

Dec 26, 2020
Maybe this is a clouded perspective but it feels that way to me. Part of my trauma was not just being abused but watching my abusers be social butterflies. Watching them be surrounded by friends/lovers. People willing to make an abundance of excuses for their abusive behaviors and hating the victims of said abusers

As much as people say that abuse is wrong and that they hate abusive people, it seems victims are always the ones that end up suffering and alone
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Apr 26, 2023
agreed. my abuser was so charismatic and literally everyone loves them when they meet them. it's rough
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hurk urk blergh
Feb 22, 2023
people love to repeat that "but they're so nice to me" mantra to keep themselves deluded / not feel as guilty. i'm sorry you went through such awful events.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I've noticed this too - people being absolutely blind to how others are on a soul level, and allowing themselves to be easily sucked in by narcissists, sociopaths, etc. It's pretty alarming. But then I'm jaded, and also milktoast, so I would say that.
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Dec 26, 2020
That's why as victims we can't count on justice. The sad reality is that abusers will continue to thrive in a society that is built upon people like them succeeding systematically.

All we can do is know that, for choosing the path of truth, we live an authentic life even if it is a depressing one

For all the pain that our abusers conduct and get away with, I don't think inner peace and happiness can be accomplished in living a cruel life
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Apr 28, 2023
The most dangerous people, from experience are the ones that turn from victims to abusers. They know exactly to reach parts of you others don't. Worse, they know EXACTLY how it feels and impacts someone because they've felt it. They feel no guilt in the end. It's best to just walk away from them if you can.
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Apr 12, 2023
No, you are right. I've seen occur every time all throughout my life. The abuser are likeable, understandable, I am the burden.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yeah- I would agree with this. I wonder if it's to do with confidence. Their care free attitudes. Maybe it's more 'fun' to be around people like that- until they turn on them too! I don't know- I've always prefered 'troubled' people- more in common I guess!
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Ye exct species awfl brainle see bad flw bad say ok ok no prblm try delsn no see true vctm no see any. Ppl abuse me also injury damage me, ppl prtnd no thing hpne me lone sffr rly awfl species cruel species, species cruel scty bld psycho say lif ok this see all lif kill anmal evrdy prtnd nothing war pover prtnd no thing, injury damage prtnd no thing,
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May 20, 2018
Dark triad dipshits run the world unfortunately. Just look at most politicians and business leaders. There are even studies that show those traits increase attractiveness for dating. I reflexively avoid narcissists and make a conscious effort not to engage in any celebrity worship or bullshit like that. Even still, I think we are all vulnerable to varying degrees.
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your worst nightmare
Apr 30, 2023
My best guess is a lot of manipulative abusers have to be charismatic to lure victims like you in the first place. The people defending them are just other victims who don't know it yet.
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š–£“ nadia š–£“

š–£“ nadia š–£“

Dec 15, 2021
That's why it's difficult to finally come forward about them or warn other people about them, you're likely to be vilified instead, especially if they're good at lying, performative virtue signalling and posturing.
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Nov 25, 2022
My theory is that they are actually alone on an interpersonal sense, they can't show their true selves so those relationships maintain a surface level of intimacy. Therefore that's all people see. Meanwhile the people who /really/ know who they are end up being the anti-social types, the abused. I think it's like, different sides of the same coin. The abuser just tends to know how to assimilate better
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
This is the second big reason why I want to leave this world. I experience and observe it on a daily basis. I even seen such a scum turn someone who used to be kind and fair into a careless, lying person just like the one they associate with. It is heart wrenching. I want nothing to do with human interaction anymore and can't wait to leave it behind.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
The tactic they use is painfully simple: presenting a too-good-to-be-true persona. Rather than basing their image on anything remotely authentic, it is instead immaculately manicured to achieve the desired reaction out of others.

It's analogous to thrilling but phoney disinformation headlines vs. boring and complicated real news. Or how attractive celebrities appear since they're only seen in the most glamorous of circumstances.

Nfather went around doing favours for people without asking anything in return, eventually establishing a saintly image. He also made a point of being around whenever people were going through a death or calamity and saying all the right things in those crucial moments. People worshipped him with a fever pitch, literally referring to him as the greatest man they had ever met.

