- Jul 29, 2021
- 4,739
Earth is a prison and we are enslaved to our bodies. We have to deal with whatever happens to our body, we are dependent on water and food. We have to make money otherwise we will die, which most people have to work for (slavery). We need money if we get sick. We need money for every single thing. Money requires a lot of effort and mental energy. Life is constantly stressful. Once we are born, we are condemned to a life of slavery. If we do so happen to obtain wealth, we are still condemned to other forms of slavery from mental illness, physical illness and everything else. This entire existence is truly fucked up and the more you are aware of it, the more fucked it is. Life is like one of those pictures that look scarier the longer you stare at it. Stare too long and you will get traumatized. Earth is a nightmare and I genuinely believe that Earth is what "Hell" is in religion. I actually think this is Hell, theres no way it is anything else. Anyone who disagrees lives in ignorance and they are fortunate to be ignorant. Nothing in this life holds any value, from life forms to materials. Everything is fleeting and will get destroyed. Life is a cruel joke to any being that is born. It is a kidnapping into a concentration camp. There is no justice for anyone and your fucked if you get the "short end of the stick" in life, you will see no justice for your suffering and will be condemned to a whole life of coping with your reality until the day you die.