
Aug 18, 2020
Help to make assistant suicide available. There will be a process if someone really has no other option than suicide. Many members of this forum would not need this website anymore. Or at least the method guides would drastically reduce because many would have the option go peacefully with N. We could die with dignity and you would have accomplished to reduce the members of this forum drastically. Isn't this a good idea?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Or they could just leave us alone, mourn privately in their own homes and stop recruiting capt save-a-hoe to champion their cause. Common sense and most therapists would tell them to leave us alone. I'm pretty sure that's what most of their replies back were when they try to get a politician to help them. The website itself is an open book, anyone can see and feel for themselves what we do or say on here does not match up to the hateful rhetoric that the pro-life movement says.
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Mar 10, 2021
Assisted suicide would be nice but it wouldn't ever be so easy for us. Even where it is legal it's often so hard to get approval, has age restrictions, etc.

I wish everyone could be able to buy OTC suicide pills/N at the pharmacy no questions asked but they'll never allow that.
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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020

Yes pro lifers suck. Even doctors admit we deserve euthanasia take a look at these articles. Im in a fb group for euthanasia this is where I got it from.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
They act like people won't find suicide methods elsewhere.

Assisted suicide would be nice but it wouldn't ever be so easy for us. Even where it is legal it's often so hard to get approval, has age restrictions, etc.

I wish everyone could be able to buy OTC suicide pills/N at the pharmacy no questions asked but they'll never allow that.

I personally don't care for euthanasia either because of the reasons you've listed. I should not have meet subjective criteria and be put on a waiting list to end my life. The decision should be entirely my own, the government and politics should have nothing to do with it.
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Aug 18, 2020
They act like people won't find suicide methods elsewhere.

I personally don't care for euthanasia either because of the reasons you've listed. I should not have meet subjective criteria and be put on a waiting list to end my life. The decision should be entirely my own, the government and politics should have nothing to do with it.
They already interfere because they regulate SN, N etc. I had no problem with a very liberal model. It must be obviously for free and for mentally ill people. A little bit like Belgium but more liberal. (I think Belgium is the most liberal in the world)


Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020

They already interfere because they regulate SN, N etc. I had no problem with a very liberal model. It must be obviously for free and for mentally ill people. A little bit like Belgium but more liberal. (I think Belgium is the most liberal in the world)
It is thats why I wished I lived there


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020

They already interfere because they regulate SN, N etc. I had no problem with a very liberal model. It must be obviously for free and for mentally ill people. A little bit like Belgium but more liberal. (I think Belgium is the most liberal in the world)
It's not a matter of whether it's free or for people with mental issues. It's the fact that you're expected to provide a paper trail of your suffering, that you have to prove it and go through all kinds of treatments for it to be justified to these people.

With a system like that I'd still choose suicide instead of wasting years being denied euthanasia on technicalities.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
It's not a matter of whether it's free or for people with mental issues. It's the fact that you're expected to provide a paper trail of your suffering, that you have to prove it and go through all kinds of treatments for it to be justified to these people.

With a system like that I'd still choose suicide instead of wasting years being denied euthanasia on technicalities.

You would have to maim yourself just enough to where they can justify ending your life.

Pro-lifers don't care as long as their agenda is fulfilled. Especially if they are religious pro-lifers who believe that the only person that suffered more than we did is Jesus himself. All our problems are moot at that point. Close the site down, you'll have more people dying alone in a hotel room somewhere in the world because their thoughts have no where to go. No outlets, no talk therapy, nothing...and all those still won't bring their loved ones back to life.
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Escape Artist

Escape Artist

Jun 3, 2019
Yes pro lifers suck. Even doctors admit we deserve euthanasia take a look at these articles. Im in a fb group for euthanasia this is where I got it from.

I actually think there's a lot of hope that euthanasia laws are progressing fast. I doubt it will happen where I live soon at all but I absolutely think it will start to become more and more accepted throughout the world. I mean that's already happening.

But the system that makes people afraid to even talk about it is a horrible one, at least where I live. That does REALLY backfire for pro-lifers (if they want people to not CTB). It drives people into a corner where they have no options. I've been involuntarily punished ("treated") so many times for talking about CTB. I've never broken a law or have ever been violent at all. It's EXTREMELY cruel to force sick people to be too afraid to talk. I barely even make it to the regular doctor even though I'm in severe pain because I'm so scared and traumatized. Thanks pro-lifers!
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Jul 16, 2018
I think in Belgium only about 2% of all assisted suicides are mental illness related. A big majority is cancer etc.

But like others have said, the process will take years. You will have to convince several doctors. You need to "prove" you are suffering deeply.

Imagine finally deciding for yourself that you no longer want to suffer like this. Telling your doctor this. And then having to wait years for them to decide it's okay. All that time having to suffer even longer. And hoping they won't deny you.

I mean... it's great that the option is there. A painless injection that puts you to sleep sounds like a dream for people like us. But nobody is going to start this procedure years in advance.

When you reach the point of wanting to die, you've already crossed a big barrier in my mind. You shouldn't have to convince a bunch of doctors. They're professionals, sure, but they never had to suffer like you.

I don't get this obsession with trying to keep every person alive as long as possible. Our world is flawed. We definitely don't have a shortage of population. If anyone wants to go and they can do it without hurting others in a peaceful way, why deny that?
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Mar 2, 2021
They are not going to do it anyway
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Jul 16, 2018
They are not going to do it anyway

I understand this woman is in pain. I understand she is angry. But this bullshit needs to stop.

