⸸ I am my own end ⸸
- Feb 4, 2024
- 214
Original Reference In Spanish
I found an uncommon way to CTB wich it's procaine based. That's why it is less controlled than other ways and it's cheaper.
It works interrumping the nerves impulses, so it's painless. That doesn't mean it's peacefull. Maybe it is, maybe don't. We don't have enought cases or information to tell that for sure.
The point is that i think procaine make to lose consciousness before you choke cause your lung will stop working.
And even have to add that procaine can causes convulsions, that's why could be interesting taking it with an anticonvulsant to die more peacefully, and people doesn't notice you are dying.
It kills very fast. If you take enought, it some minutes there's nothing to do about you.
I want to suicide using this method, but only procaine (50g), and with my death you will can be sure it's pretty efective.
I really hope it could became an effective subtitute of N or SN, even if it's needed to take an another meds with it to reach it.
I'm gonna try writte to the woman i love, hear some music, and will die.
Unconventional suicide is associated with substances used for self-destructive purposes, but which are not frequently used, in this case the use of a drug for veterinary use, a product used as an equine euthanasia, with procaine in its pharmaceutical composition used by a route that is also not usual or indicated, the oral route, there being no casuistry in the forensic literature of analogous cases.
The etiology of self-destructive behaviors is of multifactorial origin and constitutes the so-called violent or doubtful criminal deaths.
In the context of studies carried out by the WHO, it has been shown that around 1,000 to 2,000 people take their lives each year, varying from one country to another, culture, age, sex, and the influences that surround to the individual (socioeconomic factors, conflictive family group, previous pathologies of the subject).
For some, the suicidal act means a culmination of a history of instability and personal disorganization; For others, it constitutes an impulsive reaction that triggers a crisis, which motivates the appearance of events that precipitate the end.
Among the elements used by suicides, firearms are in first place, followed by hanging and poisoning is in third place.
In our environment, the use of substances for suicidal purposes ranges from anxiolytics, the mixture with alcohol, substances of abuse and, in a lower percentage, phosphorus organs or unconventional substances, that is, those that, due to lack of knowledge of their action or due to their difficulties in its provision are not too frequent.
The hierarchy in this case is the compound used for suicide, oral procaine.
This case describes the investigation of a death from dubious causes of criminality, of apparent suicidal origin in which the victim did not present signs of external traumatic injury. The characteristics of the scene of the incident have revealed a particular life profile collected by testimonies from third parties.
The presence of a note was found.
The study reveals the discovery of a young woman's body lying on the floor of the bedroom of a home.
The body was in a supine position, there were no visible injuries and the information from the investigation revealed:
1. The victim had not expressed his intention to kill nor was there any history of previous attempts.
2. Witnesses saw her go to the bathroom and from there run to the bedroom where she locked herself and died in a few minutes.
3. The time of onset of manifestations of intoxication and death was brief, with no success on the part of emergency medical personnel in resuscitation maneuvers.
4. There is no history that the deceased was undergoing clinical treatment for any ailment.
5. It was not possible to establish how he had access to the substance used.
6. No external injuries were observed.
7. The place of residence was in a certain order; on a piece of furniture in the kitchen it is mentioned that a handwritten note addressed to the mother was found.
On external examination,
no in situ lesions were observed.
In the internal examination,
the body was explored and the macroscopic examination of the different viscera showed exclusively cervicofacial cyanosis, congestion and pulmonary edema and petechial blood suffusions at the level of both lungs. The stomach had an amber liquid content (approximately 200 cc).
The tissue samples were analyzed from a histopathological as well as toxicological point of view.
To establish the hypothetical diagnosis of suicide through the ingestion of a substance, the assessment of certain variables originating from the different spatial studies of the body was previously considered:
Originating from the scene of the events:
Extensive iconography of the Dalai Lama close to the body, lack of disorder, a bottle with remains of yellowish liquid found in the bathroom, a piece of paper in a coat with the inscription "Euthanasia equine", the presence of a written note for the suicide.
Originating from the results of the different studies carried out on the corpse
• Content of phenytoin, caffeine and proCaine in the viscera pool
• In the stomach, the presence of phenytoin and procaine was obtained
Blood 0.10 mcg/ml
Stomach 63.23 mcg/ml
Viscera 0.10 mcg/gr.
Heart: congested vessels and autolysed myocardium. Mild coronary sclerosis.
