
Aug 25, 2019
My doctor is crazy, whenever I visit him, he fucks up my prescription, adding/subtracting/switching drugs.

Currently, I take 7 different drugs.





I think, it's doing more harm than good. I still feel pretty fucked up. I don't know if its the meds(probs), I wouldn't know. I don't know whats normal and whats abnormal for me anymore. Its been so long.

If I try to stop/reduce/change, then comes the withdrawal. So, I would never know of its the withdrawal or the disease coming back.

I have heard of people taking 4 psych meds.

But, 7 seems like excessive.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
-alprazolam ((xanax)
-diazepam (valium)
-zolpidem (ambien)

for pain:
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Aug 25, 2019
-alprazolam ((xanax)
-diazepam (valium)
-zolpidem (ambien)

for pain:

Is the atenolol for blood pressure or anxiety?
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
That's a hell of a lot of drugs you guys are taking.

I was also prescribed five drugs at once. You can read about my experience here


To be fair, the drugs did help me come out of a severely depressive episode where I was about to kill myself. I have stopped the drugs completely now, although the doc wanted to continue some for a longer period.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Is the atenolol for blood pressure or anxiety?
blood pressure and tachycardia. I don't take a lot, 25 mg, otherwise my pulse drops over 50
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Jul 25, 2021
That shit completely ruined me, i only took Paroxetin. Complete disabled from that shit med after the withdrawal after only 7 months use of the drugs, that's why i am here. I can't even walk anymore because of central nervous system damage (i am 31) I had 14 months of chemically induced suicidal thoughts from the withdrawal and i can understand people take their lives in that state. impossible to put life into perspective because the drugs destabilize the brain completely.

These chemical induced suicidal thoughts left (don't know how i survived). But i'm still left with rational suicidal thoughts because of 24/7 pain, torture, neuropathy and more physical shit i'm left with. Before that poison i was completely healthy. (Going slow and without a doc is the only answer strange as it sounds)

Don't let that idiot switch you and go up and down in dose, these morons don't know the dangers of these meds. And they don't know how strong they are let alone that they can ruin your whole nervous system for life.

I'm sorry that you're messed up by these ignorants genocide perpetrators too. I hope they suffer like me one day.
If you have side effects they will not believe you or they will say it will take maximum up to 6 week (what a joke)

Just taper slow from these poisons and go another route.
7 meds, disgusting and crminal

Just read www.madinamerica.com one of the only few honest websites out there exposing this dangerous industry

Schermafbeelding 2021 12 07 om 211913

I don't know if its the meds(probs)
1000% certain, the problem is you can't think clear anymore because of these meds so you can't see properly what's the cause.

Just make an account on www.survivingantidepressants.org and let the moderators help you with a taper schedule and guidance (completely free) to quit the meds 1 by 1 and on slow pace. Better than any doctor out there because they have experience. Doctors, they will cold turkey you without giving a shit ruining your life with severe long lasting effects

Normal taper rule is lower the dose 5-10% every 4-6 weeks based on how bad the WD is. Meds 1 by 1 not at the same time. (but there is no 1mg pill - no that's right, you have to ask for the liquid form (nobody knows that it exists) of the drug or buy a mg weighscale because these fucking companies of course don't want us to taper $$$)

Switching meds from one to another fucks up the nervous system (and believe me people only know what a nervous system is when it's damaged, it's torture 24/7). So only way is going slow and steady and ignore the doctors that harm you. Don't understand me wrong, there are doctors that understand this problem (not much- only David Healy imo). But that are definately not the doctors that put you on 7 strong drugs from every category and switching like it's candy.

I'm really questioning myself what's going on in the heads of such doctors. I bet they wouldn't prescribe their kids even 1 drug of that list.

I'm 17 months drug free now, and life's still hanging on a thread, only alive because i don't want to leave my family with the loss and grief. Could have been prevented if my doctor didn't go up and down with my dose and cold turkeyed me afterwards and i stuck with the rule i explained you. But i didn't know before unfortunately.

What was the condition he prescribed this collection for? If it's 'depression/anxiety' it would be complete ridiculous. No wonder you feel bad, numbed and sad.

I'm curious what the name of your doctor is, better shame that kind of idiots. I know there's a website to shame those reckless polypharma malpractice doctors, but forgot the name.

best wishes :heart:
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
That shit completely ruined me, i only took Paroxetin. Complete disabled from that shit med after the withdrawal after only 7 months use, that's why i am here. I can't even walk anymore because of central nervous system damage (i am 31)

Don't let that idiot switch you and go up and down in dose, these morons don't know the dangers of these meds. And they don't know how strong they are let alone that they can ruin your whole nervous system for life.