They don't want to face the cruel reality. So they will keep questioning the HOW (method, websites, etc,..) instead of the WHY.
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Aug 18, 2020
I think in Belgium only about 2% of all assisted suicides are mental illness related. A big majority is cancer etc.

But like others have said, the process will take years. You will have to convince several doctors. You need to "prove" you are suffering deeply.

Imagine finally deciding for yourself that you no longer want to suffer like this. Telling your doctor this. And then having to wait years for them to decide it's okay. All that time having to suffer even longer. And hoping they won't deny you.

I mean... it's great that the option is there. A painless injection that puts you to sleep sounds like a dream for people like us. But nobody is going to start this procedure years in advance.

When you reach the point of wanting to die, you've already crossed a big barrier in my mind. You shouldn't have to convince a bunch of doctors. They're professionals, sure, but they never had to suffer like you.

I don't get this obsession with trying to keep every person alive as long as possible. Our world is flawed. We definitely don't have a shortage of population. If anyone wants to go and they can do it without hurting others in a peaceful way, why deny that?
Okay I add let's decriminalize N too.
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
If people were kinder and more considerate and caring and responsible and sensible then half of us wouldnt need assisted suicide.
If help was less 'industrialised' and mental health and disabilities were less stigmatised and equal opportunities were really that, then half of us wouldn't need assisted suicide.
If medication for the management of chronic conditions and other treatment wasn't extortionate or subject to irresponsible abuse, half of us wouldn't need assisted suicide.
If brothers stopped killing brothers... We wouldn't need... You get the picture...
You telling me closing this site is going to stop people committing suicide?
Okay... Read again from the top, maybe you're part of the problem not the solution...

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Death is vital
Mar 19, 2020
I understand this woman is in pain. I understand she is angry. But this bullshit needs to stop.

They don't want to face the cruel reality. So they will keep questioning the HOW (method, websites, etc,..) instead of the WHY.
Just ignore them. They never will understand what we go through so why even bother in listening to what they have to say
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Mar 2, 2021
Just ignore them. They never will understand what we go through so why even bother in listening to what they have to say

It was just to show they wouldn't campaign for assisted suicide as one at least is now part of a youtube channel campaigning against it in the US.


Aug 18, 2020
It would also be as simple as making this world a better place. There is no LOVE here therefore the flowers that are our own children will not grow or even want to grow. Material possessions are what seems to guide us here and it is sad. We do not care about each other and we have been taught that and we teach that to every child here. Many of us know this is wrong at an early age and chose to leave asap. Nobody wants to face the giant topic of all of us being sad here in this life. What is there to live for? There are great things here but we are under so much stress that nobody on this world has a chance to enjoy them unless they turn a blind eye to the things that matter most. Every person here is under emotional stress just to "keep up appearances" like nothing is wrong with how we go about our daily BS lives.
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Aug 18, 2020
If people were kinder and more considerate and caring and responsible and sensible then half of us wouldnt need assisted suicide.
If help was less 'industrialised' and mental health and disabilities were less stigmatised and equal opportunities were really that, then half of us wouldn't need assisted suicide.
If medication for the management of chronic conditions and other treatment wasn't extortionate or subject to irresponsible abuse, half of us wouldn't need assisted suicide.
If brothers stopped killing brothers... We wouldn't need... You get the picture...
You telling me closing this site is going to stop people committing suicide?
Okay... Read again from the top, maybe you're part of the problem not the solution...

If I had more a lot more support like an UBI of 2000 Euros monthly i might not need suicide. But we don't live in a fairytail economics. Furthermore just in case if my mental breakdows go on. I would still want the right to die without legal persecution. This is not dependable on social-economic factors. If the pain I feel cannot be cured by medecine I don't need more compassion. I need assistant suicide.

I never pretended closing this site would stop people to ctb. I never said that. That's simply not true. I said if people had the option to end their life with dignity they don't need method guides how to jump in front of trains or other brutal ways to go .This forum would change a lot if everybody had the right to die with dignity. Moreover some just need an option to go which gives a lot of people relief. And this is the reason why they visit this website. Being stuck in a consciousness without an escape is pretty scary.
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Dec 25, 2020
Yeah like others said, even if assisted suicide becomes a thing, then depression isn't enough to be granted. It's only if you're physically dying and there's no treatment or cure. I still think the small progress we're making with assisted suicide is great, but it has go a lot further than that. Everyone should be allowed assisted suicide, no questions asked.

I also think they need more/better assisted suicide methods, because not everyone feels comfortable with the current method they've opted for. Just like in this forum, most people have strong preferences about which CTB method they want to use, and they simply can't imagine themselves using some of the methods. Some people want to leave their corpse behind in a beautiful condition at the cost of suffering during CTB, while some think that's unacceptable and would much rather explode their head with a shotgun to reduce suffering as much as possible.

So, assisted suicide still has a long long way to go unfortunately.
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Apr 30, 2019
They are not going to do it anyway

"I believe that when she saw them saying it's okay to kill yourself over a terminal illness, she probably thought 'I'm in pain, why can't I die like that too?'"

is it bad I think that's a valid thought process :nomouth: