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Jul 16, 2021
Hi, I need help desperately some evil people have been plaguing my life for a while and theirs and element of supernatural and none supernatural things going on, people think I'm crazy cus of it, but I'm in agony they took all my things and then said they will do stuff and make it look like it's me, since birth I have been plagued by illnesses seeing evil things and everything going wrong and now before my eyes I have seen how it's destroyed not only me but going after people around me, whatever it is or whoever it is kept giving me terrible sensations now my health has deteriorated badly, I can't regulate my temperature so I'm always extremely hot vomiting andhidrosis type 1 diabetes you will think I'm mad saying this but I'm in hell on earth and this thing got everything it wanted, pure evil it manages to route things as it wants and it's plotted things for years it's stopped me even attempting suicide people just know everything I wanna do and stop it whilst this thing manipulated me to set the situation up for it it's took my health my mind people think I have psychosis I really don't because everything it tells me it does but only after it got me to setup a business and loads of equipments for it on the cheap side back then I didn't know this was something evil until 3 years ago when I realised all my innocent good intentions are turned against me and my parents and family I need a quick method of suicide before things get much worse i have very little resources it attacks me in my sleep even in this bad health says fester I got what I wanted then says it's god back and forth doesn't stop no medication ever helped last time I went to commit suicide I rented a place in another town and somehow the people involved called the police, then they went to the mental health team and sectioned me it tells me I will go to hell but it's putting me through hell on earth tricking me and making it look like it's all me and it's not I always have good intentions and it sabotages them some people say I'm a targeted individual but even they get called mad it's attacked my mum my dad but cus they don't see it they don't believe, please please please I need to know a way of committing suicide I'm in hell every day seeing what it said it would manifest manifesting now it's banging on the roof and the neighbours will think it's me everywhere I go it does it and people have heard it other times they don't it makes me sound crazy it's so evil evil beyond belief some say it's a machine built by the CIA some say it's demons rational people who don't get it or it influences their thoughts believe I'm crazy please help I need a method with very little tools
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Jul 5, 2021
Have you ever tried professional help? Maybe find a doctor who can help calm your mind before you make any final decisions about ending your life?

Finding any kind of peace, calm or stability will be very difficult, a very tough road, I do understand that and I feel badly for you.

Is your family supportive of you and trying to help you during this frightening and very painful time?
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Jul 16, 2021
See you think I'm crazy, but honest to god if their is one they do this they did it to Kennedy they target people, this stuff is real it's all over the Internet I have been in a mental hospital I went myself hoping this thing would stop it never did they injected me with high dose antipsychotics and this thing didn't leave me alone so I went quiet about it the next thing I know it started again :'( you won't believe please someone is their a way that I can do it quickly I bought helium they sent the wrong one no where to hang myself with a rope so I rented a place whoever or whatever's behind this sent the mental health team despite me not telling anyone I would do it keeps telling me no way out I have even had people write that on my parcels with my day of birth on it and send it, everything goes wrong throughout my life and my parents and this thing does it by destructing my life if you don't believe fine but please someone tell me a way I can do it in secret and doesn't take too long because it has put me in such a bad situation some people think it's demons attacking me some say the government has something that can control everything and when they hate you they destroy you the internet's full of people who have gone through this but with me it seems worse they left nothing and my health is aweful
  • Aww..
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Mental anguish..no more please.
Oct 3, 2019
Try to get help from someone. Give a try to other medications. I sort of believe in witchcraft so could be a mix of everything. It's a shame I can't help you.This world is fucked up. Can't you have access to SN? Not that I'm suggesting you to it but what you're telling me is not a way of living, you're barely surviving and in constant hell and that is terrible. I would hug you if I were close to you if that would help..I don't know what to tell you. Maybe someone here who lives more than comfortably can help you with some money to do an spiritual cleansing. I know my words are nothing but If I could help you I would though I can't . We can talk if you want, if it serves you as something.
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Mar 13, 2020
I agree,. I'm very sorry you are going through this. With everything you said I'm fairly confused so I don't really have anything to say which will help.

I wish you the best,

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Celebrate Death Mourn Life
Jul 5, 2021
See you think I'm crazy, but honest to god if their is one they do this they did it to Kennedy they target people, this stuff is real it's all over the Internet I have been in a mental hospital I went myself hoping this thing would stop it never did they injected me with high dose antipsychotics and this thing didn't leave me alone so I went quiet about it the next thing I know it started again :'( you won't believe please someone is their a way that I can do it quickly I bought helium they sent the wrong one no where to hang myself with a rope so I rented a place whoever or whatever's behind this sent the mental health team despite me not telling anyone I would do it keeps telling me no way out I have even had people write that on my parcels with my day of birth on it and send it, everything goes wrong throughout my life and my parents and this thing does it by destructing my life if you don't believe fine but please someone tell me a way I can do it in secret and doesn't take too long because it has put me in such a bad situation some people think it's demons attacking me some say the government has something that can control everything and when they hate you they destroy you the internet's full of people who have gone through this but with me it seems worse they left nothing and my health is aweful
There are so many things we don't know about this world, our minds, body and what goes on behind the scene. I believe you and I am so sorry that you are going through all this pain and suffering <3
Since you have limited tools, you can try night-night method (If you are able to find the right spot) or hanging? These don't require very many tools.
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Jul 16, 2021
Thanks for the replies, this thing is evil in nature and is either after my soul or just wants me to suffer in hell on earth when I was a child it told me it would call me things I'm not terrible things and since birth it routed my life to everything it wanted and every time I try and commit suicide it says think of your mum then flashes her then follows by showing what it's going to do if I don't commit suicide, it's gotten my dad to give all my belongings to the neighbours who are influenced by this thing when they stole a car and the child was screaming and calling them names I reported this to the police they sectioned me now it's telling me with all your business stuff I will get the neighbours to do everything you reported on your stuff and make it look like you yesterday the neighbours started saying die freak after being all nice to me in front of my dad whatever it is is under the influence it says even if I die it's gonna make people think I'm something disgusting which I'm not the thing is it I told people what the neighbours were doing and now it says they will think it's me, and that man is under the influence of this thing everyone around me seems to be, it switched things off in the house tells me it's gonna break things then it happens like the lights then 10 minutes later they go pop or the shower or the 1000 pound monitor and something falls on it of course everyone blames me and it's saying things like retribution, chokes me in my sleep, induces suffocation constantly shows me evil things I tried everything over the years to get rid of it it won't leave every time I prayed to god it made my life worse So I turned to witchcraft it got worse again every time I go to church nothing helps it doesn't stop mental hospital it didn't stop either my thermometer shows temps of 40 that's too high but when they measure me it shows high normal, last year it said it would start on me next thing my phone fried, it's made it clear not only it wants my family homeless and destitute that if I'm alive it's going to continue making me a bother by what the neighbours will setup, and bring my whole family down or still do it if I'm alive by pretending I'm something disgusting, it burns me and I burn it shows the only person who sees this is my mum and sis everyone else says oh rash it's damaged my entire body I can feel it crush my bones rip my flesh inside and now I'm a complete mess too sorry to ramble on it's took everything from me and made me look psychotic I don't know who plotted this but it was at my birth cus it would come do damage go but never showed itself until 30 my pets would all mysteriously die to and all the family has ailments none linked, I was an upstanding citizen and in the last 3 years it has made me look like trash by destroying my body, in the mental hospital one person beloved me he prayed for me then he had bad pains all night and said I won't talk about this again I have enough problems, I pray pray pray but whatever it is has it's clutches into everything. Do I do the night night method when I get the pillows and a belt I just felt pressure now it's going on about my mum again or how I will continue to burn in hell if I die and it's not done with me, very strange things with the neighbours they know what's happening based on what they have been saying to me to my face not in my head but I'm front of everyone else they're nice, but yesterday they showed their true colours to my mum, this is the neighbours at the old house. 3 months ago it showed a vision of this new house to me and said they will give it why did I fall for this? Ever since they got it the neighbours who bullied me got access to everything. Their really is mo way out for me it played me badly and seems to control what happens. I don't know if it's tech like most targeted individuals believe cus of how it ruins the body and jolts things or supernatural what I know is it's evil and showed me evil things awake or a sleep. I didn't find anyone in the mental hospital dealing with this even most targeted individuals don't what I did read is though that they lie and plant things on people and what's happened now shows me it's going that way a terrible massive lie about me will be put out to destroy the family more I'm so physically ill for months I couldn't stop them taking the stuff I knew they were criminals and no one would take them so my dad gave it to them to throw out straight after they said die to me and see what we will do to get back at you
What you describe seems to me be to symtomps of schizophrenia, do you have a diagnosis? you said you were treated with medication and it didnt work maybe you want to try alternative medicine like megavitamin/orthomolecular therapy . link for more information https://ndnr.com/neurology/the-orthomolecular-treatment-of-schizophrenia/
They put me on loads of different medication and I also filmed my physical symptoms arising like my eyes being burned people didn't believe me still that such a thing could exist they went read other times poured out with water, yes they thing I have psychosis but I swear I don't it's not all in my head apart from the severe physical symptoms things around me go as this thing says when it left me alone it said we will get you a new house me and my mum applied we got a house with my dad then everything of mine goes and I can't stop it cus I'm flipping about ill has heck cus I can't cook down every thermometer showed normal until I showed me taking it at home and the doc believed me, it radiates my body parts to cause symptoms of failure due to diabetes but very rare ones but now I can't sweat from my chest or back down I'm constantly hot which is making my organs fail what will happen? They will say diabetes it's something very evil that also has control of my surroundings and is getting everything it wants when I was little it said I will ruin you then went then for years I kept trying different things to make life better work start a business and every time it turned into a disaster then in my 20s I started seeing these demonic flashes again like when I was small after that hell broke loose now it just shows itself as anything it wants and is telling me how it's turned me into a mess old and won't stop and that it's targetting the family with or without me. I went to a place to commit suicide didn't tell anyone then the neighbours mysteriously call the police then I got sectioned how do I know it's them? The police said it was multiple people I didn't know their names. So much has been going on you won't believe a guy prayed for me then was struck with pains on his body it's like I'm not allowed anything in life except torture and lies being put around me
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I believe you.

