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Oct 24, 2019
I have roughly 480mg of oxycodone and 6 mg of xanax just need to add water.

I am worried this may fail.

I may not succeed and just do more damage.

Is this enough to kill me for sure?

Opiate niave 90kg man in 40s healthy
It will fail,unfortunately. Xanax has a very short half life


Self Saboteur
Jan 15, 2020
CYP42D6 will satisy your question. Oral oxy is reduced by one third I have stated. Plugging can sometimes be effective but if one wants to OD and die learn how to filter and blast it IV.......

Filter with simple cotton ball or CWE? Idk if CWE is used here, I used to do this with Tylenol 3's and anything that had APAP aka acetaminophen. Would imagine it would work with the binders in the pill as well and all the other "stuff". I'm referring to cold water extraction btw. Also promethazine and I believe grapefruit juice potentiate opioids/opiates.


Nov 20, 2019
Interesting read, he should be dead 5 times by now. From 137 oxycodone overdoses, 79 (58%) ingested immediate release (IR) and 58 (42%) ingested sustained release (SR) or a combination of IR and SR. The median age was 40 years [interquartile range (IQR): 33–49 years], and 87 were female (64%). The median ingested dose of IR oxycodone was 70 mg (IQR: 40–100, range: 5–200), compared to 240 mg (IQR: 80–530, range: 30–1600) for SR oxycodone. Benzodiazepines were the most frequent co-ingested drug in 52 (38%) cases. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/pdf/calculating_total_daily_dose-a.pdf
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Oct 28, 2019
I might be going out on a limb here but your posts are coming across as encouragement to me.
The OP is requesting input about his method, so I don't think it's encouragement.
Encouragement would be if the OP were unsure whether they wanted to CTB, and somebody advised them that they should CTB.
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
What about fentanyl OD to CBT, it is peaceful and easier to get than SN.
I wasn't aware that something used for curing meats was significantly harder to get than fentanyl.
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Oct 28, 2019
I think for extended release anything between 300mg and 800mg (with benzo and alcohol) is considered lethal . This is the median range in OD deaths of extended release . Official recommendations warn patients that above 90mg is considered "OD" . But it's personal and no just about weight but metabolism (what and how? could someone explain?). So the problems are that you are on the lower side of that range , healthy , and appear to be tolerant to opioids (you previously said you nearly OD but felt fine). It could very well be fatal ..

I honestly don't know, maybe upping the Oxy x1.5 and benzos x3 would do the job? I wish people replying here could provide some information :)

If worried about vomiting , as said bit of food , and previous thread on SS suggested using AE/Meto .


I agree with members that it should not be hasty, but @Saddad had already spoken about that a lot , asked about it and tried to research several times , and shared their story ; it was quite planned ; he tested and prepared ; I don't understand a vague suggestion to "postpone" . He really did his best . We could explain to OP details and relevant pros/cons. Or add something that addresses member and invites them to open up ("talk" is rather simplistic) . I'm not criticizing any of you :) But personally felt something's missing. Helplines often say 'don't do it now' without adding much, I feel we should have more :heart: (maybe I'm just tired ...)

* He has done a thorough job on his CTB :

If the OP had sounded more confident in his plans then that would be okay, but he didn't sound overly confident, so to me it feels correct that people should encourage him to reconsider.... Coming up with a revised plan could take several hours or days, so trying to come up with one "on the fly" is probably a bad idea, unless it's just minor tweaks in relation to a regimen that is well defined and well known....


Dec 17, 2019
If the OP had sounded more confident in his plans then that would be okay, but he didn't sound overly confident, so to me it feels correct that people should encourage him to reconsider.... Coming up with a revised plan could take several hours or days, so trying to come up with one "on the fly" is probably a bad idea, unless it's just minor tweaks in relation to a regimen that is well defined and well known....
I pointed out "trying to come up with one on the fly" is not the case. I wrote that reconsidering is in place -- but that it did not address the situation :) If I was suicidal with a thorough plan and told it's 'capricious' or won't work (without explanation) -- I won't listen to people.... Which is exactly what happened.


Oct 28, 2019
I pointed out "trying to come up with one on the fly" is not the case. I wrote that reconsidering is in place -- but that it did not address the situation :) If I was suicidal with a thorough plan and told it's 'capricious' or won't work (without explanation) -- I won't listen to people.... Which is exactly what happened.
I guess I didn't catch on to the nuance of what you said.
But either way, the thread didn't get off to the greatest start because the OP was in a state of doubt.
So it was natural (and probably correct) for people to express concern, and suggest that it might be better to reconsider.
In general, we have to assume that the OP has done their own detailed research, and have trust in that, unless we're an expert in the regime in question.
So when the OP expresses doubt from the start then that's a serious red flag, and unless we're an expert and can give a more accurate response, the default would be to suggest a pause, regroup, and rethink....

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Dec 17, 2019
Interesting read, he should be dead 5 times by now. From 137 oxycodone overdoses, 79 (58%) ingested immediate release (IR) and 58 (42%) ingested sustained release (SR) or a combination of IR and SR. The median age was 40 years [interquartile range (IQR): 33–49 years], and 87 were female (64%). The median ingested dose of IR oxycodone was 70 mg (IQR: 40–100, range: 5–200), compared to 240 mg (IQR: 80–530, range: 30–1600) for SR oxycodone. Benzodiazepines were the most frequent co-ingested drug in 52 (38%) cases. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/pdf/calculating_total_daily_dose-a.pdf
Yeah I wrote that in my first post here (and that research previously). That's why I asked Tim101 why they think Oxy plan bad.