Lungs: congestion and edema, congested vessels, minimal foci of blood extravasation.
Liver: autolysis of the parenchyma, sinusoidal congestion.
Kidneys: with marked congestion
The use of a drug for veterinary use is described whose composition is:
Procaine HCL: 60g
Benzyl alcohol: 2 ml.
Distilled water q.s.: 100 ml.
The use of the drug is exclusively for veterinary use, used for the sacrifice of animals as euthanasia, with its proper mode of application being intravenous or parenteral (with little evidence of intracardiac and intramuscular use).
No cases of use of this drug outside the routes mentioned for this purpose are described.
In 1904, procaine was introduced, this being the first local anesthetic, with the action of blocking nerve conduction, preventing the initiation and propagation of the nerve impulse. In addition, actions of the drug on aging were attributed and it was generally used in combination with other preparations.
Procaine belongs to the group of esters, having properties. Lipophilic, unlike those of the amide group (lidocaine) that have hydrophilic properties.
In this case particularly, the discussion will focus on oral consumption in combination with other drugs as found in the toxicological expertise. Among the effects found by oral consumption are the increase in circulation acting on the capillaries, with response to improved resistance to fatigue; activation of cellular oxygenation.
The ester type of local anesthetic is contraindicated in patients with low plasma cholinesterase concentrations; it should be applied with caution in the elderly; it should not be used in patients with cardiogenic or hypovolemic shock, or a state of impaired coagulation, or in those with pyogenic infections. of the skin or adjacent to the injection site. It is not recommended in epileptic patients. Cases of cardiovascular collapse have been reported at low doses and death due to the action of the intrinsic pacemaker or sudden onset of ventricular fibrillation.
In cholinergic neuronal systems - fundamental elements of memory consolidation - procaine is hydrolyzed to amino ethanol derivatives (DEAE, DMAE), which increase the synthesis of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex and would be incorporated into membranes, slowing cellular aging. , improving performance in memorization tests, this was one of the reasons why it was linked to the fact that procaine had revitalizing actions.
The unchanged molecule is absorbed in the stomach in small quantities, it is hydrolyzed very quickly at alkaline pH, therefore it is expected that only the hydrolysis products will be absorbed in the intestine. Once absorbed, by the action of pseudocholinesterase and other enzymes, procaine is rapidly hydrolyzed, and its main metabolites are: p-amino benzoic acid (PABA), diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) and dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE). The latter penetrates nerve cells, among other tissues. 80% of PABA and 30% of DEAE are eliminated in the urine within 24 hours, another part is degraded by the liver, and a very small amount of unchanged procaine is found in the urine.
Toxic effects
Regarding toxic effects we must consider some interesting aspects of the molecule.
The half-life for the alpha phase (t ½ alpha) varies between 2.27 and 2.73 minutes intravenously, the times are longer orally.
Due to the speed of its hydrolysis, a small percentage of administered procaine is eliminated through urine, unchanged, and neither of its two main metabolites (paraaminobenzoic acid and diethylaminoethanol) have an anesthetic effect. The concentration it reaches in the central nervous system depends on the plasma concentration of its undissociated free fraction.
In the central nervous system, symptoms initially manifest with numbness of the tongue and perioral region, a feeling of restlessness and tremors, with progression to the appearance of clonic seizures.
After a period of excitability, it can lead to nervous depression and, if the concentration of the toxicant increases, the patient can die from respiratory arrest. It is worth remembering that acidosis and severe tissue hypoxia reduce the seizure threshold and make toxic effects on the CNS easier.
Myocardial depression and hypotension predominate in the cardiovascular system. As in the previous case, the cardiotoxic effects of local anesthetics can be facilitated in the presence of hypoxia, acidosis and hyperkalemia, consequently altering the internal environment.
Concentrations and toxicity
• Serum procaine concentrations of 6 to 8 mcg/ml: Blurred vision or diplopia, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and tremors or muscle twitches.
• Serum procaine concentrations greater than 8 mcg/ml: Difficulty breathing, intense dizziness, loss of consciousness, seizures, slow cardiac electrical transmission.
- Strict monitoring and surveillance of the patient.
- Maintenance of the airway and administration of oxygen.
- Treat circulatory depression.
- Treat seizures.
- Sustained resuscitation due to the danger of ventricular arrhythmias resistant to defibrillation.
