

Petting a cat might change my mind
Oct 27, 2023
As a very odd Christian, I personally believe in reincarnation.

After one dies, you're sent to your own personal hell, where you will be tortured and forced to repent for all your sins and offences that have affected others in negative ways.
After one repents, the weight of your sins is measured and your sent into a new life, how lucky your fate is in the next life depends solely on how good of a person you were in your last.
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Apr 27, 2023
As a very odd Christian, I personally believe in reincarnation.

After one dies, you're sent to your own personal hell, where you will be tortured and forced to repent for all your sins and offences that have affected others in negative ways.
After one repents, the weight of your sins is measured and your sent into a new life, how lucky your fate is in the next life depends solely on how good of a person you were in your last.
I also believe a little in reincarnation, the worst part of all this is that depending on the method you CTB, in the next life you suffer the consequences.


Jul 22, 2024
this topic could be the end to depression and deaths by suicide

imagine catching the bus just to get punished even more than you already have been before u got in that bus

i don't mind your thought process, these kind of subjects are very interesting to me but i have never thought of such a thing the way the two of you are doing

almost makes me wanna embrace life

but yeah idk there are a lot of possible theories

as long as the memories from this current life don't magically reappear

i'll unknowingly be living another life and i'm ok w that
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Apr 27, 2023
this topic could be the end to depression and deaths by suicide

imagine catching the bus just to get punished even more than you already have been before u got in that bus

i don't mind your thought process, these kind of subjects are very interesting to me but i have never thought of such a thing the way the two of you are doing

almost makes me wanna embrace life

but yeah idk there are a lot of possible theories

as long as the memories from this current life don't magically reappear

i'll unknowingly be living another life and i'm ok w that
I just want to know what people think might happen after CTB, I've been thinking about it a lot and I don't know what to believe.


May 28, 2024
I believe I will spend a long long time in Purgatory. The first time I was admitted to the ER for ideation, I thought the souls of Purgatory were clawing at me dragging me down.


Jul 21, 2024
I was raised Catholic and I guess I still call myself that (meh), but I believe a lot of early Christian Gnostic beliefs.
As a very odd Christian, I personally believe in reincarnation.

After one dies, you're sent to your own personal hell, where you will be tortured and forced to repent for all your sins and offences that have affected others in negative ways.
After one repents, the weight of your sins is measured and your sent into a new life, how lucky your fate is in the next life depends solely on how good of a person you were in your last.
This actually relates a lot to some Gnostic views on afterlife; reincarnation is like a "trap" we're tricked into getting stuck in. We're led to believe we need to pay for our sins of the previous life by going "back" and living a better life to make up for it. But it's just so the creator of our material world can get his proverbial rocks off. Or something. Keep in mind this is God but not "God".... it's complicated.....

My personal beliefs lend me to believe we do this reincarnation thing a LOT. Like more than you'd care to imagine. Like, we all get to live each other's lives eventually. We might even live this life more than once.

This is why I haven't CTB myself yet and can't imagine doing so any time soon. I believe we just get caught right back into the cycle of suffering. So I need to be sure I've found the spiritual way out as well as the physical way out. I'll let you know when I make any progress... lol.

TL;DR - I'm tryna catch the spiritual bus (CTSB?)
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Jan 1, 2024
We go back home where everyone else goes. We wont be punished for being mentally ill . Its just people aborting their life lessons here early is all
I was raised Catholic and I guess I still call myself that (meh), but I believe a lot of early Christian Gnostic beliefs.

This actually relates a lot to some Gnostic views on afterlife; reincarnation is like a "trap" we're tricked into getting stuck in. We're led to believe we need to pay for our sins of the previous life by going "back" and living a better life to make up for it. But it's just so the creator of our material world can get his proverbial rocks off. Or something. Keep in mind this is God but not "God".... it's complicated.....

My personal beliefs lend me to believe we do this reincarnation thing a LOT. Like more than you'd care to imagine. Like, we all get to live each other's lives eventually. We might even live this life more than once.

This is why I haven't CTB myself yet and can't imagine doing so any time soon. I believe we just get caught right back into the cycle of suffering. So I need to be sure I've found the spiritual way out as well as the physical way out. I'll let you know when I make any progress... lol.