I'm sorry that you're messed up by these ignorants genocide perpetrators too. I hope they suffer like me one day.
If you have side effects they will not believe you.

Just taper slow from these poisons and go another route.
7 meds, disgusting and crminal

Just read www.madinamerica.com one of the only few honest websites out there exposing this dangerous industry

View attachment 89887

I don't know if its the meds(probs)
1000% certain, the problem is you can't think clear anymore because of these meds so you can't see properly what's the cause.

Just make an account on www.suvivingantidepressants.com and let them help you with a taper schedule. Better than any doctor out there. They will cold turkey you without a giving a shit
Exactly. Long-term use of benzos makes me a perfect candidate for early dementia. I don't want to come to that. That's why CTB
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Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

At my own pace
Feb 11, 2022
My experience hasn't been as negative and I am skeptical of any narrative that paints psychiatrists as mere pushers for big pharma. The key thing for me is that it's in my control. My power. I decide whether to go to these shrinks, whether I take their meds, whether it's helping.

I stopped taking my cymbalta, lithium and seroquel because I was feeling "snowed out." Numb, happy, I guess, but kind of like a zombie. I am meeting with my psychiatrist to see if he can give me something instead for my low energy / lack of interest in things.

I think people treat psychiatrists initially as gurus/saviors and end up resenting them from a place of learned helplessness. No one is forced to take these medications, it is a personal decision, and the power rests with us. That is my view after a long and cynical experience with psychiatry as a whole. I am happier with this different outlook, and strongly recommend it to others.
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Aug 25, 2019
My experience hasn't been as negative and I am skeptical of any narrative that paints psychiatrists as mere pushers for big pharma. The key thing for me is that it's in my control. My power. I decide whether to go to these shrinks, whether I take their meds, whether it's helping.

I stopped taking my cymbalta, lithium and seroquel because I was feeling "snowed out." Numb, happy, I guess, but kind of like a zombie. I am meeting with my psychiatrist to see if he can give me something instead for my low energy / lack of interest in things.

I think people treat psychiatrists initially as gurus/saviors and end up resenting them from a place of learned helplessness. No one is forced to take these medications, it is a personal decision, and the power rests with us. That is my view after a long and cynical experience with psychiatry as a whole. I am happier with this different outlook, and strongly recommend it to others.

How do I know it's helping? I am unable to differentiate between the illness and meds induced whatever.

Obviously, the doctor says I am sick. In my country he doesn't get any sort of benefit for pushing drugs. He just doesn't want you to leave empty handed. Ofcourse, I asked for help. I don't have the knowledge, that's why I went to a professional. I am wondering if that professional even cares. Not everyone complains.

I can choose to stop all meds at once right now. You know what happens next.

It's the doctor who put me in this position in the first place. I don't blame the doctor. I blame myself, trusting that they can help.

Maybe, it does. I don't know. Will never know. So, I am stuck with it.

What comes next, will see.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
I've been offered medication but I've never taken any of it.

I was offered:

For bipolar
Lithium and Mood stabilisers

Sertraline and Citalopram

For insomnia

For an ear condition
Betahistine and Stemetil

I'm scared of meds. So never took any.
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Perpetual Dreamer
Mar 28, 2022
I'm on setraline for anxiety and depression, drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol for PMDD, and mirtazapine for depression and insomnia.

It sounds like a lot of people in this thread are forced onto medications by their doctors, which is awful. In my case, I'm always the one who asks for the prescription. I do my research, check to make sure it doesn't interfere with something I'm already taking, then say, "Hey, I want to try this medicine. Do you think that's a good idea?" It honestly boggles my mind that patient-guided treatment isn't standard practice everywhere. The patient should always be at the center of the treatment plan, and they should get to make the final decisions about everything.

I agree, seven medications seem excessive, especially if you feel like they aren't working for you. Is there any way for you to go to another doctor and get a second opinion?
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Dec 8, 2019
I'm on like 5 or 6 meds


Was on prasozin but didn't find it helpful anymore so increased Clonindine...

Plus some new thing for stomach ulcers but apparently it's for acid reflux
And Iron.

I haven't started taking the Iron or acid reflux med yet bc worries about nausea & stuff & haven't been eating regularly this week.
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Dec 15, 2021
  • Pregabalin
  • Escitalopram
  • Finasteride
  • Minoxidil
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Aug 25, 2019
I'm on setraline for anxiety and depression, drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol for PMDD, and mirtazapine for depression and insomnia.

It sounds like a lot of people in this thread are forced onto medications by their doctors, which is awful. In my case, I'm always the one who asks for the prescription. I do my research, check to make sure it doesn't interfere with something I'm already taking, then say, "Hey, I want to try this medicine. Do you think that's a good idea?" It honestly boggles my mind that patient-guided treatment isn't standard practice everywhere. The patient should always be at the center of the treatment plan, and they should get to make the final decisions about everything.