I was hated with a passion and cast out when I tried to explain that he was a sadistic freak behind closed doors. People were glad to see me wallow in isolation and poverty. Even with hindsight nothing can be done about it. Set up to fail.
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Canā€™t catch a break no matter what I do.
Apr 12, 2023
that's how it is with all of the people who have emotionally, sexually, &/or mentally abused me. It's really hard to deal with. Most don't hate me, & the ones that know believe & know how awful the abuser is either from similar experience, witnessing, or otherwise. It's moreso, I tend to not tell people what the person has done. Especially my ex, his friends don't know the full extent, they don't know about the repeated sexual assault (& I suspect rape but I was unconscious/asleep). They only know about how awful he spoke to me & how generally mean he was. I'm terrified of going public about any specific people who have hurt me, I like to keep things private. I want to ruin my ex's life but at the same time I just can't. I know I would feel like shit for ruining someone's life even if they deserve it. Like he really deserves it, but I'm okay with it just being me knowing, & a few people I trust knowing/people who need to know (people in the same friend group who could become victims of him).
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Being able to fit into society is everything. No matter what you've done, if you're sociable and the people you've hurt aren't (which is easy, considering trauma often effects people's ability to socialise) then you're fine.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Legit everyone took my abuser's side and believed every awful thing they said about me ... Until my abuser fucked them over, too. Though, I guess I get it. Abusers are often cunning and manipulative, and can make themselves seem like great people. My abuser had so many things above me: a robust social life, a good sense of humor, military experience, and just most things people would look up to.

Me? I'm a socially recluse bookworm who's always depressed. Of course, they'd like them over me.


Jun 13, 2021
Being able to fit into society is everything. No matter what you've done, if you're sociable and the people you've hurt aren't (which is easy, considering trauma often effects people's ability to socialise) then you're fine.
Yeah, it's so common it became a stereotype - loud mean popular kids and quiet awkward ones they bully. Others don't feel much compassion for the bullied, they hate them for being 'losers'. It feels very nature like.
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Dec 26, 2020
abusers master in qualities that are associated with attractiveness. Such as confidence, social skills, being helpful, etc

And these qualities are seen as highly valuable and are associated with climbing the social ladder, making friends, lovers, etc. And life has shown when you can create a nice social reputation, you can get away with some of the worse crimes imaginable. People will instantly become enablers and make excuses. They'll want to grovel in the glory and will same victims. Unless they themselves experience the abuse directly, they won't do anything

It's why I hate it when people tell bullied kids "your bullies won't make it far in life" because the reality is the opposite. Most of the time they do make it far in life. End up taking on high positions of power with social success. And then we the victims are left suffering. Depression, suicidality, self harm, and victim blaming. It can feel lonely and is very traumatizing. A burden that feels worse when we see the very people who broke us seemingly thriving and being ok

Though to echo what some other people have said in this thread, these people are incapable of having true genuine friendships. Since they live purely through a facade, no one really knows who they are and their relationships are very transactional. Sure they are thriving socially, but inner peace can't be developed in living a fake sadistic double life

Being authentic to ones self and showing up as such in public and private is a testament to a kind individual. And through that you can find worthwhile relationships. Thats something we as victims can experience. The people who broke us, will never know what thats like

I think it's why narcissists and abusers shame us for being "sensitive". Because they jealous deep down that we can be so emotionally open. They are incapable of doing that as it would break the facade they carry around

My mom was such an abuser. Though when it came to her funeral, no one really came. Just her narc family (who I also have issues with) and barely anyone else. A lot of the "friends" she had she constantly talked shit about in private and would constantly fight and block/unblock them in rage. No matter how many people who was surrounded by, the facade came off once she was home. And her hatred and misery came out

Narcissists constantly need and use people for their own validation. It's why are social. They constantly need people to get supply from so they can avoid the other shit within themselves. Because at the root of every abuser/narcissist is self hatred. And no amount of money or social fame and quell that. It drives their horrible actions

Even if many people dont believe and support us, we can connect with authentic people who get us. Even if it's only one person we can trust at a time. Thats better than being a fake user who will never be happy

We can show up and be ourselves authentically, and narcissists can't by way of being narcissists. So they will never feel truly safe or satisfied with anyone. always transactional, always fake. And that has to be an exhausting way to live. That you cant be your authentic self because you hate yourself that much

Hopefully we can create a culture where we can better support victims of abuse, educate ourselves more on narcissistic abuse, and spread awareness for people to know
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
Yeah, it's so common it became a stereotype - loud mean popular kids and quiet awkward ones they bully. Others don't feel much compassion for the bullied, they hate them for being 'losers'. It feels very nature like.
I've sometimes seen people justifying completely tearing down someone's life with "they're a weirdo!!!" despite no evidence of crime or anything. Especially nowadays how losers are demonised, if you don't fit in you're a school shooter or something.
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