

May 9, 2023
Even fucking youtubers are talking like this is some evil forrum like why, we need a safe space too
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Have you specifically seen people try to talk people out of ctb in goodbye threads? I didn't witness that in goodpersoneffed's thread, however they specifically asked people not to, so…

I agree.

Personally I think there should be a sticked "Goodbye Thread Etiquette" thread. It wouldn't cover everything, especially since what is considered insensitive is subjective, but it would provide a general rule of thumb. I think it'd be useful.

You're right that you can't control what people will say. I don't regret making one at all personally, but it's reasonable to feel uncomfortable with making one.

I don't think sanctity of life arguments will ever be tolerated here. Lol.

I hope the pro-lifers who want to shut down SaSu paid attention to that thread. I'm personally fine with anyone screenshooting posts from it to use as a rebuttal against those who argue this forum is a death cult. Any dipshit who tries to use this forum to get off on the pain of others gets swiftly banned. My goodbye thread is a perfect example.

Define pro-lifer.

To me, a pro-lifer is anyone who supports the sanctity of life. A pro-choice stance, to the contrary, supports bodily autonomy.

Take abortion for example. A pro-lifer takes the sanctity of life stance, and therefore thinks abortion is fundamentally wrong (though some may make exceptions, like in cases of rape or disease/death to the mother and fetus.) A pro-choice advocate would support bodily autonomy and therefore support the legalization of abortion. A lot of pro-choice types consider abortion a tragedy and wish it didn't exist, but realize it's inevitable, and wish to make the procedure as safe and accessible as possible to those who want it.

Would you consider me a pro-lifer? I am pro suicide prevention (though I think current practices are flawed and executed poorly,) and consider suicide a tragedy. I think helping people reconsider should be a priority, yet I respect people's choices. Not everyone can be saved, and it's not up to me to decide who can or cannot. That's on the individual. Medically assisted suicide should be available to those who desire it.

I agree that suicidal people can be pro-life. I also think people are mislabeled as pro-lifers by more cynical types. It's also possible I'm just pointlessly meandering over semantics. 😋

Also, I don't think life has any inherent value, but I don't think suicide is the only logical decision one can make to make peace with suffering or boredom or whatever. It's just one of many options

I share the same views as you. I'd say we were both pro choice. So- the focus is placed on the individual. Not what we think would be best for them.

How would I personally define 'pro-lifers'? I guess placing value on life is definitely a prerequisite. I guess it's a scale though. Some people can have very firm beliefs for themselves without pushing them on to other people. They can be pro-life without becoming terribly irritating and condescending.

I think the term 'pro-lifer' is used here as a derogatory term for people who tend to do that- people with saviour complexes perhaps. Still- again- it depends on the individual and their tolerance for positivity. I get the impression FuneralCry gets triggered by any suggestion of life being worthwhile or redeemable, or, any talk of recovery. I'm guessing anyone who doesn't share that viewpoint comes across as pro-life using that criteria.

Personally, I think it's best if we try and respond to people according to the tone of the thread. Some people do still seem on the fence about how they feel. I don't think it hurts for people to make suggestions towards living. That's partly how we decide for ourselves after all. How many of us have been given advice that we discard pretty much immediately because we know it's not what we want? Personally, I don't get offended by that- if it's just the once and if they don't keep on at it when you tell them it isn't what you need to hear.
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Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
These bastards are everywhere outside of this site, yes, if by that we mean the usual, glib bullshit like "life is always worth living", ideas about the sanctity of life, or appeals to loved ones (yes, I just coined this term). And these people are bastards who deserve to die in utter pain. And maybe, if it wasn't illegal, I'd go serial killing on them myself (though I'd probably calm down and realize, when that moment comes, that it wouldn't be right for me to do that). They are simply pigs, fucktarded sacks of shit who need to fuck off and mind their own business, and I hope they pay dearly for every suicidal person who was "saved" because of their idiotic beliefs.

I think that other options should be explored in order to find some compromise between what suicidal people want, and what their loved ones want. But suicidal people should always have the last word, and frankly, if suicide was made a real right after maybe a waiting period, that would not only make at least some people more prone to stay alive due to knowing that they can always kill themselves with safe and effective methods later on if things go badly, but it would also made such losses less traumatic for loved ones.

Yet anti-right to die fucktards are such imbeciles and asshole that they can't get it. Which is why I say such vomit worthy creatures should be horribly tortured. If you want to force people to risk or endure torture in the name of your attachment, or because you have some retarded religious belief about the sanctity of life, you should get a taste of your own medicine.

And here's yet another asshole who should receive just that treatment:
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Should we just be an echo chamber tho? I understand pain of existence myself but I think maybe as long as discussion is civil, it is fine.

And we can always ignore people that annoy us too much.

On the other side I understand that overflow of pro life people would make this place unbearable for those who who seek less ignorance and more understanding. We already have average people around us irl as well so we usually know all of their talking points.

I dunno. I am often conflicted myself.
Then they should stick to the recovery forum where they might be welcome

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