Taking into account the different elements analyzed, it arises;
Route of administration of the toxicant: The highest concentration of the toxicant as a function of time, the absence of punctures reveal the administration site. In this case in the gastrointestinal tract. In the medical-legal autopsy there were no mucosal lesions in the pharynx or esophagus, so it was not caustic to the mucous membranes.
1. The lethal effect could have been contributed along with gastric absorption, the pH of the medium and the empty stomach making its lethal action faster. In the stomach, the viscera was found without food remains, containing practically the total dose of the ingested toxicant and liquid. The intestinal pH is acidic, which delays the absorption of the poison that is absorbed at alkaline pH. This would seem to be in accordance with the dose found in the blood, which reflects minimal absorption with respect to the intake of the total poison. (0.10 mcg in blood and 63 mcg in stomach).
2. The discovery of another drug (phenytoin) enhances the addition of toxic effects in a synergistic manner.
3. The harmful effect of drugs configures an asphyxitic profile induced by pulmonary edema and brain meningo with histopathological corroboration.
4. Unknowns are generated in cases of death where it is not possible to establish with certainty the motivations that led to the death of a person, configuring the so-called complex suicides, not only due to the type of substance but also due to the triggering motivations.
It is considered that respect for life is the reason for a series of moral, religious and social thoughts, associating voluntary death with the idea of sacrifice. In the pathology where death is related to the so-called mystical delusions, suicidal ideation and suicidal reactions are always due in this case to a serious disturbance of affectivity, to a delusional or obsessive theme, or to hallucinatory disorders. Very often, suicide or its intention constitutes the first revelation of the underlying abnormal state.
5. Analysis of the note found "Dear XXX: Thank you for everything, thank you. Forgive me if I was not a good daughter, nothing personal, I admire you and I want to thank you for giving you and your heart. Forgive me for not being able to return you, Pray for my mother, I am about to enter a convent, if they accept me, a friend will come later XXX to collect my things (1 to 2 months) pray, pray I don't know if I will be able to go out to see you, I love you very much , I am sincere and I am very sorry for having bothered you this time. XXXX "
Based on the study through the psychological autopsy and what was collected by prestigious psychoanalysts, the following conclusion was reached in relation to the examination of the suicide note:
1. It only works in the context of the victim's overall story.
2. Affective ambivalence is present and noticeable, directly expressing the desire and conviction to die
3. Interpersonal conflict emerges in the note (dissatisfaction, personal emptiness, lack of concreteness of real facts pointing to an unreal thought with tacit meaning of not returning.
4. Apology note: these are requests for forgiveness; the content aims to explain the causes but does not clarify the reasons for suicide. The repeated appearance of requests for forgiveness to both family and friends is considered the starting point of that suicide is an act condemned by both society and culture as a whole. 5. The religious context or mysticism seeks to justify the action through a sacrifice or heavenly delivery.
After the reasoning of the elements from the scene of the events, the performance of the autopsy, the analysis of the social context and the studies carried out on the tissues and organs, the following conclusions were reached:
1) In the medical-legal autopsy, no stigmata were found that would lead to the assumption that his death could be attributed to events of a traumatic nature or to the intervention of third parties.
2) The discovery of procaine in the stomach suggests the toxic and excessive ingestion of some compound whose pharmaceutical form contains that preparation.
3) The rapid absorption was promoted by the lack of gastric content and the pH of the medium.
4) The finding of phenytoin in therapeutic doses would indicate that the deceased ingested it on a regular basis, her underlying illness being unknown since it is administered for different pathologies.
5) The note he was carrying was related to the possible laboratories that marketed that substance, finding that it was a compound for veterinary use with rapid action and powerful lethality used exclusively as a euthanasia agent.
6) It is unknown how to access this compound since the sale is conditional on the display of a recipe and it was not possible for the deceased to have easy access to it.
7) The way of life and the correlates in the final letter indicate a mystical environment, belief in higher horizons of existence and future return to the earthly plane, this theory supported by the discovery of religious icons, real trips to India despite of the average economic level. The victim did not have a job.
8) It is mentioned that the victim ran, which suggests that by increasing metabolic activity and oxygen expenditure, the poison was quickly fatal even if ingested orally, suggesting that death occurred due to cardiorespiratory arrest as described. in the cited international bibliography.
In the development of events, this case allows us to point out the characteristics of a non-conventional, complex form of suicide, if we take the point of view of the substance used (Procaine) as a suicidal vehicle, with no reports found in the forensic bibliography of equivalent experiences in the way it is used, with the aggravating factor of a temperament linked to a mystical ideation or evolutionary depression.