I recommend you find someone who masters the old ways.

They are more powerful and possess more knowledge then a church.

Sending you some light
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Jul 16, 2021
Any way I can commit suicide that will work and I can do it easily these are the diseases it's induced type 1 diabetes andhidrosis Sjögren's syndrome, it used directed energy weapons to induce this I could feel the severe burning pains as it told me what it was doing, it says things like I made you crazy cus I got you to sin Georgina up it controls what people think of me by manipulating me it burned me so badly I lost 15 kilos in a week at that point it said it was the neighbours and I believed and screamed at them however they are thieves and it says now they will get back at me for reporting them and it has it has ruined my health business my parents lives and it's making it look like it's all me, when I try and do something to get relief from the severe pains of overheating cus my eyesights starting to go (something it told me it would do when I was about 12) when I try and get relief it burns me again and starts telling me what it's planning it's made me look completely crazy in front of people so nobody believes me and now it's taken all my personal stuff, it's a torture programme and theirs loads of people going through it some worse than others mine seems to be lifelong every time I went to god to pray it would attack me, it keeps saying I'm going to hell no matter what, I constantly get blamed for things I haven't done and it's telling me it's setting up disgusting things for me I will be blind in a wheelchair the police will accuse me of stuff I haven't done that the criminal previous neighbours will do with my stuff to get back at me for reporting them, I told this stuff to people before and they thought I'm crazy but little by little everything it's said would happen happened and much much worse, it says it won't let me commit suicide I have to see what's happening to my life before I go blind, that everyone will think I'm disgusting now they managed to steal all my stuff, last year it showed it could control my phone as well as the computer it turned on and off files for my business kept disappearing back then I thought it was hacked, my education certificates have gone, bank stuff I'm constantly tired my body symptoms are getting worse as it won't leave alone to even sleep, last night it showed me exploding 6 months ago it showed a woman ill in pain with no help, it shows me terrible things and is demonic and keeps saying it has a right to my soul, I pray but nothing gets better I get no sign from god only this thing that constantly puts different thoughts and images in my head. It can fully control people around me I don't do something and get the blame a few years ago I got arrested for something I didn't do everyone said it's strange the night before it woke me up and terrified me now it's saying it's going to make everyone think I'm something that to me is the most disgusting thing in the world I don't wanna write it because I havbeen telling people for 3 years it's calling me something I'm not it set it up that now the mental health doctor I had when this first started has returned the one I told what it's calling me, I repeated it because it lied saying it would get me falsely arrested now ppl have my stuff so they can do whatever they want it says they can change the date on the computer and do whatever they want with my business servers and personal computers the neighbours now have the criminals who hate me, and everyone will hate me spit at me and the family will be disgraced, every time I try and find my arteries it radiates my body parts so I can't find them I know this is long but this thing has really made everyone think I'm a problem a looser bad and I have a very good heart I made mistakes growing up and following what this thing said do but it's adamant to accuse me of stuff I didn't do basically anything I did to get a better life it's taken and is going to use against me. Targeted individuals say this is spiritual warfare I didn't believe it but now I do because it's so demonic it's torturing me more and more and times everything for itself, it even knew about the new house we moved into and showed what will happen the first day and it did I had told people about this before it happened and yet they still don't believe me, it keeps telling me to fester, every neighbour we have usually starts on me, calling me names of things I'm not and telling me to fester. RIP they festered him with the WiFi which is not true this thing gets to me anywhere I go. Can anyone suggest ideas should I commit suicide or continue like this knowing this thing has set me up for more failure, to witness more problems for my family, or kill myself and it says it will still tarnish my reputation makeveryone think I'm a disgusting person, what I always have thought to be disgusting.


Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Hi, I need help desperately some evil people have been plaguing my life for a while and theirs and element of supernatural and none supernatural things going on, people think I'm crazy cus of it, but I'm in agony they took all my things and then said they will do stuff and make it look like it's me, since birth I have been plagued by illnesses seeing evil things and everything going wrong and now before my eyes I have seen how it's destroyed not only me but going after people around me, whatever it is or whoever it is kept giving me terrible sensations now my health has deteriorated badly, I can't regulate my temperature so I'm always extremely hot vomiting andhidrosis type 1 diabetes you will think I'm mad saying this but I'm in hell on earth and this thing got everything it wanted, pure evil it manages to route things as it wants and it's plotted things for years it's stopped me even attempting suicide people just know everything I wanna do and stop it whilst this thing manipulated me to set the situation up for it it's took my health my mind people think I have psychosis I really don't because everything it tells me it does but only after it got me to setup a business and loads of equipments for it on the cheap side back then I didn't know this was something evil until 3 years ago when I realised all my innocent good intentions are turned against me and my parents and family I need a quick method of suicide before things get much worse i have very little resources it attacks me in my sleep even in this bad health says fester I got what I wanted then says it's god back and forth doesn't stop no medication ever helped last time I went to commit suicide I rented a place in another town and somehow the people involved called the police, then they went to the mental health team and sectioned me it tells me I will go to hell but it's putting me through hell on earth tricking me and making it look like it's all me and it's not I always have good intentions and it sabotages them some people say I'm a targeted individual but even they get called mad it's attacked my mum my dad but cus they don't see it they don't believe, please please please I need to know a way of committing suicide I'm in hell every day seeing what it said it would manifest manifesting now it's banging on the roof and the neighbours will think it's me everywhere I go it does it and people have heard it other times they don't it makes me sound crazy it's so evil evil beyond belief some say it's a machine built by the CIA some say it's demons rational people who don't get it or it influences their thoughts believe I'm crazy please help I need a method with very little tools
This is blackmail and a criminal activity. Go and tell the police EVERYTHING. you may want to write it down,so you remember. They are torturing you and are too scared to do the dirty work themselves, when they can have you do it yourself. Do you see it? If you die, do it for a good reason. They are scum.
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Jul 16, 2021
Try to get help from someone. Give a try to other medications. I sort of believe in witchcraft so could be a mix of everything. It's a shame I can't help you.This world is fucked up. Can't you have access to SN? Not that I'm suggesting you to it but what you're telling me is not a way of living, you're barely surviving and in constant hell and that is terrible. I would hug you if I were close to you if that would help..I don't know what to tell you. Maybe someone here who lives more than comfortably can help you with some money to do an spiritual cleansing. I know my words are nothing but If I could help you I would though I can't . We can talk if you want, if it serves you as something.
What is SN


Mental anguish..no more please.
Oct 3, 2019
It's sodium nitrite. If you want to find more about it...in the search option write An and hundreds of post will appear. Sorry for late reply.


May 27, 2019
I think you should consider a priest or a deliverance minister. I know you said prayer hasn't worked, but remember that it's written that God did not give us a spirit of fear, instead he gave a spirit of love and a sound mind.

I don't mean to be preachy and am definitely not judging any other faith. We all walk our own path. I believe in God, the supernatural, and know that the God of love is stronger than any negative energy that may have attached itself to you. A minister or priest can also help figure our if you're dealing with something supernatural or something that's more of a mental health issue.

