Have you specifically seen people try to talk people out of ctb in goodbye threads? I didn't witness that in goodpersoneffed's thread, however they specifically asked people not to, soā¦
I agree.
Personally I think there should be a sticked "Goodbye Thread Etiquette" thread. It wouldn't cover everything, especially since what is considered insensitive is subjective, but it would provide a general rule of thumb. I think it'd be useful.
You're right that you can't control what people will say. I don't regret making one at all personally, but it's reasonable to feel uncomfortable with making one.
I don't think sanctity of life arguments will ever be tolerated here. Lol.
I hope the pro-lifers who want to shut down SaSu paid attention to that thread. I'm personally fine with anyone screenshooting posts from it to use as a rebuttal against those who argue this forum is a death cult. Any dipshit who tries to use this forum to get off on the pain of others gets swiftly banned. My goodbye thread is a perfect example.
Define pro-lifer.
To me, a pro-lifer is anyone who supports the sanctity of life. A pro-choice stance, to the contrary, supports bodily autonomy.
Take abortion for example. A pro-lifer takes the sanctity of life stance, and therefore thinks abortion is fundamentally wrong (though some may make exceptions, like in cases of rape or disease/death to the mother and fetus.) A pro-choice advocate would support bodily autonomy and therefore support the legalization of abortion. A lot of pro-choice types consider abortion a tragedy and wish it didn't exist, but realize it's inevitable, and wish to make the procedure as safe and accessible as possible to those who want it.
Would you consider me a pro-lifer? I am pro suicide prevention (though I think current practices are flawed and executed poorly,) and consider suicide a tragedy. I think helping people reconsider should be a priority, yet I respect people's choices. Not everyone can be saved, and it's not up to me to decide who can or cannot. That's on the individual. Medically assisted suicide should be available to those who desire it.
I agree that suicidal people can be pro-life. I also think people are mislabeled as pro-lifers by more cynical types. It's also possible I'm just pointlessly meandering over semantics.
Also, I don't think life has any inherent value, but I don't think suicide is the only logical decision one can make to make peace with suffering or boredom or whatever. It's just one of many options