Bibliography wasn't translated.
Unconventional suicide is associated with substances used for self-destructive purposes, but which are not frequently used, in this case the use of a drug for veterinary use, a product used as an equine euthanasia, with procaine in its pharmaceutical composition used by a route that is also not usual or indicated, the oral route, there being no casuistry in the forensic literature of analogous cases.
The etiology of self-destructive behaviors is of multifactorial origin and constitutes the so-called violent or doubtful criminal deaths.
In the context of studies carried out by the WHO, it has been shown that around 1,000 to 2,000 people take their lives each year, varying from one country to another, culture, age, sex, and the influences that surround to the individual (socioeconomic factors, conflictive family group, previous pathologies of the subject).
For some, the suicidal act means a culmination of a history of instability and personal disorganization; For others, it constitutes an impulsive reaction that triggers a crisis, which motivates the appearance of events that precipitate the end.
Among the elements used by suicides, firearms are in first place, followed by hanging and poisoning is in third place.
In our environment, the use of substances for suicidal purposes ranges from anxiolytics, the mixture with alcohol, substances of abuse and, in a lower percentage, phosphorus organs or unconventional substances, that is, those that, due to lack of knowledge of their action or due to their difficulties in its provision are not too frequent.
The hierarchy in this case is the compound used for suicide, oral procaine.
This case describes the investigation of a death from dubious causes of criminality, of apparent suicidal origin in which the victim did not present signs of external traumatic injury. The characteristics of the scene of the incident have revealed a particular life profile collected by testimonies from third parties.
The presence of a note was found.
The study reveals the discovery of a young woman's body lying on the floor of the bedroom of a home.
The body was in a supine position, there were no visible injuries and the information from the investigation revealed:
1. The victim had not expressed his intention to kill nor was there any history of previous attempts.
2. Witnesses saw her go to the bathroom and from there run to the bedroom where she locked herself and died in a few minutes.
3. The time of onset of manifestations of intoxication and death was brief, with no success on the part of emergency medical personnel in resuscitation maneuvers.
4. There is no history that the deceased was undergoing clinical treatment for any ailment.
5. It was not possible to establish how he had access to the substance used.
6. No external injuries were observed.
7. The place of residence was in a certain order; on a piece of furniture in the kitchen it is mentioned that a handwritten note addressed to the mother was found.
On external examination,
no in situ lesions were observed.
In the internal examination,
the body was explored and the macroscopic examination of the different viscera showed exclusively cervicofacial cyanosis, congestion and pulmonary edema and petechial blood suffusions at the level of both lungs. The stomach had an amber liquid content (approximately 200 cc).
The tissue samples were analyzed from a histopathological as well as toxicological point of view.
To establish the hypothetical diagnosis of suicide through the ingestion of a substance, the assessment of certain variables originating from the different spatial studies of the body was previously considered:
Originating from the scene of the events:
Extensive iconography of the Dalai Lama close to the body, lack of disorder, a bottle with remains of yellowish liquid found in the bathroom, a piece of paper in a coat with the inscription "Euthanasia equine", the presence of a written note for the suicide.
Originating from the results of the different studies carried out on the corpse
• Content of phenytoin, caffeine and proCaine in the viscera pool
• In the stomach, the presence of phenytoin and procaine was obtained
Blood 0.10 mcg/ml
Stomach 63.23 mcg/ml
Viscera 0.10 mcg/gr.
Heart: congested vessels and autolysed myocardium. Mild coronary sclerosis.
Lungs: congestion and edema, congested vessels, minimal foci of blood extravasation.
Liver: autolysis of the parenchyma, sinusoidal congestion.
Kidneys: with marked congestion
The use of a drug for veterinary use is described whose composition is:
Procaine HCL: 60g
Benzyl alcohol: 2 ml.
Distilled water q.s.: 100 ml.
The use of the drug is exclusively for veterinary use, used for the sacrifice of animals as euthanasia, with its proper mode of application being intravenous or parenteral (with little evidence of intracardiac and intramuscular use).
No cases of use of this drug outside the routes mentioned for this purpose are described.
In 1904, procaine was introduced, this being the first local anesthetic, with the action of blocking nerve conduction, preventing the initiation and propagation of the nerve impulse. In addition, actions of the drug on aging were attributed and it was generally used in combination with other preparations.
