Well, in an arbitrary sense I care about you. I'd like if the apes we live among could do their own emotional labour, but they seem determined to project it and put the responsibility on others. Anyway I care about you. If this was a prison camp we joined I'd put some of my pickaxe-chipped rocks in your pile once in a while to make it easier. Ironically that would prolong your life.
I'm mentally ill and have little energy and no resources to share with anyone. In fact I'm more likely to manipulate you and take advantage of your resources if you get close to me. I agree I should fucking die
But also that's why you get some of these pickaxe-chipped rocks in a prison camp, cuz I care, I identify with ostracism, invalidation and the suffering it can produce, even to the level of personality damages because a person has had to live as though it's Survival Mode and that's when I broke the illusion that the other humans aren't doing the same.
It's all the same. Everyone is self serving and you can either choose to have some emotionally immature loser try to run you because You Don't Make Money or you can go fight for your life in the economy and Make A Killing, to Bring Home The Fleeeeeshhhh (ok bacon fine)
I hope you can let go of some anger today though, not cuz it'll get better but just in the interest of your quality of life for as long as you intend to live it.
Best wishes