I filled it in 00 capsules, it's about 0.7-0.8 g of SN, I calculated. I just took one. I thought, what's the worst thing that could happen? It might kill me, sure.. but that is kinda the point why I bought it. Within ~25 minutes I started to feel slightly dizzy and headachy, my skin around my cuticles/ nails whatever it's called turned grey-ish/blue and my lips as well. Nothing happened otherwise though. It obviously didn't kill me, my ears were fine and my vision was okay too, such as it is.
I will say: This is a very dumb idea to do, I would not recommend it. But I have enough trust in its quality now that if I take 10g in capsules and drink 15-20 g in water, that I will be out. I want to take the capsules in addition to ensure a continued release after drinking it. This is most likely total overkill, no pun intended, but I just like the idea. This might change, depending on the day, I have enough capsules to only take capsules, I have enough powder to not need to take capsules. But I'd like to have both so I can decide what I like later on.
I am storing my capsules dry, dark and cold on silica (no direct contact, just to remove the humidity in the air tight sealed container), just thought I'd add that in case someone fills them and doesn't keep them stored right, they will disintegrate otherwise.