

living failure
Jan 3, 2024
Anyone with a dark and pessimistic view of the world must expect not to be taken seriously by everyone. After all, you could just be bitter and depressed and chronically bad-tempered. Of course, this is a derogatory judgment, as it implies that this world view is not based on rational thought, but that you are just a dissatisfied person who thinks everything is bad because of your dissatisfaction. This assessment presupposes that one would evaluate the initial situations in the same way as the person who is mistaken. After all, the formation of this world view would have to follow exactly the principles that the person with such a conjecture puts forward, and they probably do so because these principles are logical for them.

I don't think everything sucks, only most of it. And that doesn't make me think everything sucks, but only most of it. I can say, not driven by unnecessary over-emotionality, but quite objectively, at least as objectively as I can and above all on the basis of reasonably rational thoughts and conclusions, that the universe can be a beautiful place, but that this fact alone does not prevent us from recognizing the hideousness of our existence. And this is not meant to be judgmental; in fact, I argue against projecting this inner emptiness onto the whole universe because of our own dissatisfaction. The problem is that thinking beings are egocentrists. Instead of seeing all the pain and suffering for what it is, namely a necessary evil, an absolutely logical consequence of existence itself, we turn things into personal events and can therefore no longer, or only with difficulty, think rationally and reflectively about ourselves and the universe. A certain stoic attitude is probably even an essential prerequisite for a world view that is as objective as possible, should you wish to have one. You shouldn't deceive yourself; very few things are really under your control. A vanishingly small proportion of the situations you find yourself in are mainly due to your own impact on the universe and literally none of them are solely your own fault. Situations are thrown at you all your life and you can then see how you cope with yourself and these situations, so you are never the main initiator of your own suffering, but always the main sufferer. In fact, events only become something good or something bad in the moments in which we experience and process them and interpret what we have processed. Until then, they are just things that happen, the current nodes of never-ending causal chains in which our persons play at best subordinate roles, in which our interpretations are irrelevant and which are only resonances of previous events and reasons for subsequent events. Even the very worst fate, whatever that may be, is only a logical consequence. In this respect, I think it is wrong to demonize the whole universe because of our own dissatisfactions. The problem is not existence itself; it is the experience of it. As the intelligent being that human beings are, they face major existential, social and ethical problems that would be absolutely no problem if they were a little more stupid. Human consciousness is therefore potentially a suicide machine that is just waiting to be set in motion by the right mindset.

I was very bitter as a teenager because I thought the universe was out to get me. Today I'm bitter because I've realized that this is the case for the vast majority of people. If you are the unlucky one who leads a bitter life, then at least you still have the ray of hope of knowing that things can be different. However, this dream falls away with the realization that suffering is a logical, difficult to cope with and recurring product of life. Even sadder than the thought that one's own life is terrible is the certainty that life itself is not particularly desirable.
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