Procaine belongs to the group of esters, having properties. Lipophilic, unlike those of the amide group (lidocaine) that have hydrophilic properties.
In this case particularly, the discussion will focus on oral consumption in combination with other drugs as found in the toxicological expertise. Among the effects found by oral consumption are the increase in circulation acting on the capillaries, with response to improved resistance to fatigue; activation of cellular oxygenation.
The ester type of local anesthetic is contraindicated in patients with low plasma cholinesterase concentrations; it should be applied with caution in the elderly; it should not be used in patients with cardiogenic or hypovolemic shock, or a state of impaired coagulation, or in those with pyogenic infections. of the skin or adjacent to the injection site. It is not recommended in epileptic patients. Cases of cardiovascular collapse have been reported at low doses and death due to the action of the intrinsic pacemaker or sudden onset of ventricular fibrillation.
In cholinergic neuronal systems - fundamental elements of memory consolidation - procaine is hydrolyzed to amino ethanol derivatives (DEAE, DMAE), which increase the synthesis of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex and would be incorporated into membranes, slowing cellular aging. , improving performance in memorization tests, this was one of the reasons why it was linked to the fact that procaine had revitalizing actions.
The unchanged molecule is absorbed in the stomach in small quantities, it is hydrolyzed very quickly at alkaline pH, therefore it is expected that only the hydrolysis products will be absorbed in the intestine. Once absorbed, by the action of pseudocholinesterase and other enzymes, procaine is rapidly hydrolyzed, and its main metabolites are: p-amino benzoic acid (PABA), diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) and dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE). The latter penetrates nerve cells, among other tissues. 80% of PABA and 30% of DEAE are eliminated in the urine within 24 hours, another part is degraded by the liver, and a very small amount of unchanged procaine is found in the urine.
Toxic effects
Regarding toxic effects we must consider some interesting aspects of the molecule.
The half-life for the alpha phase (t ½ alpha) varies between 2.27 and 2.73 minutes intravenously, the times are longer orally.
Due to the speed of its hydrolysis, a small percentage of administered procaine is eliminated through urine, unchanged, and neither of its two main metabolites (paraaminobenzoic acid and diethylaminoethanol) have an anesthetic effect. The concentration it reaches in the central nervous system depends on the plasma concentration of its undissociated free fraction.
In the central nervous system, symptoms initially manifest with numbness of the tongue and perioral region, a feeling of restlessness and tremors, with progression to the appearance of clonic seizures.
After a period of excitability, it can lead to nervous depression and, if the concentration of the toxicant increases, the patient can die from respiratory arrest. It is worth remembering that acidosis and severe tissue hypoxia reduce the seizure threshold and make toxic effects on the CNS easier.
Myocardial depression and hypotension predominate in the cardiovascular system. As in the previous case, the cardiotoxic effects of local anesthetics can be facilitated in the presence of hypoxia, acidosis and hyperkalemia, consequently altering the internal environment.
Concentrations and toxicity
• Serum procaine concentrations of 6 to 8 mcg/ml: Blurred vision or diplopia, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and tremors or muscle twitches.
• Serum procaine concentrations greater than 8 mcg/ml: Difficulty breathing, intense dizziness, loss of consciousness, seizures, slow cardiac electrical transmission.
- Strict monitoring and surveillance of the patient.
- Maintenance of the airway and administration of oxygen.
- Treat circulatory depression.
- Treat seizures.
- Sustained resuscitation due to the danger of ventricular arrhythmias resistant to defibrillation.
Taking into account the different elements analyzed, it arises;
Route of administration of the toxicant: The highest concentration of the toxicant as a function of time, the absence of punctures reveal the administration site. In this case in the gastrointestinal tract. In the medical-legal autopsy there were no mucosal lesions in the pharynx or esophagus, so it was not caustic to the mucous membranes.
1. The lethal effect could have been contributed along with gastric absorption, the pH of the medium and the empty stomach making its lethal action faster. In the stomach, the viscera was found without food remains, containing practically the total dose of the ingested toxicant and liquid. The intestinal pH is acidic, which delays the absorption of the poison that is absorbed at alkaline pH. This would seem to be in accordance with the dose found in the blood, which reflects minimal absorption with respect to the intake of the total poison. (0.10 mcg in blood and 63 mcg in stomach).
2. The discovery of another drug (phenytoin) enhances the addition of toxic effects in a synergistic manner.
3. The harmful effect of drugs configures an asphyxitic profile induced by pulmonary edema and brain meningo with histopathological corroboration.