I agree, seven medications seem excessive, especially if you feel like they aren't working for you. Is there any way for you to go to another doctor and get a second opinion?

Second Opinion doesn't sound good to me. I have gone to different doctors. Since, psychiatry is a subjective field, there is no objective diagnosis.

Every doctor has his own opinion and preferred regimen. It just causes more confusion.

So, I got stuck to one. One who was the most experienced.

Once, I was in the doctors room, when he was dealing with another patient, the patient was going on and on about his problems and the doctor wasn't even listening, at the end, he just jotted down some drugs and handed the prescription over. It took like 5 mins.
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Jun 14, 2019
Just clonidine for ptsd related anxiety. I generally stay away from drugs but my anxiety was severe.
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Dec 31, 2019
Another polypharmacy person here!

I'm currently on 3 psych meds, which is a new low! (it's almost 2, actually.)

I take Duloxetine (Cymbalta) in the am, Seroquel Extended Release at 5pm and 50mg of Quetiapine (Immediate Release, generic Seroquel) at night.

I took lithium for many years as a maintenance med, but now take it on an as-needed basis. I am big believer in lithium. It quite literally saved my life.

I do take 2 drugs to lessen some psych med side effects: I take Levothyroxine for thyroid issues caused by the lithium (I may be able to stop this soon, as thyroids often recover once lithium is stopped) and I take a small amout of Gabapentin at night because the Seroquel makes my restless legs worse than usual.

I also take med for high blood pressure, which runs in my family, and a hormone replacement because I am a middle-aged woman. lol.

If you can keep the lamotrigene and dump the lithium, that would lessen your side effect profile quite a bit.

Before you discontinue anything, please consult the Icarus Project Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs. It is widely available on the internet and has no copyright restrictions, so you can download or print it anytime you like. I really can't recommend this resource enough.
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Dec 10, 2021
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Nov 4, 2020
55mls of Methadone and 20mg of Valium daily! šŸ„“šŸ€šŸ
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Aug 25, 2019
Another polypharmacy person here!

I'm currently on 3 psych meds, which is a new low! (it's almost 2, actually.)

I take Duloxetine (Cymbalta) in the am, Seroquel Extended Release at 5pm and 50mg of Quetiapine (Immediate Release, generic Seroquel) at night.

I took lithium for many years as a maintenance med, but now take it on an as-needed basis. I am big believer in lithium. It quite literally saved my life.

I do take 2 drugs to lessen some psych med side effects: I take Levothyroxine for thyroid issues caused by the lithium (I may be able to stop this soon, as thyroids often recover once lithium is stopped) and I take a small amout of Gabapentin at night because the Seroquel makes my restless legs worse than usual.

I also take med for high blood pressure, which runs in my family, and a hormone replacement because I am a middle-aged woman. lol.

If you can keep the lamotrigene and dump the lithium, that would lessen your side effect profile quite a bit.

Before you discontinue anything, please consult the Icarus Project Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs. It is widely available on the internet and has no copyright restrictions, so you can download or print it anytime you like. I really can't recommend this resource enough.

So, I was reading the harm reduction guide and it mentioned "Sudden Heart Attack" as a possible side effect of some drugs.

So, immediately I thought that's not really a bad thing. We are on a suicide forum anyways.

And, then I thought is it even worth getting better. Say, I get more energetic after stopping Lithium, what will I do with all that energy? I am totally useless and incapable of doing anything.

I don't know, if I am saying it now. I might have a different opinion once I stop.

But, just a thought.


surving hour-by-hour
Mar 12, 2022
Fortunately, I'm currently only on 3. But I've had crazy regimens in the past. Only just a little over a month ago I was taking... hold on... (*counts on fingers*)... at least 8.
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Jul 25, 2021
Fortunately, I'm currently only on 3. But I've had crazy regimens in the past. Only just a little over a month ago I was taking... hold on... (*counts on fingers*)... at least 8.
I still can't understand how some people can take 8! and some people (like me) their life is completely ruined, disabled, lost everything i had in life because i took only Paroxetin for 7 months. I'm not the only one out there with these effects. Crazy how different everyone is.

I took some street drugs in the past, cocain, MDMA, amphetamin without any problems (not a junky just sometimes in the weekends with friends) So i can't say i have a bad nervous system. I had no problems with that, never. I don't understand this. But yeah most problems occur when people quit
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Dec 31, 2019
So, I was reading the harm reduction guide and it mentioned "Sudden Heart Attack" as a possible side effect of some drugs.

