

Sep 10, 2020
Plastic bag suffocation suicide

Well where do i start, suicide by plastic bag is hard to do unless you have restraints or drugs, Ect. To be honest thats the only way ive wanted to die because despite it being very breath taking (pun intended) its easy to cover up easy.

Like for example, i died by a plastic bag because of the plastic bag challage or i was murdered ( i think i can blame a bully if i did that) or i died by auto-erotic asphyxiation using a bag. Theres so much stuff to cover up to where your family dosn't know that you killed yourself.

The feeling
So imagine if something was sticking to your face and you couldn't get it off, as your trying you're also losing air till you eventually die. Thats how it feels, the plastic is up against your face every time you try to get air.

Then "stage 2" happens, now theres two ways of how this will go if you don't already have a breathing problem then your body with just thrash around. If you have asthma or other breathing problems you'll automatically get dizzy i know because i tried it earlier

How to die by it

Well some people are lame and do drugs or achohol to get it over with (Just a joke calm down, its actually a good idea) if you're poor like me who can't afford stuff. Heres a way but it is gonna take long, now im not encouraging you to do it im just talking about it.

If you have breathing problems like me, don't use anything that can be taken off easily, try a velcro strap or tape if you have one. Grab the velcro or tape and seal it around the bag till you are not able to remove the bag or get air in it

Now some people go to there cars or rooms to do it, id suggest the bathroom because you can turn on the shower and blast music. They'll think you're taking a shower when actually your suffocating and once they notice, you'll already be dead

Now your gonna go through a few seconds then you'll get dizzy, just stay still don't remove the bag remember that if you have a breathing problem you won't get to the thrashing part. Then you're off

Now for people who don't have breathing problems id suggest you get a belt and do the handcuff belt thing

Now you have to put the bag on first then restraints, again use the bathroom for this, keep your breathing on hold till you got the restraints on.

If you don't want your parents to know that you killed yourself id suggest you get stuff like props and shit to make it look like it wasnt suicide.

I also suggest to the people without breathing problems use tape to put on the mouth so they cant bite the bag while there thrashing

If you have any more tips on how to kill yourself with a simple bag, please tell me.​
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Reactions: plastic, Life is pointless, lobster salad and 3 others

Suicide Depression

Suicida depresivo
Sep 14, 2020
Plastic bag suffocation suicide

Well where do i start, suicide by plastic bag is hard to do unless you have restraints or drugs, Ect. To be honest thats the only way ive wanted to die because despite it being very breath taking (pun intended) its easy to cover up easy.

Like for example, i died by a plastic bag because of the plastic bag challage or i was murdered ( i think i can blame a bully if i did that) or i died by auto-erotic asphyxiation using a bag. Theres so much stuff to cover up to where your family dosn't know that you killed yourself.

The feeling
So imagine if something was sticking to your face and you couldn't get it off, as your trying you're also losing air till you eventually die. Thats how it feels, the plastic is up against your face every time you try to get air.

Then "stage 2" happens, now theres two ways of how this will go if you don't already have a breathing problem then your body with just thrash around. If you have asthma or other breathing problems you'll automatically get dizzy i know because i tried it earlier

How to die by it

Well some people are lame and do drugs or achohol to get it over with (Just a joke calm down, its actually a good idea) if you're poor like me who can't afford stuff. Heres a way but it is gonna take long, now im not encouraging you to do it im just talking about it.

If you have breathing problems like me, don't use anything that can be taken off easily, try a velcro strap or tape if you have one. Grab the velcro or tape and seal it around the bag till you are not able to remove the bag or get air in it

Now some people go to there cars or rooms to do it, id suggest the bathroom because you can turn on the shower and blast music. They'll think you're taking a shower when actually your suffocating and once they notice, you'll already be dead

Now your gonna go through a few seconds then you'll get dizzy, just stay still don't remove the bag remember that if you have a breathing problem you won't get to the thrashing part. Then you're off

Now for people who don't have breathing problems id suggest you get a belt and do the handcuff belt thing

Ahora tienes que ponerte la bolsa primero y luego las sujeciones, volver a usar el baño para esto, mantener la respiración en espera hasta que te pongas las sujeciones.

Si no quieres que tus padres sepan que te suicidaste, te sugiero que consigas cosas como utilería y mierda para que parezca que no fue un suicidio.

También sugiero a las personas sin problemas respiratorios que usen cinta adhesiva para ponerse en la boca para que no puedan morder la bolsa mientras se golpean.

Si tienes más consejos sobre cómo matarte con una simple bolsa, dímelo.​
¿Escuché de alguien que se suicidó accidentalmente con un experimento de bolsa de plástico descalzo mientras pisaba el agua? ¿Aumentará el efecto?
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Aug 20, 2018
I actually bought a pair of handcuffs so I can tie my hands to my back. That way you don't have to hold your breath for that long. Just take the bag on your head. You something to tie it with so no air can enter. Tape or some kind of rope. Then put the handcuffs on your hands behind your back and you're ready to die. You can even tie your hands around a pole or something like that so you can't move much.