

Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I'm not sure of the negative effects of using porn. But at least in my case I have used it as an escape route from reality, I do not think it is positive.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I've never been comfortable using porn. Every time I did, I would end up feeling sad, ashamed and hopeless. Being with a real woman is the complete opposite. I feel inspired and in touch with my masculinity.

Porn is not good for men. Do some research on the effects like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Porn and masturbation are not good for men at all. I don't know about women but research has shown that men are better off keeping to real life sex for pleasure.

I still struggle with porn though. Mostly I win but sometimes I lose. I can't wait to be rid of this particular evil.
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Jun 20, 2020
I've never been comfortable using porn. Every time I did, I would end up feeling sad, ashamed and hopeless. Being with a real woman is the complete opposite. I feel inspired and in touch with my masculinity.

Porn is not good for men. Do some research on the effects like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Porn and masturbation are not good for men at all. I don't know about women but research has shown that men are better off keeping to real life sex for pleasure.

I still struggle with porn though. Mostly I win but sometimes I lose. I can't wait to be rid of this particular evil.
I've never been comfortable using porn. Every time I did, I would end up feeling sad, ashamed and hopeless. Being with a real woman is the complete opposite. I feel inspired and in touch with my masculinity.

Porn is not good for men. Do some research on the effects like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Porn and masturbation are not good for men at all. I don't know about women but research has shown that men are better off keeping to real life sex for pleasure.

I still struggle with porn though. Mostly I win but sometimes I lose. I can't wait to be rid of this particular evil.

You realize you typed the same thing twice?


Ave Satanas
Jun 28, 2020
In my experience... it was drug like. Now more so out of boredom or trying to become tired to sleep or shut my brain off. It WAS really bad when I was younger and it seemed I always found myself in a situation with a "buddy" that wanted to watch some... and then move on to "hey let's try that?" type of shit. Even had this older kid than me try to get me to blow him... then held a knife at my throat... laughed and said he was joking. I proceeded to retrieve my .22 and start a huge dispute between those inbred fucks. I was like 12. I was just shocked because my mom is non confrontational as hell and ran up there lol. And that's one reason I hate the Dallas Stars lol. (Hockey team).


Feb 4, 2020
Porn is not good for men. Do some research on the effects like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Porn and masturbation are not good for men at all. I don't know about women but research has shown that men are better off keeping to real life sex for pleasure.

I'm sorry, but that sounds like a vast oversimplification and potential scaremongering. There is nothing inherent to either masturbation nor pornography that leads to those disorders.

Masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation only in the behavioural sense, that is if you regularly masturbate in a manner that quickly leads to orgasm, you may find that this speedy timeframe also occurs during intercourse with a partner, which may be dissatisfying for them in not having enough time to reach their own orgasm. The simple countermeasure to this problem is to learn to masturbate in a way that is slower and prolongs orgasm for a longer period.

Pornography can also only lead to erectile dysfunction in the behavioural sense, in terms of if you require and utilise pornography of an unusual nature (such as fetishes) to such a frequent extent that you become conditioned to only become aroused to that material and not to the prospect of normal intimacy with your partner.

But neither of these are the blanket examples that your statement seems to suggest.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I'm sorry, but that sounds like a vast oversimplification and potential scaremongering. There is nothing inherent to either masturbation nor pornography that leads to those disorders.

Masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation only in the behavioural sense, that is if you regularly masturbate in a manner that quickly leads to orgasm, you may find that this speedy timeframe also occurs during intercourse with a partner, which may be dissatisfying for them in not having enough time to reach their own orgasm. The simple countermeasure to this problem is to learn to masturbate in a way that is slower and prolongs orgasm for a longer period.

Pornography can also only lead to erectile dysfunction in the behavioural sense, in terms of if you require and utilise pornography of an unusual nature (such as fetishes) to such a frequent extent that you become conditioned to only become aroused to that material and not to the prospect of normal intimacy with your partner.

But neither of these are the blanket examples that your statement seems to suggest.
I don't disagree with your points but there's a whole movement of men that completely disagree with their practical application. In theory, it makes sense, but in real life it's incredibly hard for men to control their rate of porn consumption, it's escalation to fetish porn or their rate of masturbation.

