Nov 5, 2021
So this +60 year old lady tells me how I "shouldn't complain" and "wait till you get to my age" so I half jokingly said that I didn't even want to turn 11 and this bitch starts blabbering about how " you really shouldn't think like that" or " you have your whole life ahead of you"
and starts telling me how one of her daughters died and the other tried to kill herself and how I should try to have a more positive outlook on life…
to people like that: I am in therapy. I am on antidepressants. I only think about suicide around 8 times a day wich is a huge improvement for me.
im not making these kind of jokes because I want to be edgy. Its helping me cope with my shit!
but of course you don't know all that, you don't know me or my problems
i already am thinking more positive than I did before
so instead of telling me how I should feel SHUT THE HELL UP!

ps. I'm kinda drunk right now
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Mar 26, 2020
If you saw someone on a street corner leering at you and waving a bloody knife, you would probably avoid them and walk on the other side of the street. If you encounter someone who is equally menacing, but in a verbal sense, it is also wise to avoid them. Sadly it is not unusual in our society for many people to think they have an obligation to direct the lives of others.,
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I can think of about 15 gratifying things to say, starting with "Oh, am I doing a bad job? You gonna call my manager, 'Karen?'" But of course you can't say that. Not because it's rude. The rude ship has clearly sailed on that conversation. "Karen" grabbed a rope, swung aboard the good ship Rude, killed the captain in a sword fight, put on his hat, and screamed "Bring me that horizon!" Anything you said to her would only have encouraged her to talk more.

Maybe just go around with great big headphones on, and pretend you can't hear anyone? Or turn up the volume on your jam of choice until you really can't hear anyone. Maybe you'll go deaf from that, and then you'll never have to listen to nosy old bats again.

Okay, that's a terrible idea. I've got nothing. I just can't stand stupid, judgy busybodies. I'm sorry you had to interact with one.


Jun 26, 2020
Well, I am 67, reference point here, and I would never say something of that nature. NOW, I might intercede with some life experience. both good and bad, but over all good.

But to "harp" at someone is truly the wrong way to go at it. Every human has intelligence, hopes, desires and the like. With those aspects said, there are plenty more, if I feel in my heart that someone is "down" I will do my darndest to help bring if not a smile at least some brevity to the situation.

We are all in this together, and I 100% feel, think and in my heart believe one should always help, helping to a certain point and then let the person decide.

I will say this, in over 67 years here, I have made some awesome decisions and bad ones. With life experience, of course one would do at least some little parts of a situation differently, but dollars to donuts, the grist of it would stay the same.


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