So, immediately I thought that's not really a bad thing. We are on a suicide forum anyways.

And, then I thought is it even worth getting better. Say, I get more energetic after stopping Lithium, what will I do with all that energy? I am totally useless and incapable of doing anything.

I don't know, if I am saying it now. I might have a different opinion once I stop.

But, just a thought.

I did not gain much energy coming off lithium. The lamotrigene should still be working and that is also an anti-manic. If you find yourself getting too restless, call your doc.

I spend my days doing dumb crap like playing solitaire online, yelling at the squirrels who raid my backyard bird feeder and watching tv. I found it pretty easy to learn to loaf around all day. When I first stopped working, my therapist and I worked out a schedule that made me leave the house everyday. It actually turned out to be too much activity for me.

Reducing one med can make changes in the way you feel, but you can always tweak the dosages of the others to balance it out. Just to give you an idea, I've taken doses of Seroquel ER that range from 100mg to 450mg at different times for different energy levels. I barely even think about making changes now.
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Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
May I ask what the other meds are for? I take buspirone. It's easing things but not straight up helping so I feel like I need more meds HOWEVER (this is the fun part) 'you' basically can't take anything with buspar, specifically SSRIs, because it can/will cause serotonin syndrome and 'you'll' die. And with my sensitivity to meds, making the chances of that higher for me, I'd like to avoid it.
Admittedly I only glanced at the first 2 and saw they were anticonvulsant and I know some stuff is given off label for mental health.

"I feel I need more meds" I do but maybe I shouldn't be asking lol, I don't even take this one. It mentally wears on me to the point I physically cant.

Oh also because it's such a random thing it seems, you probably already know but in case you dont, avoid grapefruit. I'm not sure what the reaction is, I probably looked it up at one point but all I know is grapefruit and buspar shouldn't mix because it's really bad.
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Dec 27, 2019
Dextroamphetamine sulfate,
Clonazepam, (GAD)
Alprazolam, (panic)
Bupropion (when not taking dex)
Zolpidem (on occasion when I need to sleep more than 5 hours.)

The amphetamines are for depression... Or ADHD.

Years ago, I was on a similar bucket list.

I'm confused why you're on other anti-convulsants as well as Clonazepam. It's a potent long acting benzo used for seizures.

It might be worth asking to swap out the risperidone with quetiapine at night. It would minimize the major interactions, help with insomnia, and act as an adjunct to your lithium and lamotrigine...

Be careful with sudden dose changes for Clonazepam. The rapid taper is like 6 months for some people. It's usually fine for 2 days and then it hits like a train.

Anyway, I hope this is useful, I enjoy studying pharmacology and spent 4 hours writing this... I got carried away.
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Aug 25, 2019
Dextroamphetamine sulfate,
Clonazepam, (GAD)
Alprazolam, (panic)
Bupropion (when not taking dex)
Zolpidem (on occasion when I need to sleep more than 5 hours.)

The amphetamines are for depression... Or ADHD.

Years ago, I was on a similar bucket list.

I'm confused why you're on other anti-convulsants as well as Clonazepam. It's a potent long acting benzo used for seizures.

It might be worth asking to swap out the risperidone with quetiapine at night. It would minimize the major interactions, help with insomnia, and act as an adjunct to your lithium and lamotrigine...

Be careful with sudden dose changes for Clonazepam. The rapid taper is like 6 months for some people. It's usually fine for 2 days and then it hits like a train.

Anyway, I hope this is useful, I enjoy studying pharmacology and spent 4 hours writing this... I got carried away.

I enjoy pharmacology as well. I asked for the risperidone myself, since combined with sertraline (or any SSRI), helps with OCD, which is a major problem for me. Don't know if it works. I take a low dose of 1mg with 200mg sertraline. I think it's the sertraline that's doing the heavy lifting. Didn't notice much change after starting risp. Might drop it.

I don't have convulsions, the clonazepam is for anxiety and sleep. I know, it's usually used as an anti-convulsant. There are other benzos more suitable for anxiety and non-benzo Z drugs for sleep. My doctor seems to think it's easier to withdraw from clonazepam because of the longer half-life. I have only heard about switching from a shorter half life benzo to a longer one during taper. Withdrawal from chronic Clonazepam use is just as bad.

I have built up a tolerance to clonazepam. So, instead of boosting the dose, the doctor added zolpidem for insomnia. I still can't sleep more than 5 hours.
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Mar 19, 2022
Depakote 1000mg/day
Acamprosate 1000mg/day
Oxazepam 100mg/day
Zopiclone 20-30mg/night
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Unlovable šŸ’” Rest in peace CommitSudoku šŸ¤
Mar 11, 2022
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Apr 15, 2022
small dose if doxepin
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