4. Unknowns are generated in cases of death where it is not possible to establish with certainty the motivations that led to the death of a person, configuring the so-called complex suicides, not only due to the type of substance but also due to the triggering motivations.
It is considered that respect for life is the reason for a series of moral, religious and social thoughts, associating voluntary death with the idea of sacrifice. In the pathology where death is related to the so-called mystical delusions, suicidal ideation and suicidal reactions are always due in this case to a serious disturbance of affectivity, to a delusional or obsessive theme, or to hallucinatory disorders. Very often, suicide or its intention constitutes the first revelation of the underlying abnormal state.
5. Analysis of the note found "Dear XXX: Thank you for everything, thank you. Forgive me if I was not a good daughter, nothing personal, I admire you and I want to thank you for giving you and your heart. Forgive me for not being able to return you, Pray for my mother, I am about to enter a convent, if they accept me, a friend will come later XXX to collect my things (1 to 2 months) pray, pray I don't know if I will be able to go out to see you, I love you very much , I am sincere and I am very sorry for having bothered you this time. XXXX "
Based on the study through the psychological autopsy and what was collected by prestigious psychoanalysts, the following conclusion was reached in relation to the examination of the suicide note:
1. It only works in the context of the victim's overall story.
2. Affective ambivalence is present and noticeable, directly expressing the desire and conviction to die
3. Interpersonal conflict emerges in the note (dissatisfaction, personal emptiness, lack of concreteness of real facts pointing to an unreal thought with tacit meaning of not returning.
4. Apology note: these are requests for forgiveness; the content aims to explain the causes but does not clarify the reasons for suicide. The repeated appearance of requests for forgiveness to both family and friends is considered the starting point of that suicide is an act condemned by both society and culture as a whole. 5. The religious context or mysticism seeks to justify the action through a sacrifice or heavenly delivery.
After the reasoning of the elements from the scene of the events, the performance of the autopsy, the analysis of the social context and the studies carried out on the tissues and organs, the following conclusions were reached:
1) In the medical-legal autopsy, no stigmata were found that would lead to the assumption that his death could be attributed to events of a traumatic nature or to the intervention of third parties.
2) The discovery of procaine in the stomach suggests the toxic and excessive ingestion of some compound whose pharmaceutical form contains that preparation.
3) The rapid absorption was promoted by the lack of gastric content and the pH of the medium.
4) The finding of phenytoin in therapeutic doses would indicate that the deceased ingested it on a regular basis, her underlying illness being unknown since it is administered for different pathologies.
5) The note he was carrying was related to the possible laboratories that marketed that substance, finding that it was a compound for veterinary use with rapid action and powerful lethality used exclusively as a euthanasia agent.
6) It is unknown how to access this compound since the sale is conditional on the display of a recipe and it was not possible for the deceased to have easy access to it.
7) The way of life and the correlates in the final letter indicate a mystical environment, belief in higher horizons of existence and future return to the earthly plane, this theory supported by the discovery of religious icons, real trips to India despite of the average economic level. The victim did not have a job.
8) It is mentioned that the victim ran, which suggests that by increasing metabolic activity and oxygen expenditure, the poison was quickly fatal even if ingested orally, suggesting that death occurred due to cardiorespiratory arrest as described. in the cited international bibliography.
In the development of events, this case allows us to point out the characteristics of a non-conventional, complex form of suicide, if we take the point of view of the substance used (Procaine) as a suicidal vehicle, with no reports found in the forensic bibliography of equivalent experiences in the way it is used, with the aggravating factor of a temperament linked to a mystical ideation or evolutionary depression.
Bibliography wasn't translated.
It works interrumping the nerves impulses, so it's painless. That doesn't mean it's peacefull. Maybe it is, maybe don't. We don't have enought cases or information to tell that for sure.
The point is that i think procaine make to lose consciousness before you choke cause your lung will stop working.
And even have to add that procaine can causes convulsions, that's why could be interesting taking it with an anticonvulsant to die more peacefully, and people doesn't notice you are dying.
It kills very fast. If you take enought, it some minutes there's nothing to do about you.
I want to suicide using this method, but only procaine (50g), and with my death you will can be sure it's pretty efective.
I really hope it could became an effective subtitute of N or SN, even if it's needed to take an another meds with it to reach it.
I'm gonna try writte to the woman i love, hear some music, and will die.