

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I'm curious about what the experience is like. Maybe some folks have had good experiences, maybe some have been waiting for an opportunity to vent. Maybe new folks are curious like I was when I was new to the forum, and posts in this thread could help them have more information to decide whether it would be in their best interest to participate or stick to going it alone. Maybe it's not the dark alley I imagine, maybe it is.

Some conversation-starting questions:

Do you get replies from members who actively participate on the forum and/or chat, or do they seem to stick more to PMs?

Do you develop relationships only to get suddenly ghosted?

Have you made genuinely good friends that won't end up being ctb partners but you still get a lot out of knowing?

Have you traded off-forum contact info and regretted it?

Have you met someone irl through the megathread and had positive or negative experiences?

Have you benefitted or been screwed over or scammed? Have you screwed over or scammed others?

Have you ever gotten anything you sought from posting in the megathread?
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
Most everyone I've messaged with from the megathread seem to be genuine people. However none of them panned out bcuz we don't live near each other and neither of us can travel or the methods aren't lining up.
I do message one person from the megathread everyday. They would probably ctb with me if we lived closer. I thought a partner would make it easier to go but I've realized that i would feel incredibly guilty taking someone with me, as if I kind of influenced them so i don't think I could do that now. It's clear some members are posting for partners but when approached they aren't truly ready. Or they're flexible in timing.
I feel like some are looking for a life partner and not a death partner.. looking for someone similar to them to love. Someone to rescue them from loneliness.
Never been scammed for products or anything like that .

I had one user that I messaged with for a couple weeks and he said he was suicidal but kept telling me I'm not ready... then he started sending me bible versus. I wasn't judging but I questioned if he was prolife and he left our conversation and then would just send me bible versus and then leave the conversation. He had me fooled for a bit.

I see people posting everyday or every week and I can't understand that. Not sure what it accomplishes. I also have suggested people from the megathread partner up bcuz of their locations.

I think the chances of finding a partner are pretty slim but it has happened a couple times.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Most everyone I've messaged with from the megathread seem to be genuine people. However none of them panned out bcuz we don't live near each other and neither of us can travel or the methods aren't lining up.
I do message one person from the megathread everyday. They would probably ctb with me if we lived closer. I thought a partner would make it easier to go but I've realized that i would feel incredibly guilty taking someone with me, as if I kind of influenced them so i don't think I could do that now. It's clear some members are posting for partners but when approached they aren't truly ready. Or they're flexible in timing.
I feel like some are looking for a life partner and not a death partner.. looking for someone similar to them to love. Someone to rescue them from loneliness.
Never been scammed for products or anything like that .

I had one user that I messaged with for a couple weeks and he said he was suicidal but kept telling me I'm not ready... then he started sending me bible versus. I wasn't judging but I questioned if he was prolife and he left our conversation and then would just send me bible versus and then leave the conversation. He had me fooled for a bit.

I see people posting everyday or every week and I can't understand that. Not sure what it accomplishes. I also have suggested people from the megathread partner up bcuz of their locations.

I think the chances of finding a partner are pretty slim but it has happened a couple times.

What a thoughtfully written, thorough, and enlightening comment!

I'm curious, but neither expect nor encourage you to answer: I wonder if the guy who seemed to have a pro-life agenda posts and chats regularly, or if he's more active in PMs, and I wonder if you reported him.
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Vault of Memories

Vault of Memories

A temporary being in a temporary world
Mar 24, 2020
I posted one a while back and very quickly both of them wanted to take it off PMs and onto a different app. I'm probably just really paranoid, but I was scared it was someone monitoring the site to prevent suicides and was trying to find my irl info.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I posted one a while back and very quickly both of them wanted to take it off PMs and onto a different app. I'm probably just really paranoid, but I was scared it was someone monitoring the site to prevent suicides and was trying to find my irl info.

I often think people minimize genuine red flags by labeling them as paranoia or in some other way that lowers very important self-protective boundaries.

I appreciate that you pointed out questionable behavior of which I was unaware and others may be as well. To me, it's better to err on the side of caution when one is vulnerable to any kind of predatory behavior, including those who would try to interfere and do harm under the guise of "rescuing."
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I'm curious, but neither expect nor encourage you to answer: I wonder if the guy who seemed to have a pro-life agenda posts and chats regularly, or if he's more active in PMs, and I wonder if you reported him.
He does not post or chat regularly at all. But he did seem to engage in pm with other members as he mentioned other users to me. I did not report him bcuz it wasn't hurtful.. if he's a religious person trying to save people i can understand that.. if i wasn't physically dying I would not pursue any methods or ctb .. i truly am a prolifer myself and wish I could open an SS community where anyone who feels this way could live. And feel accepted in real life with real people like a normal neighborhood. But my own personal hell has brought me to a prochoice stance by force. I am not afraid to admit this openly and I don't engage in actively prolifing anyone. Not even in pm!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
He does not post or chat regularly at all. But he did seem to engage in pm with other members as he mentioned other users to me. I did not report him bcuz it wasn't hurtful.. if he's a religious person trying to save people i can understand that.. if i wasn't physically dying I would not pursue any methods or ctb .. i truly am a prolifer myself and wish I could open an SS community where anyone who feels this way could live. And feel accepted in real life with real people like a normal neighborhood. But my own personal hell has brought me to a prochoice stance by force. I am not afraid to admit this openly and I don't engage in actively prolifing anyone. Not even in pm!