Low confidence/knowledge/awareness explain that "pro-life" response you talked about.
~ ~

But either way, the thread didn't get off to the greatest start because the OP was in a state of doubt. So it was natural (and probably correct) for people to express concern, and suggest that it might be better to reconsider.
Absolutely , but don't just say 'please reconsider' or 'talk to people'.. explain to OP or at least engage in dialogue.

As said not criticizing members or the call to reconsider. There was unawareness to background. A glance at a person's recent posts is helpful :wink:
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Felis Sapien
Jan 5, 2020
The OP is requesting input about his method, so I don't think it's encouragement.
Encouragement would be if the OP were unsure whether they wanted to CTB, and somebody advised them that they should CTB.
I was concerned that what Saddad was saying seemed to be a bit impulsive. I wasn't aware of the wider context. He didn't seem confident and had said he was nervous. It seemed ill advised and like there was some hesitation there. Just my subjective point of view, but I think there can be a fine line between advice and encouragement when someone is in that state of mind.
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Dec 17, 2019
Never heard about the fentanyl epidemic?
ebay is easier than streets/darknet , and legal . F epidemic is not common everywhere .

Plese count the clicks or legwork an average disabled person is required to do for obtaining F . Not that easy .
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Dec 17, 2019
For me the street is faster with a different kind of anonymity. There is risk on both ways.
I understand that (and envy you;) , that's why asked to consider average disabled person... not just your personal state or what you can do. That is a problem for many.
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Interesting individual
Jan 20, 2020
Filter with simple cotton ball or CWE? Idk if CWE is used here, I used to do this with Tylenol 3's and anything that had APAP aka acetaminophen. Would imagine it would work with the binders in the pill as well and all the other "stuff". I'm referring to cold water extraction btw. Also promethazine and I believe grapefruit juice potentiate opioids/opiates.
0.2 size yellow wheel microfilter. CWE? Should not be necessary - one should avoid anything with paracetamol in any case. Oral phenergan is a nice additive if one just using here and there. CYP3A4 partially explains boosting effect for many Pharms......but is weak as in grapefruit juice....
Get something STRONG and always filter, or goodbye arm or leg, and hello stroke or edema.
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Interesting individual
Jan 20, 2020
Agree. I was here ages ago and left. I returned with new user name for a fresf start. People are pro life more and more. The reason being 90% of posters attempt CTB without proper or indeed meticulous reseach.
The next we shall hear if it is possible for one to CTB with and OD by a few cups of GREEN TEA or a salad sandwich!

CYP42D6 inhibition.
Oh well but it doesn't :tongue: --

View attachment 25413

Probably a liver enzyme, wonder which were you referring to.. Don't know why vomiting induced by that enzyme (inhibition?), it's usually stomach issue.


True , because we don't know :)

And we have asked.
Did you read any of the 22 results you have received? It is a divalent cation of a liver enzyme we all posess. It acts as as an agonist and antagonist dependent on what chemical, food or drug one has ingested. Thus it has a dual role as an agonist. Valium is metabolised by CYP3A4 and is then conjugated for further metabolism via the liver via amongst others CYP2D6. As an example if one was to take an antibiotic at or close to the same time as the valium what would occur? Would it be metabolised by the liver and pass into the bloodstream? Theoretically, yes. If however it was an azide antibiotic, the blood AUC of the valium would be reduced by up to 60~%. Therefore, if an old woman in hospital, for instane, received both of these drugs and was dependent upon valium for sleep or nerves, which medication would have to be either discontinued or given at the lowest effective dose?
Would it be the valium or the antibiotic to prevent pneumonia? Would substituting the valium to lorazepam or oxazepam be of benefit in bypassing the antagonism caused by 2 entirely different medications whereby one induces hepatic metabolism via CYP42D6 and the other overrides the 3A4? Having said that if she required immediate pain relief from a broken arm after a fall, what opiate would be given? Pethidine, morphine, oxycodone IR, SR, IV to bypass adverse event, thus inhibiting or inducing 3A4 &2D6 (amonst 3 other CYPs). Would subutex not suboxone be effective because of sublingual absorbtion? Or rather a 25mch fentanyl patch. One of the opiods (possibly 2) would cause severe resipratory depression, however no change in blood oxygen.....
Furthermore, vomiting is controlled by the dopamine system firstly. Simply stated meto and cimetidine cross the blood brain barrier and the dopamegenic system signals to the stomach to relax and not constrict. The opposite is true in the bowel and large and small intestine when one takes opiates. These organs constrict to such a degree so as to cause constipation..
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Aug 18, 2019
I have roughly 480mg of oxycodone and 6 mg of xanax just need to add water.

I am worried this may fail.

I may not succeed and just do more damage.

Is this enough to kill me for sure?

Opiate niave 90kg man in 40s healthy

This is just a dose for a relaxing night to sleep, good luck
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This is the fierce last stand of all I am
Dec 8, 2019
I hope the OP is ok ❤

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