

omg mokocchi
Oct 18, 2023
i have suffered from OCD starting from my teen years, a insane obsession over handwashing. I cant bring myself to stop
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Reactions: Blue Elephant, Daxter_87 and WAITING TO DIE


Sep 30, 2023
Me too.
I can't touch anything without having to wash my hands afterwards.
I also have to wipe down things like light switches.
My hands get so dry and sore from too much hand washing.
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Reactions: Blue Elephant and Daxter_87


If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
I have so many OCD rituals that it's probably impossible to list them all. Just as an example, it can take me several hours to write this or any reply, because I feel the need to check and recheck that every single comma is in its place, proofread everything, etc. And don't get me started on starting my own threads...

Additionally, I have what I consider to be the "hardcore" version of hand washing, which involves wiping my bum until it bleeds profusely. The toilet paper often comes off with lots of blood stains.

Also, my hands used to get dry from washing them so much a few years ago, but not anymore; thankfully, I have kicked this unhealthy habit, at least for now.
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Oct 10, 2023
hand washing, checking if 1 of my doors is locked, and skin picking. the picking is the worst tbh
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Reactions: Daxter_87 and WAITING TO DIE


oh no :(
Apr 10, 2023
Closing and opening doors, touching something a certain number of times, making sure i have "right thought" in my head before doing some things, compulsions in my head, etc.
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Reactions: eian, Daxter_87 and WAITING TO DIE
Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
Hmm.. let's see: I have to hand wash and body wash and wipe myself very thoroughly, I have to brush my teeth in a certain way and for a certain amount of time, I have to arrange things in a certain order, my surroundings need to be clean, everything need to be in order, everything needs to work properly, all tools and accessories need to be perfectly clean, I'm looking for imperfections in my room, in my apartment (and I have to fix them if possible), everything needs to fit (exactly!!), when I game I have to do it in a certain way, I have to be in character, I have to give certain replies, when I text it needs to be written in a certain way and have no spelling errors (OMG DO I HAVE ANY!?). OCD combined with memory loss (or very very poor memory) is a bitch!

We are fucked! But on the bright side with so much washing we must all be very clean! : )
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Reactions: Daxter_87 and WAITING TO DIE


girl with a big heart(Cock)
Aug 30, 2023
i cant do anything physical unless im thinking of the right thing while doing it, for example i cant walk normally if im thinking about a topic or person i dislike without going back to like kinda i guess undo that physical movement so i can let go of the uneasiness it gives me, i feel like if i dont compulse like that ill show traits of that person or be positively interested in that topic, its really debilitating and gave me a few stares in public when i go back and forth doing the same thing until i feel good enough to let go and i guess that can be said for ocd alot


Oct 9, 2022
I dropped a knife on my right foot thumb and couldn't snap it for a month waiting it to heal. After that I started snapping again but now I won't stop and can snap it all day, and it's loud so it becomes unbearable for anyone to live with me, it's just irritating. It feels so good tho, sometimes I can triple snap it, I don't know what happens anatomically but it's addicting because it happens only some times, so I keep snapping trying to reach the triple, when I reach it I wanna it again lol. But sometimes muscles on my leg hurt because of all day snapping and thumb can get sore but only lasts one day. It's been a personal hell tho, because I never get satisfaction. Besides that I think no one will ever want to live with me, I wouldn't anyways

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