Thanks for responding. I had a sense from various things I've seen posted on the forum that some folks who respond to members who post in the Partners Megathread hang out primarily in PM, so the community doesn't get a sense about them unless someone has an issue about their behavior and outs them in a thread, and then others speak up as well. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened.

Your personal admission was brave. I have never seen you act in a pro-life way publicly or in PMs, I don't feel unsafe with you. You'd know if I did! :pfff:

Just in case anyone has a reaction to the comment I quoted and responded to here, I'd like to remind folks to please stay on topic and not derail the thread. @Living sucks's comments about her stance came up naturally in the conversation, but her stance is not the topic of the thread and should not become the focus. Partners Megathread experiences are the focus.

Thank you.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I find the megathread interesting, like you. To give an idea of numbers, I've messaged with about 10 members from the partners thread, most I reached out to my first week here,. 2 reached out to me. 3 had become non frequent users and just offered support as a reply, 2 never responded (also No activity on the site so they're either ctb or left the site), chatted with 3 for a bit about locations and methods but didn't pan out, 1 i chat with everyday on discord and is one who wants to find a mate rather than die (and no I'm not looking for a mate, just helping them cope), and the 1 was the religious prolifer.
The prolifer, btw, joined last year, made 6 posts in 2 days then never posted again but it shows that he's on SS nearly everyday. By the posts he did make, I was suspicious of his intent.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I find the megathread interesting, like you. To give an idea of numbers, I've messaged with about 10 members from the partners thread, most I reached out to my first week here,. 2 reached out to me. 3 had become non frequent users and just offered support as a reply, 2 never responded (also No activity on the site so they're either ctb or left the site), chatted with 3 for a bit about locations and methods but didn't pan out, 1 i chat with everyday on discord and is one who wants to find a mate rather than die (and no I'm not looking for a mate, just helping them cope), and the 1 was the religious prolifer.
The prolifer, btw, joined last year, made 6 posts in 2 days then never posted again but it shows that he's on SS nearly everyday. By the posts he did make, I was suspicious of his intent.

It's interesting and disconcerting to me that some come to SS and the Partners Megathread to seek a mate. Personally, I would be frustrated if I made it clear in a post that I was seeking a partner to die with, methods, etc., just to have someone try to create a different situation than what I specifically said I'm seeking. That doesn't seem to me to be someone who is going to respect boundaries if a relationship were to develop, since they seek to override the very first boundaries stated. Like saying, "I don't want what you want, and I want to convince you that you don't want it either. Let's make it about me. Love me. Fix me. We'll fix each other. This is what you should focus on. I'll offer you all sorts of things you don't ask for, but never what you actually ask for, want or need. That's going to be the pattern. Interested?"
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
It's interesting and disconcerting to me that some come to SS and the Partners Megathread to seek a mate. Personally, I would be frustrated if I made it clear in a post that I was seeking a partner to die with, methods, etc., just to have someone try to create a different situation than what I specifically said I'm seeking. That doesn't seem to me to be someone who is going to respect boundaries if a relationship were to develop, since they seek to override the very first boundaries stated. Like saying, "I don't want what you want, and I want to convince you that you don't want it either. Let's make it about me. Love me. Fix me. We'll fix each other. This is what you should focus on. I'll offer you all sorts of things you don't ask for, but never what you actually ask for, want or need. That's going to be the pattern. Interested?"
I think their hope is that they will find someone like them who also would rather find love and be rescued than ctb. So then the platform is mutual. I've told them the realistic odds of this happening is nil. I believe this person would also ctb with anyone willing to join them, they are that desperate.
Deleted member 25349

Deleted member 25349

Jan 11, 2021
I just posted on the partner megathread and was really hoping on finding someone to CTB with. I thought i would be a good idea but maybe its no


Apr 16, 2021
I am trying to find this partners megathread. does it still exist? I am very curious and alone and want to ctb pretty soon. I'm at a panic some days thinking about it. Maybe this could help. Can anyone offer clues. Thanks.

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