

I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
In France Christophe dominici died after only jump 10 m...
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Did This person fall head first? Were they royal? Could have been a murder made to look like suicide.
I dont know....but he was depressed....Famous player or rugby


Feb 27, 2021

imagine jumping off this bb here. i'm sorry but you have to be a bit suicidal to do this. Or at least not care much about your life.

I mean its not like accidents are unheard of.
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Aug 18, 2020

imagine jumping off this bb here. i'm sorry but you have to be a bit suicidal to do this. Or at least not care much about your life.

I mean its not like accidents are unheard of.

Yeah that one kid fell off the building in china because he couldnt keep his grip. Why his video made it out? The police would have been the ones to find it. Unless he streamed to a friend. CHINESE Wu yongnings death
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Jan 27, 2021
Depends on the height but if it was high enough that I would surely die (and not survive and end up as a vegetable) Id certainly do it. I like the idea of falling - its kind of a temporary "oh look Im flying and free" thing for me. I have actually considered this as my method since I live on the 8th floor but the risk of me failing and ending up as a vegetable is still there, thats why I havent done it yet.
Jumping is the same like other methods - you need enough courage for one second to go through with it and even if you change your mind - you will still die. If youre brave enough to jump and think to yourself for a split second "fuck this life", there is no going back. Similar to taking SN, hanging, and other methods. Although with those you could still call an ambulance and survive.

But with that method you cant change your mind anymore once you take that step and start falling. And if its high enough you might feel the intense pain of the impact for a split second but then you just die instantly
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Aug 18, 2020
The boy at the video is the same boy at the picture?
Oh. I dont have videos. But yes he is in many videos of dare devils and such. They all have lots of people who follow them. I think it's a great thing that they scale the buildings for fun. Sad that he fell. Some others fell also I think. They were very high though. They had to break in and get past security and such. Most people dont have that kind of mindset.


Mar 17, 2020
Depende de la altura, pero si fuera lo suficientemente alto como para que seguramente moriría (y no sobreviviría y terminaría como un vegetal) ciertamente lo haría. Me gusta la idea de caerme, es una especie de "oh, mira, estoy volando y libre" para mí. De hecho, he considerado este como mi método desde que vivo en el octavo piso, pero el riesgo de que falle y termine como un vegetal sigue ahí, por eso todavía no lo he hecho.
Saltar es lo mismo que otros métodos: necesitas suficiente coraje durante un segundo para seguir adelante e incluso si cambias de opinión, aún morirás. Si eres lo suficientemente valiente como para saltar y pensar por una fracción de segundo "al diablo con esta vida", no hay vuelta atrás. Similar a tomar SN, colgar y otros métodos. Aunque con ellos aún podrías llamar a una ambulancia y sobrevivir.

Pero con ese método ya no puedes cambiar de opinión una vez que das ese paso y empiezas a caer. Y si es lo suficientemente alto, es posible que sienta el intenso dolor del impacto durante una fracción de segundo, pero luego muere instantáneamente.
In some countries it is very difficult to find places so high


Can’t go back, why go forward?
Mar 31, 2021
Right, and this is why people should look up how high you need to be and then look for a place at or near or above that level. Is golden gate that high? I think people jump from the sidewalk level and only the most determined climb past the suicide nets to get above on the towers where the cables are. Also many buildings have suicide nets like Empire in NY. I agree that a hard impact would be best but who actually has access to so edging so high and usually a roof is very secure. The ones that are not secure might be to low.
View attachment 65945View attachment 65946View attachment 65947
Oh. I dont have videos. But yes he is in many videos of dare devils and such. They all have lots of people who follow them. I think it's a great thing that they scale the buildings for fun. Sad that he fell. Some others fell also I think. They were very high though. They had to break in and get past security and such. Most people dont have that kind of mindset.
I can't imagine the fear that must have gone through his head in those last moments. He genuinely had no reason to leave this world so it must have been beyond unimaginable fear. Really depressing...
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Aug 18, 2020
Depends on the height but if it was high enough that I would surely die (and not survive and end up as a vegetable) Id certainly do it. I like the idea of falling - its kind of a temporary "oh look Im flying and free" thing for me. I have actually considered this as my method since I live on the 8th floor but the risk of me failing and ending up as a vegetable is still there, thats why I havent done it yet.
Jumping is the same like other methods - you need enough courage for one second to go through with it and even if you change your mind - you will still die. If youre brave enough to jump and think to yourself for a split second "fuck this life", there is no going back. Similar to taking SN, hanging, and other methods. Although with those you could still call an ambulance and survive.

But with that method you cant change your mind anymore once you take that step and start falling. And if its high enough you might feel the intense pain of the impact for a split second but then you just die instantly
That is one good thing about jumping /falling you CANT back out of it.
I can't imagine the fear that must have gone through his head in those last moments. He genuinely had no reason to leave this world so it must have been beyond unimaginable fear. Really depressing...
I wonder what they told him in the aftelife? "Remember how you couldnt find your lucky shoes that morning? That was us. Remember when your uber driver smelled like piss? That was us. Remember how you had the runs? That was us. Anyway, we have chocolate chip and or macaroons. Which one do you prefer? The Beatles are playing tonight! And since Ringo isn't here yet they sound really great!"
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
And if its high enough you might feel the intense pain of the impact for a split second but then you just die instantly
Garagekarate What do you think or this ? Your neighboor ( 10 flood) and the Man that you have seen on a site( about 100 feet) dont jump enought Hight....
They have suffered lot of.

To not suffer,die instantly, minimum 200 feet ( 60 m)and more?enough is high?
And fall on hard floor


Aug 18, 2020
Garagekarate What do you think or this ? Your neighboor ( 10 flood) and the Man that you have seen on a site( about 100 feet) dont jump enought Hight....
They have suffered lot of.

To not suffer,die instantly, minimum 200 feet ( 60 m)and more?enough is high?
And fall on hard floor
If you are injured enough you will die from your body being broken. But you might not always die instantly. Even 5 minutes of pain can be very bad.
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Mar 15, 2021
does falling headfirst kills you instantly?

anyways my method is to probably get drunk or consume sleeping pills beforehand. still a very scary method tho


Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019

imagine jumping off this bb here. i'm sorry but you have to be a bit suicidal to do this. Or at least not care much about your life.

I mean its not like accidents are unheard of.

The view in the first video is amazing, especially with the cloud cover. But I get sweaty palms just watching it. :shy:

I agree, jumping is really brave. It's not my foremost method, but I do have some jumping fantasies like flying my own balloon high above the clouds and seeing the beautiful sky or skydiving without a parachute. Think for me to jump it would have to be high enough to lose all feeling for the ground and die in an instant.
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