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Sep 19, 2018
ther's a story their please explain lol
I don't like elite values. Your worth as a human being should not be based on the family you was born inTo or the money you make. The royal family gets special treatment. Hell the queen is immune from all crimes. If she shot 1000 people she wouldn't be arrested. It's true! She gets millions of dollars a year by the British government.
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A hopeless hope junkie
Sep 17, 2018
People who can't be bothered to use the search function. What's N? Who's A? What is ctb? I am going to take 4 aspirin! Blah blah blah. Don't waste my fucking time with your helplessness.
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Nov 8, 2018
People who think they're being funny when they're actually being quite insensitive. There are a few people like that on here and what provides me solace is that they're in the same boat as me: waiting to CTB.
Sorry. I have a dark sense of humor.
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Old and tired. Ready for this to be over !
Nov 8, 2018
1. Those that are racist against Mexican people but have no problem going to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for their honeymoon or eating at Mexican food restaurants. Those are the same racists who dislike African Americans but will go to Africa on a Safari. If you are racist, you shouldn't be allowed out of your country, let alone town. I hope the Gods (aliens, Cyborgs) burn you to a crisp if you are a racist and disallow you from entering their realm.

2. High priced housing in the US. I'm talking about those tract houses made by KB Homes, etc. That cost upwards of $500,000 in California. I dislike also how the neighborhood or city the house is in determines it's value without taking in to account the aesthetic value of the house. I know inflation is on the table. Houses are/have been getting smaller and dingier but hold a large value because it's located in a "premium" area (i.e. near the beach) Beach property is overrated in my opinion.

3. The sound and sight of a dog licking it's genitals. Or dog licking anything for that matters drives me insane. If certain sounds annoys you to almost the point of violence you may have "Misophonia."

4. US politicians. Cookie cut overpaid, OLD rich men, with teetimes at exclusive resorts who have nothing in common with normal people and the growing racial stew that is the US. How hard really is it to be a politician? You read material, form opinions on said material and give speeches. Wear a suit and make appearances.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the sound of a dog licking themselves. I love my dogs but that sound just makes me crazy !