I wish you peace, love, and a calm mind. ❤
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Jul 16, 2021
I'm in hell physically mentally and I need a method that works I can't find sodium nitrite what do you do with it? Ever since I started saying how evil this thing and the people involved in it like the neighbours are let's just say I'm in hell and for some reason it wants me alive


Jul 16, 2021
Now my eyesights going black patches came in my eyes from just a little physical activity and stayed then went like it said and I told everyone it did when I was 4 I need a method guys please it's getting too late I can't find SN help
My vision in my right eye went when my heartbeat shoots through the roof and it's destroying my whole body everything is failing and the doctors only pick up on things when they listen manually then the machines they have show normal mine are always show low then it goes high from slight activity, no one believes me think I'm nuts I show them the machines of mine they say bin them I bought more and they show the same looking on this website the only sure way is hanging right but it said it would make sure someone found me and to be honest how things are set up I have nowhere I couldn't find my sweet spot either so panicked why is their no way to commit suicide that works why do I have to go blind and every organ in my body fail whilst this thing traumatises me it's hell, and the worst thing is it says thank you for making yourself sound so crazy incase you do die so they can say it's all you. Even on high antipsychotics it didn't stop I just slept got up with it, and people have taken advantage of the situation criminals next door can someone please tell me a method that would work! Plz :'( It's not in my head this is happening like up evil demonic repression i say I must have been good it says you're vermin to me, I shake can't breath getting weaker daily until it's too late to do it why can others die but I have to witness this
Honestly I am a good person but I couldn't help anyone in this life and very good intention I had was turned around on me anyone know of a method I can't get SN I can't find my sweet spot and each time I go to commit suicide it attacks me I'm wobbly then family all start ringing and following me to check I'm ok
I took my antipsychotic again and nothing changes so plz don't assume I'm crazy like everyone does and help a tortured soul be set free (this thing said into hell) I don't think their is one I think this thing exists on earth to bring evil
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Jul 23, 2021
Try burning some sage and put salt all around your house
Hi, I need help desperately some evil people have been plaguing my life for a while and theirs and element of supernatural and none supernatural things going on, people think I'm crazy cus of it, but I'm in agony they took all my things and then said they will do stuff and make it look like it's me, since birth I have been plagued by illnesses seeing evil things and everything going wrong and now before my eyes I have seen how it's destroyed not only me but going after people around me, whatever it is or whoever it is kept giving me terrible sensations now my health has deteriorated badly, I can't regulate my temperature so I'm always extremely hot vomiting andhidrosis type 1 diabetes you will think I'm mad saying this but I'm in hell on earth and this thing got everything it wanted, pure evil it manages to route things as it wants and it's plotted things for years it's stopped me even attempting suicide people just know everything I wanna do and stop it whilst this thing manipulated me to set the situation up for it it's took my health my mind people think I have psychosis I really don't because everything it tells me it does but only after it got me to setup a business and loads of equipments for it on the cheap side back then I didn't know this was something evil until 3 years ago when I realised all my innocent good intentions are turned against me and my parents and family I need a quick method of suicide before things get much worse i have very little resources it attacks me in my sleep even in this bad health says fester I got what I wanted then says it's god back and forth doesn't stop no medication ever helped last time I went to commit suicide I rented a place in another town and somehow the people involved called the police, then they went to the mental health team and sectioned me it tells me I will go to hell but it's putting me through hell on earth tricking me and making it look like it's all me and it's not I always have good intentions and it sabotages them some people say I'm a targeted individual but even they get called mad it's attacked my mum my dad but cus they don't see it they don't believe, please please please I need to know a way of committing suicide I'm in hell every day seeing what it said it would manifest manifesting now it's banging on the roof and the neighbours will think it's me everywhere I go it does it and people have heard it other times they don't it makes me sound crazy it's so evil evil beyond belief some say it's a machine built by the CIA some say it's demons rational people who don't get it or it influences their thoughts believe I'm crazy please help I need a method with very little tools
Where are you located? I suggest visiting a wiccan. We are uniquely adept to dealing with problems like yours
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Jul 16, 2021
