attempt against their will. It really reminds me and sets it home for me that people who are long-term suicidal are really seen as subhuman by the wider society if being this way means we don't deserve the same rights as everyone else. It makes it feel hopeless that we will ever be understood in our lifetimes.

What does everyone else think about this? You can DM me if you want a link to the video if you can't find it in a search by the way.
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cogito, ergo sum
Jan 8, 2021
It really reminds me and sets it home for me that people who are long-term suicidal are really seen as subhuman by the wider society if being this way means we don't deserve the same rights as everyone else. It makes it feel hopeless that we will ever be understood in our lifetimes.
That much is painfully true. It's the agonizing reality that we have to deal with. Many of these people lack empathy and won't relate to us because they themselves haven't experienced what it feels like to not want to live.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my opinion, wanting to commit suicide is a rational response to experiencing extreme suffering. As humans there is only so much we can take before we fall into despair. When we feel trapped by life we naturally want to find a way out. Yes, they may be impulsive suicides, but branding all those who commit suicide as 'not in their right mind' demonstrates the lack of compassion and understanding this society holds. Some people who haven't been there themselves will never be able to comprehend it and that is the sad truth.
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Mar 22, 2020
In my opinion, wanting to commit suicide is a rational response to experiencing extreme suffering.

Yes, that's how it started for me!
Now, leaving the suffering aside, I just feel lost in this nonsense world and material stuff or love are not enough. I want answers. I want to understand existence but it seems it's impossible so, I'll just get the hell outta here!
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