
Dec 26, 2019
The catheter is a kind of long needle, which is inserted into the vein and is used to draw blood or introduce something (for example serum), and it is ideal, as it prevents the wound from closing, besides that it does not hurt much more than a injection, and it would even allow us to take care of where our blood will end up, thus avoiding a shower of it. But despite all the advantages that this method has, it is not perfect, because you must have basic knowledge of nursing or medicine, since badly we could end up with an injury that would give us more pain than necessary, or at least end up as subnormal waiting to hit the vein. This method would be ideal for those who know about nursing, or for some reason have knowledge about it, because it would surely be painful for those who do not know to be itching until they find the right way, but you never have to do it aside, because the necessary material is cheap and easy to find.