TL;DR - I'm tryna catch the spiritual bus (CTSB?)
I believe this to. I just hope next time around isnt so challenging
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Jul 21, 2024
As a very odd Christian, I personally believe in reincarnation.

After one dies, you're sent to your own personal hell, where you will be tortured and forced to repent for all your sins and offences that have affected others in negative ways.
After one repents, the weight of your sins is measured and your sent into a new life, how lucky your fate is in the next life depends solely on how good of a person you were in your last.

Certainly a bit odd
Since this is the opposite of Christianity

You cannot be forced to repent. That has to be a free decision
Repent means to have a change of mind
If we were forced to repent, we would be robots. But we have free will
What would be the point of God giving us free will on this earth, only to force us to be together with him in the afterlife?
He respects our free decision
Catholics also believe in a similar thing. Purgatory.
But it's non sense imo
It completely invalidates the point of Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins
It sort of suggest that his sacrifice wasn't enough

What seperates Christianity from other religions is that our own works cannot save us
It says none of us are good
It's all about grace, it's all about being forgiven
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long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Whether it's true or not doesn't really matter, but I imagine a never-ending perfect place in which I'm also more perfect. Similar to here, but much better, and I'd be in a position to enjoy it. Like- I would feel real, my emotions would be deep, I wouldn't have an inner and outer mind but instead one singular one, etc

The exact appearance of the perfect place I dream about kind of varies but the main things are

- sun shining through gray clouds / vivid sky colors
- really vast flat unbroken plains, kinda liminal space-y
- occasional gentle oceans
- soft gray things
- concrete buildings

In it, sometimes I'm just wandering peacefully or sleeping. Other times I'm making something beautiful or enjoying something pleasant. I create/experience/explore anything I want without end.

there's a certain something to it that's hard to explain but it's really nice and I hope that's what's waiting for me


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Господи помилуй — мир в Україні!
Sep 7, 2018
As a practicing Catholic who struggles with God's permissive will (God allowing bad things to happen in order to make things better than they would have been otherwise) and the concept of free will (I often suspect people are meat puppets with immortal souls), I hope God would be merciful and allow me into Heaven as soon as I ctb. However, I fear I might languish for a long time in Purgatory before being allowed into Heaven. Reincarnation is a disgusting concept, as far as I am concerned: I wouldn't want to live another life in this physical universe. I might become a ghost if I were to ctb -- haunt where I lived, died, was buried. However, I hope God would ultimately allow me into Heaven.


I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
I believe that I was fooling around with an advanced milsim or VR environment like Roy, the Holodeck, or Tranquility Lane, and ended up getting trapped in it, and the people outside can't pull me out until I somehow game over due to technical difficulties. If they pull me out early my brain will fry and I'll be a vegetable or die for real, or I may end up in a dissociative fugue where I still believe I'm the person in the simulation. Things like that.


get revenge
Jul 10, 2024
I will be transported to a magical fairy forest with forest critters. They will live in small cottages deep in the forest where everyone will live to complete their goals and dreams.


Jul 3, 2024
Perhaps consciousness is nothing more than the result of chemical and electrical activity in the brain. We die and our story ends.
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Im out
Jun 29, 2024
dont rlly believe this but I like the theory our "souls" return to the source where we decide to choose our own lives again, why I would choose this life I have no clue but maybe its to experiences life from different points of view
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Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive - Bertrand Russel
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
After reading allot about near death experience, I really hope it's something nice and pleasant like most people experience when they have NDEs. Going to a place full of love and happiness
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Jul 30, 2024
Personally, I think that there are no external "forces" that reward or punish us, but exclusively the laws of causality and synchronicity in accordance with which we project our own reward or punishment. In case we do CTB, I have the impression that the self-projected "punishment" is exactly proportional to the strength of SI that we have the opportunity CTB.
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Jul 18, 2024
The more I read about NDEs, the more I think they're probably real. Many follow a specific format and people seem to experience similar things.

That would mean we go somewhere nice, with the ability to either stay there for some time, create a pocket dimension, or reincarnate.

Also, we would have judgment only from ourselves, not from the exterior. We may have to see it experience all of the times we hurt ppl from their perspective. However, we can also see the times we helped people.
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Jul 1, 2022
If there's more than two planets in the universe that host conscious creatures, probably respawn on another planet.
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