
Jul 29, 2022
Yeah, after the sudden influx of new people that registered and the way they act, this community kinda went down the shitter. Whenever you see shit like what you described, it's always by a fresh 2023 account. Feels less and less like SS and more like Twitter 2.0
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Might help to untangle two separate issues:
  1. making others feel undesirable by voicing your desires
  2. staying in your age lane
I think #1 is a problem to figure out. There's things I never say EVEN HERE of all places, because I know it'd hurt some suicidal people. But they're related to my CTB impulses. Some enjoy my superficial thoughts because it doesn't hurt them, but this forum is too general

One woman here, Funeralprincess, was suicidally sad because she lost her wealthy high-status guy. The way she put it rubbed some men the wrong way, and she lashed out at them by repeatedly calling them poor and undesirable. She eventually got banned. So I think it's a problem that occasionally happens

So maybe there should be a forum here where where people can really open up about such things. With special rules to keep it from exploding. I'm sure many die without telling the world why, to avoid hurting others. Maybe that's a pity

I think #2 is a puritan thing. When it comes to love and desire, people don't have to conform to proper gender, race, class or age. Fuck the cop in your head. Try some harmless perversities. Be free. YOLO! Etc

Of course, coercive power structures complicate things. Like brute violence, workplace boss/subordinate roles, and family structures

Regarding incels, of course I don't think it's right to hate women, but they have understandable grievances. Inhumane societies drive people mad, and we start to show the worst impulses. Companionship and sex are some of our powerful desires. If societies don't have things in place to solve these problems, bad things predictably happen
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Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
I've tried writing a response to this unbelievable amount of feedback to this thread. I wrote it like 7 hours ago and it's still "waiting for moderator approval"… little frustrating.

Basically what I want you all to know now (if this one will even go through) is that I thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say and provide commentary of your own. I want to work on replying to most if not all of your posts (if the site will let me). I think there is a lot of good discussion here from just a simple venting post and I want to continue it.
It's unfortunate that you interpreted my comment as calling people in those circumstances - weak.

I see them as ill-prepared to move forward in this shitty world.

I did NOT say I roll my eyes at them wanting to die. That's a flat out lie.

If life is kicking your ass when you don't have to wory about shelter and finances - imagine how much worse it would be if you did?

I always remark that there are "levels" to anything. Not saying that one level is somehow better than the other. But they increase in difficulty as you progress.

Is that not accurate?

If level 4 is insurmountable, do you think level 8 is going to be easier?

Yeah, I roll my eyes sometimes. The same way a person with no legs might roll their eyes at someone complaining about losing a toe.

But I'm not saying your feelings are invalid like the OP in that thread was was insinuating.

I'm thinking to myself, "Just wait... It gets worse."

People wanting to escape this world - at any age - makes complete sense to me.
Beautifully said. When I read that thread your post and the OP's comments kinda got muddled in my thoughts. I see now that you two were saying completely different things. I misinterpreted you at first and misquoted your well laid out commentary and for that I apologize sir. I love how you refer to the various stages of life as "levels". Life is one big video game if you think about it, right? We gotta power up our character if we ever hope to "win" the game. It's like we're all trying to fight the end game boss with no upgrades and just the starting equipment. It also feels like our difficulty setting got randomized at start. Some people are breezing through it on recruit difficulty while others are stuck on nightmare mode with no way to lower it. Some players who have enough skill might be able to thrive even at the highest difficulty but for a casual gamer like myself we're screwed.

I also deeply respect that you read through my previous posts to get a better understanding of who I am and where I was coming from in response to that thread. That took a lot of compassion and care on your part. I think if we all had that insight into what others are feeling and what they've been through when we interact with them the world wouldn't be so bad.
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