ted to die because your suffering doesn't mean we support illegal activities, if you get caught you are done they will treat you as an adult so think wisely before you act.
We are not here to encourage illegal activities! If you can't get one legally or simply buying one from the street, please do not steal one. To be wanted to die because your suffering doesn't mean we support illegal activities, if you get caught you are done they will treat you as an adult so think wisely before you act.
nooo im not saying i wanna steal a gun:(
my point was like
unless i do something stupid to get another legal charge on my record now as an adult, i should be fine. and i will be fine because i cant imagine myself just letting that happen
A lot of local gun shows with private sellers don't require any background checks this is honestly where I'd go tbh.
can u dm me or reply here with some more info? im a complete noob at guns in general (yes i plan on educating myself beforehand) maybe can you give me info on maybe like what those look like, what those are, how to find them, sources maybe, examples? thanks friend:)
As long as you haven't been involuntarily detained for "mental health treatment", you should be able to purchase a gun if you live in the U.S. I myself am a gun owner who was in a mental hospital previously, but it was technically voluntary. Buying a gun can be an intimidating process, but from what you've posted here, it seems like you'll probably be able to buy a shotgun legally.
okay so TECHNICALLY when i was 15 i was involuntarily taken to some mental facilities (to be more specific a wilderness program and after that i was brought to the local psych ward, then a longer term mental hospital, then a residential. this was all over the time of 8 months. HOW EVER my mom ended up telling me that ON PAPER it isnt written as involuntary hospitalization because before she had me taken, she had to fill out forms and chose to not have that put down.
but yeah ugh it still worries me;(
What's the negative outcome, if you fail a
licensed dealer's background check? I see some US states
go a little goofy here
Anyway, there's alternatives
aghhhh my states was one of the ones in blue:/
since you said alternatives i just wanna say i honestly dont really agree bc a shot to the head with a shotgun is instant. there really isnt anything that simple and painless:( but can u give me some alternatives u see worth looking into? idk if that sounds like im being a smart ass sorry if it does i didnt know how else to word what i was saying
You're 18...and if you keep your nose clean you have a clean record and can start your life again. If you've been in a psych ward you're not getting a gun, if you're caught buying one illegally, then you're going to have further legal issues. You have the chance for a clean slate...take it. If things don't work out then you always have the CTB option later, but this seems like you're playing with fire and the concequences of failure are going to cause you bigger issues
ughhh vie bene to the psych ward before:(
It may very on your state, but I'm reasonably confident that you will be unable to purchase a gun as you have been institutionalized in a psych ward and presumably put on something like a 5150 hold. Honestly, if you don't care about potentially inflicting crippling and lifelong guilt on a friend, you can ask to borrow a shotgun from a confidant under the auspices of going hunting. This seems to be your only reasonable recourse for this method, as illegal means are inherently very risky.
ive thought about that before alot but i dont wanna ask my gun owning friends since they 1.) know that im depressed and 2.) might say no and i have a fear of that type of situation it would be so embarrassing arghhh
It may very on your state, but I'm reasonably confident that you will be unable to purchase a gun as you have been institutionalized in a psych ward and presumably put on something like a 5150 hold. Honestly, if you don't care about potentially inflicting crippling and lifelong guilt on a friend, you can ask to borrow a shotgun from a confidant under the auspices of going hunting. This seems to be your only reasonable recourse for this method, as illegal means are inherently very risky.
ive thought about that before alot but i dont wanna ask my gun owning friends since they 1.) know that im depressed and 2.) might say no and i have a fear of that type of situation it would be so embarrassing arghhh i
Hi, I'm a male who recently turned 18, not really looking to CTB but to answer your question you'd have to take some gambles on the dark web? Maybe try finding some vendors somewhere online? I put question marks because all firearm vendors I've seen online are scammers, they either sell you 3D printed replicas or just run off with the money. I might be wrong though, I wish I could help but I've never really looked for any. The only thing I know vendors for is drugs/compounds
ive been on the dark web and seen gun vendors and i actually have a telegram drug dealer that sells drugs guns and clone cards, its where you pay first then ithey supposedly ship your order through mail. i wish i could somehow know what legit and whats not :[
Here's the background check form (
ATF Form 4473) you need to fill out when buying a gun.
Were you sent there against your will or ordered by court to go? If you went voluntarily then it doesn't count against you.
Were you convicted of a felony?
i was charged, im actually not sure cuz i forget if fenlony means something specific. but i was charged and they decided that after probation it will be expunged from my record with no traces (again unless i get arrested again then they will be able to see)