Men who join the nofap movement (myself included) start out believing that porn is harmless and can be controlled. It rapidly leads to addiction and the symptoms I alluded to earlier. Some men can control it and avoid the effects but these are few and far between. Ideology is one thing, practical application is another. There are too many cases of men negatively affected by pmo for us to ignore. It's not an oversimplification, it's an epidemic. I'd advise any man considering trying porn to do so at their own risk.
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Feb 4, 2020
I don't disagree with your points but there's a whole movement of men that completely disagree with their practical application. In theory, it makes sense, but in real life it's incredibly hard for men to control their rate of porn consumption, it's escalation to fetish porn or their rate of masturbation.

Men who join the nofap movement (myself included) start out believing that porn is harmless and can be controlled. It rapidly leads to addiction and the symptoms I alluded to earlier. Some men can control it and avoid the effects but these are few and fa between. Ideology is one thing, practical application is another. There are too many cases of men negatively affected by pmo for us to ignore. It's not an oversimplification, it's an epidemic.

I don't disagree with your points but there's a whole movement of men that completely disagree with their practical application. In theory, it makes sense, but in real life it's incredibly hard for men to control their rate of porn consumption, it's escalation to fetish porn or their rate of masturbation.

Men who join the nofap movement (myself included) start out believing that porn is harmless and can be controlled. It rapidly leads to addiction and the symptoms I alluded to earlier. Some men can control it and avoid the effects but these are few and fa between. Ideology is one thing, practical application is another. There are too many cases of men negatively affected by pmo for us to ignore. It's not an oversimplification, it's an epidemic.

I don't know a whole lot about the NoFap movement, but from what I've read it strikes me as a simplistic overreaction to a genuine medical problem. It also seems to frequently have moral and/or religious overtones creeping in to what should really only be a medical and psychosocial approach to addressing sexual dysfunction.
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
I don't know a whole lot about the NoFap movement, but from what I've read it strikes me as a simplistic overreaction to a genuine medical problem. It also seems to frequently have moral and/or religious overtones creeping in to what should really only be a medical and psychosocial approach to addressing sexual dysfunction.
Only a small part of the nofap movement has religious undertones. As I said, it's based on the personal experience of thousands of men. I can attest to the vast improvement in my mental state, social life and sexual performance after severely limiting my porn use and quitting masturbation altogether. Soon I will be totally rid of porn as well. It actually made my social anxiety disorder worse. Much, much worse.

It's easy to tell a teetotaller that all he needs to do is limit his alcohol intake to twice a month and he'll be fine. However, in real life that won't necessarily stop him from becoming an alcoholic. This is the experience of the majority of male porn users.


Jul 12, 2020
Nofap definetely makes you more motivated etc
more enjoying life
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Apr 19, 2020
It's easy to tell a teetotaller that all he needs to do is limit his alcohol intake to twice a month and he'll be fine. However, in real life that won't necessarily stop him from becoming an alcoholic. This is the experience of the majority of male porn users.
Extemely well put.

Though I advocate masturbation, ironically, about twice a month as the most healthy option biologically, for many people that's simply impossible or an incredible amount of stress to maintain. When I try to cut back, often that first time gets me right back on the same schedule. When it comes to alcohol, though, especially, it's like, why? Why put yourself in that position just to try to prove something? I think it's often an excuse to keep drinking, or at least to avoid actually reexamining the relationship to alcohol. So often these 'moderates' can't conceive of not drinking, and view those who don't drink as 'weak' or 'boring', like they've got a chip on their shoulder and they have to be better than 'those' ones. I quit drinking to support a friend, and though I never really had an addiction, it was an eye-opening experience to how shitty the culture is, and how it's so constantly shoved into so many aspects of our society unnecessarily. For many people who recover from alcoholism it's an eye-opening experience and one of the better benefits of going through the experience, and to say that there should be a strict medical view with no examination of 'social goods' or larger more meaningful overtones would be, I would suggest, irresponsible. The book "Living Sober" does a good job at this, in my opinion.

Also, there are definitely studies that show the negative effects of over (and, to a lesser degree, under) masturbation, not just in the context of paraphilias, but thinking about digging them up makes me feel tired, so I'm not going to.
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