As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
American, here. Which chancellor are you referring to? If it's the one from WWII, that's what came to mind.
Actually I think of German people wearing the traditional "Lederhosen", hehe.
Also, Bratwurst (I like it with golden brown spicy mustard and no sauerkraut.)
Mmmmm, now I am hungry! I'd like Bratwurst.
American, here. Which chancellor are you referring to? If it's the one from WWII, that's what came to mind.
Actually I think of German people wearing the traditional "Lederhosen", hehe.
Also, Bratwurst (I like it with golden brown spicy mustard and no sauerkraut.)
Mmmmm, now I am hungry! I'd like Bratwurst.
I love the accent Germans have when they speak Dutch. When I hear this accent I sometimes can't help myself but to parrot the Dutch word in their accent. I know this may come across as rude because it looks like I'm ridiculing their accent but really I just want to hear more of it.
I can't really place my finger on why I like the sound of the German accent—I don't hear it enough to know. I think it makes Dutch sound softer and bouncier. Flemish also makes Dutch sound softer but it's just not the same as the German accent.
The accent is actually the first thing I think about when someone mentions a German, not the country itself. For the country, it would be "Merkel."
I am from Austria and because we are in comparison such a small (size and population) German speaking nation it means that Germany dominates most of our media, pop culture and market. Companies and individuals (like writers, singers) can export all their products to us and we have no chance the other way around. It's harder for us to establish something in Austria when we have such a strong competition from our neighbour. It's not always a bad thing, don't get me wrong. But it feels like our country is too dependent on Germany.
Also, there is this stupid rivalry going on in sports, especially football (soccer). For some reason we Austrians are made to believe that if we can't be grand in the market then we have to be in sports. So beating our "superior" neighbour is an act of showing that we are a strong nation when in reality it doesn't make any difference.
Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsausbildungsleiter (Donau steam ship captain training director), or in general, very long words. That word is often used when one wants to create a very long word just for fun. The "Kurzfristenergieversorgungssicherungsmaßnahmenverordnung" (short term energy supply security measures ordinance) was established at the beginning of the sanctions on Russia, and when I got a letter from my energy provider explaining the rise in prices it caused, this word consumed almost an entire line on its own!
It's like asking someone to not think of a pink elephant lol. Of course the first association with Germany is hitler/Nazism because that's the one thing you're not supposed to think of.
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