Nothing works, it attacked me in the mental hospital it attacks me everywhere I go it made me sound crazy so people would believe I'm bad and has done a very good job of damaging my head I thought directed energy weapons a few years ago cus of the severe pain I was getting heat inside me like I'm cooking the my stomach would make noises same on my joints then they would swell then my head and I would get nosebleeds then I though theirs demons or witchcraft been done, it does the most unholy things to me and I run around trying to fix it and it takes that and turns it into another disaster and now my health has gone from the constant attacks and my mental health is badly damaged, I'm in a very poor physical state and yet the doctors keep ignoring things and writing down things are ok, and assume it's mental illness, I pray and it just takes the mic and shows the devil it says Jesus was good and look what they did to him so what no one cares, it tells me how it plotted my demise and how I will get blamed for what The neighbours did, theirs nothing left and it won't stop, when I think of suicide people come and stop it or it attacks me so I mess up, it's making me blind, kidney damage, heart failing overheating and all along I told people what's going on and what's left someone who sounds insane, every bit of evidence I gathered through the years went and even when people see it they thing of logical explanations which is normal but when it controls everything in and around your life you realise this is happening, it speaks in different languages to me, it said it's this it's that all along yes the neighbours are criminals in no 9 Wimborne avenue but theirs more to it than that, what it is is something evil I have been going through so much physical and metal torture I can't believe it, and things are so dire I don't know what to do, the last month it started showing me and telling me what it's done since my birth, in the past I prayed tried cleansing went to witchcraft everything and nothing got better just worse, I would sit on the house days on end doing my business hosting the Internet and it ruined it, my family are physically ill and it's attacks on me are constant that I'm of no use at all, it paved the way for people who do criminal activity to take all my stuff, I read all the things others have told me and I thought and realise theirs nothing I can do, right now everyone thinks im crazy, I blamed this person that person going on what came up on the Internet and realised theirs nothing I could do, the pain is so bad when it attacks, it just said with all the lies and things it's got planned people will look at me in disgust and you know what it gets what it wants, I lay down it starts I walk it starts it damaged my ears and I showed the doctor years ago blood coming out they assume infection it never stopped, my brain was hurt so bad blood came down my nose and in my eyes but again no one helped it's been years like this I took videos and photos people would assume it was me that did it, how, now I have continued wax coming out joints clicking nauseas heat intolerance, put I keep urinating my test strip says kidneys aren't functioning properly but the doctors tests show normal, my devices show heart rate climbing from 150-263 but the doctors show normal, the doctor tells me stop drinking water cus I just urinate but I have to cus I keep overheating even in cooler weather I'm in agony with a big debt that this thing wouldn't let me sort out, first the business got ruined after years of hard work it said to me years ago it would wipe everything out, I am a good person who grew up plagues with bad luck only to realise what this thing is and now all I am is a problem that this thing won't leave alone, I have ill parents struggling and not doing well and we moved to this new house and it showed it me before we even went to apply and it's hard getting a house it said I will get it for you, within a couple months we get a house like the one it showed I had already told people some dismissed it the religious lady I speak to said it must be bad and you know what it was, I'm like the crazy person again suffering badly and so are my poor family, but what it didn't show me until now was how evil it is nothings enough for it it never stops i made the mistake of shutting my mouth to get out of the mental hospital saying it's stopped but it hadnt stopped it was just pretending to be my friend afterwards i read religion and see that in the past centuries ago things like this existed but little by little they started calling people religious nuts it says see I will get you back in their and if you tell anyone I will make them believe it's your thoughts, it's bad very bad what's it's done to me it's 2021 and things like this are still happening I can't even commit suicide it's hard enough as it is but I'm in such agony I try and think of a way see a hundred different things with these ugly things taking the mic then it will bash me I go dizyy then hit me it's constant. Everything I owned of value the neighbours took the criminals car thieves and druggies confirmed but they got away with that it says it lives people like that my ID my business stuff they have and it says guess what no one will believe you, it not only has destroyed me and my families life I fell for every trick trying to have a life with my family doing the best I could under this constant attack, and it took it all and has destroyed it I'm in hell on earth, it shows aweful things to me terrifying things now so now I know what it is flashes of things it did my whole life that I couldn't explain, people around are just living their normal lives what I have tried my whole life and it's made me look like pure trouble :'( I'm so physically ill, and it attacks my mind nothing ever stopped it it goes like this severe pain in my head or heart whilst it calls me a whole bunch of lies I lay down it starts doing something else I desperately pray to god it goes crazy and then says he won't help and based on what I read it saying in the old days they tortured people to death and lied about what the person is like what hope do you have no one can help you it keeps saying i damned you hire damned I go to the shop struggling with ill health it saying nasty things how it did this to ruin our lives and then it did that and I'm cursed being born on the 13th a lie I'm damaged cus of what this thing is which I still haven't figured out anyway the receipt comes out like with 13:13 then says see this it's constant though and people just dismiss it over and over it told me you have a pure heart so I will make sure you suffer everything I do to you or people do to you you will get the blame and to be honest :'( it's true no one will know anything except the lies that will be spread about me


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Mental anguish..no more please.
Oct 3, 2019
Try burning some sage and put salt all around your house

Where are you located? I suggest visiting a wiccan. We are uniquely adept to dealing with problems like yours
You say you are a wiccan. Can you help him somehow? Or contact him to someone can set him free?

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